I've never eaten durian before. The price is too expensive and the smell is too bad. I went to the market to buy vegetables today. When I saw durian doing activities, I bought one to taste fresh. It's the king of fruit. So, as a result, you can think of it. After eating only one piece, the cartridge case knelt. Then a friend happened to look for the cartridge case. The cartridge case put the plastic bowl containing durian meat on the heating. Finally, you can think of it. Now my roommate wants to kill me. I have to run away after passing the chapter. Is there anyone willing to accept it****

The big fish feed plan was passed. Qin Shiou only needs to produce fish feed, and the fishery owners will naturally buy and use it. If he didn't stop saying that the project had only ideas, the enthusiastic fishery owners would have to pay and place orders.

After the meeting was dissolved, Qin Shiou began to plan to build a feed factory. The main function of Daqin No. 2 fishing ground is to cultivate kelp aquatic plants and then produce feed. As long as a wharf is built, the fishing ground can be used for commercial purposes.

Giant algae have been planted, and large leaf algae have been put on the agenda immediately. As for vegetation such as diatom, aquatic grass, kelp and laver, planting will be started one after another for a period of time.

He called Jennifer and told her that he wanted to build a fish feed fishery. He asked her to help contact the production equipment supplier. As for the plant, it was handed over to weir construction group. Anyway, they had to build a wharf.

The cruise boat was on the way back to the fishing ground. Qin Shiou stood on the deck to inspect the fishing ground. There were seagulls everywhere, and some seagulls flew over his head, and then some bird excrement fell from the air on his shoulder

Your mother blew up. Senior official Qin fled into the cabin. He endured nausea, changed his clothes, picked up the gun in the cab, came outside, raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

He didn't want to shoot these seagulls. He just scared them away and told them to stay away from the yacht, otherwise he would drive all the way back, and the deck of the yacht would be covered with bird shit.

After returning to the fishing ground, I stood on the wharf and looked around. I felt that there were more seagulls. The sky was full of flying birds. What I heard was the chirping of seagulls.

It's OK to listen to this voice less. If you listen to it more, it will only upset people.

A group of seagulls flapped their wings and flew through the air. From time to time, they swooped down to the water to pick up a small fish and then fly up, or stabbed in the water to pick up the young fish under the water, shook their heads and threw their hips. Qin Shiou was very dissatisfied and said angrily: "it's shameful to sell cute maliciously. We must clean them up!"

There was no peace between the seagulls and the short tailed babblers left in the fishing ground. Qin Shiou stood on the dock for an hour, and the two birds had no less than two group fights.

Some seagulls stopped on the road of the wharf and pecked at sticks, fallen leaves and dry seaweed to build nests on it.

Senior official Qin was stunned. He didn't come to steal his catch. These guys still want to rob the territory!

Geng Junjie and his two soldiers were maintaining the harvest. Qin Shiou shouted them to clean the pavement of the wharf.

Like a trick, Geng Junjie took out a broom and shovel from the ship, and the three worked hard. Qin Shiou was stunned and asked, "is this thing still prepared on the ship?"

Geng Junjie smiled and explained, "we take it with us. These days you are busy meeting with people from abtx company. You don't notice that these birds want to build nests on our beaches and roads, so we have to take cleaning tools with us."

The seagulls were frightened and flew away. Seeing that their nests were destroyed, these guys flew up with their sharp mouths to catch Geng Junjie's three heads.

Geng Junjie didn't expect to be attacked again. They were caught off guard. One person's face suddenly saw blood. Geng Junjie and another person quickly waved a broom to drive away the seagulls.

These seagulls are not easy to deal with. They belong to silver gulls. They can grow as long as half a meter and have sharp mouths. Such a group gathered together, like a small fighter formation, pecked Geng Junjie and could only escape.

Qin Shiou raised his hands to make himself irrelevant to this matter and dodged to the edge of the wharf, but the silver gulls didn't let him go, drove away Geng Junjie and flew towards him.

When Qin Shiou saw that the situation was bad, he quickly called the Golden Eagle three birds group. As a result, the three little bitches were not at home during the day. He couldn't call, so he had to jump into the water to avoid the attack of silver gulls.

In this way, the gulls saw him disappear in the water and circled in the air for several times before they left in shame.

Senior official Qin was irritated. These silver gulls owe a lesson. No, he didn't want to see the so-called ocean elves. Now it seems that he has to do something, otherwise the silver gulls don't know whose territory this is.

Embarrassed to climb onto the beach, Geng Junjie quietly greeted him and asked, "boss, are you okay?"

Qin Shiou saw that a soldier's brother's ear was pecked. He shook his head and said he had no problem. He asked Geng Junjie to drive him to a small hospital in the town to get rabies vaccine. Who knows whether these birds carry rabies virus or parasites? Bats carry them anyway. You'd better be careful.

When the three birds of George W. Bush came back, Qin Shiou first criticized them for their disorganization and disobedience: "why do you always run out in the daytime? Dad was almost eaten by those birds today, you know? Stay at home in the future! What wave do you go out for? It's useful to fight every day? Can you find a bird's daughter-in-law? "

The tiger and the leopard shouted a few times to make a strong momentum. The three birds stared at Qin Shiou blankly with dark eyes. They were full of fog. What's the matter?

Qin Shiou's revenge is burning. Regardless of the late weather, he points to the returning seagulls and gives orders to the three birds: "drive them away, drive them away!"

To solve the current crisis, we can only look at the combination of three birds. Because silver gulls like to eat small rodents such as mice, they are considered beneficial birds. They are protected by the Canadian Wildlife Protection Law and are not allowed to be killed by humans, otherwise they will have a lawsuit.

Qin Shiou has seen silver gulls before, but he has never seen so many and so crazy silver gulls. This kind of bird is also called black backed gull, light red footed gull and yellow legged gull. It can grow to 60 cm and has a heavy body. It can not be said to be a bird and has combat effectiveness.

It's getting late. It's time for the gulls to return to the land of the fishing ground. They will wander and hunt on the sea during the day. They like to eat fish. They have excellent swimming skills and can dive, which is very destructive to fish.

They fly very fast and agile. Countless big birds flutter their wings gently and fly back. Some fly high in the air and use the hot air to soar and glide in the air. After flying to the ground, they can still jump and walk on the ground. Their footsteps are lighter than big warship birds, which makes senior officials of Qin depressed.

The roar of the car engine rang out, and Winnie drove back. When she got off the bus, she suddenly screamed. Qin Shiou was startled and asked, "what's the matter?"

Winnie shook the bag in her hand and drove away a pair of silver gulls flying on the lawn. A little yellow mouse trembled and hid beside her. Winnie picked it up and explained, "God, I can't believe that birds are too overbearing. They should catch little yellow to eat!"