I hope to be at the top of the list of recommended tickets tomorrow. Thank you for your support****

It's certainly right to contact little Hughes. This guy likes to do some non mainstream work, but he has no experience in frying fish. Canada does not allow the use of explosives to fry fish, whether in lakes or oceans, because this method is not only cruel, but also has serious damage to the environment.

Wini reported the freezing situation of Chenbao lake to the municipal government, and then proposed to use fish frying to control the flooding of Asian carp.

There are a lot of Asian carp in Chenbao lake, but because they have been raising water and grass artificially, the growth environment of local fish has not been occupied by carp, and the ecological environment has been maintained very well.

For the small town, shooting fish is one of the most popular activities in the spring, summer and autumn tourism season. There are a steady stream of tourists picking up Asian carp, and these fish are not rampant.

But this is only the case in spring, summer and autumn. In a winter, after the lake freezes, you can't shoot fish or fish. Asian carp have carried out crazy breeding in the lake. In particular, Chenbao lake is rich in water, grass and food, and Asian carp are alive. Don't be too happy. This is also the reason why Qin Shiou supports the provincial government's policy to deal with Asian carp.

Too much is better than too little. Too many Asian carp will deprive local fish species of living space.

This is true of Chenbao lake, and the problems in other waters of Canada are even greater. Asian carp have become a nightmare of freshwater production everywhere, and what people fear most is not their invasion of local fish species, but their pollution into the waterways of the Great Lakes, which support most of Canada's life waterways!

Therefore, St. John's city government happily agreed to the fish bombing application submitted by Winnie, and then the official sent them the mine needed for fish bombing - this time it's a serious mine, not a toy for melon!

Looking at these drop shaped steel guys, Qin Shiou scratched his head and said, "the city government is really cruel. In order to control Asian carp, even the real guys moved?"

The person responsible for transporting the mines was a navy captain named Wolfgang, a strong Aryan white man. He always has a solemn expression, but he is actually good at chatting. After arriving in the town, he got familiar with Qin Shiou and others in a few words.

After hearing what he said, Wolfgang smiled and explained, "what kind of real guy is this? In fact, the Shanghai army is having a headache about the mines that occupy a lot of space in the warehouse. This weapon has been eliminated, but it is difficult to destroy, so it is the best result to be civilian. "

Little Hughes is not afraid of the cold. In early spring, he also wears wide and loose hip-hop clothes. He squats next to him and looks into his head to see the mines. Then he says with flying eyebrows: "Xuete, there will be a good play later. The mines blow up fish. This is a situation he has never seen before."

Qin Shiou smiled bitterly. He didn't expect the city government to launch such a battle. Originally, he proposed to get permission and buy some Lei for mining. Unexpectedly, the city government directly contacted the Navy and sent mines.

To use a mine to blow up fish is not to smash a hole in the lake. Just throw the mine down. In order to give full play to its power, they need to put a net on and off the lake and put a long net under it. After the fishing net enters the lake, the mines are hung on it one by one and pushed into the lake at the same time. In this way, when the mines explode at the same time, the power of the shock wave is superimposed in the water and the power is doubled!

There is no shortage of fishermen in the town. After Qin Shiou shouted on the radio public channel, 40 fishermen came. Then they went to the lake and dug holes in the ice.

One severe winter, the surface of Chenbao lake was frozen, and it would take more than a month to thaw. Qin Shiou went up and tried. The ice was thick and strong enough to bear his weight, so he put on a small wooden car, stood on the wooden car and slid to the middle of the lake.

The wooden cart is used to disperse the pressure. The thickness of the ice layer in Chenbao lake is uneven, and the ice layer in most places is not very thick. If people stand on it, it is dangerous to have too much pressure.

With a hammer 'Bang Bang Bang' on the ice, an ice hole appears, and cracks appear in the surrounding ice. Qin Shiou squats on the wooden cart, so that the pressure is dispersed and will not crush the ice.

However, some people fell into the lake during ice drilling. Fortunately, the fishermen who came up were strong and familiar with water, so there was no danger.

An ice cave is 50 meters long, and the fishing net is connected through the ice cave. A mine is installed at the distance of the five ice caves. They don't need to operate it. Wolfgang takes the soldiers to complete it, connects the mine with the fishing net with a rope, and finally puts it into the lake.

These mines are controlled by depth and time. That is to say, first they have to fall to a certain depth, and the built-in impact hammer is triggered by strong water pressure. The impact hammer will ignite and will not explode until five minutes later.

After the mine was put into the water, Wolfgang and the soldiers hurried back to the shore, and then drove back the townspeople and tourists watching on the shore: "step back, guys, if you don't want to become roast fish with the guys in the lake, step back, the more the better!"

The five minute period soon ended. As Wolfgang's stopwatch for the countdown sent out a "didi" alarm sound, a series of tall water columns suddenly burst up on the water surface. These water columns, carrying ice, soared to the sky for more than 20 meters, looking like a tsunami at the end of the world!

After the water column rose into the sky, Qin Shiou heard a deafening roar. Because the mine exploded almost at the same time, he heard a loud noise, but the roar surged back and forth in the water, so the sound he heard was continuous!

However, the huge water column took off only once, and then the waves rolled on the lake, but there was no water column.

As the hurricane hit Chenbao lake, the water waves on the lake were wave after wave, with a height of less than half a meter, carrying some ice, water plants and fish to the Bank of the lake.

The spray lasted for more than ten or twenty minutes before it began to eliminate. During this time, all the ice on Chenbao lake was broken, a circle of crystal ice was piled up on the shore, and countless fish floated on the surface of the lake.

Deputy mayor Hani took people to take photos and arranged fishermen to sail to pick up fish. In fact, it is faster to catch fish with fishing nets, but this is not allowed in Canada, because most of these fish are not killed, but are stunned. They can only pick up Asian carp. As for local fish species such as pike, let them wake up naturally when they float on the lake.

Looking at these countless freshwater fish floating on the lake, Qin Shiou finally understood why Canada has specially introduced a law not to allow the use of explosives to fish. The damage to the ecology is really terrible.

Someone in the town asked anxiously, "God, the power of these mines is terrible. Are there any live fish in Chenbao lake?"

Qin Shiou put the Sea God consciousness into the lake as early as the beginning of the mine explosion. There are not fish in the lake, but a lot of fish.

No wonder Asian carp are so difficult to deal with. When the explosion occurs, Asian carp are frightened. They don't jump to the water like cucumbers, but drill into the mud at the bottom of the lake. Once they hide at the bottom of the lake, they won't be affected by the explosion!