Erica opens two bags of dog food and feeds it to Xiong da. The latter eats very high skin and howls twice at the throat. She calls her good friend Dabai to have dinner together. Dabai slowly walks over with a cat's step. After eating two pieces, he doesn't eat and watches the bear eat.

The cameraman took a picture, frowned suspiciously and said, "the eyes of this opossum are really strange."

Qin Shiou touched his ears. He knew what the eyes were. It was kind eyes

Xiong Da's attitude towards dog food excited Erica and her party. Unfortunately, it's useless to be excited. It's the tiger and leopard who want to advertise, not Xiong Da, and the tiger and leopard are not interested in dog food

After all, the ponytail director has enough experience. He resolutely waved and asked Erica to prepare other brands of dog food first, because one advertisement is a comparative advertisement, which is very traditional, that is, tigers and leopards don't like other brands of dog food, but only annamat's dog food.

This is simple. Someone put the dog food in front of tiger. Tiger continued to kick forward and kicked the dog food away with the posture of nuclear warhead Shevchenko breaking the door.

But what happens next? Erica and the ponytail director set their eyes on Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou had to go to the tiger and leopard and appease them to eat dog food.

Lalawang pulled the dog's face long. They refused to eat. After getting bored, they simply ran away and rolled on the lawn with small sunglasses.

Erica was worried and asked, "is there any other way for them to eat dog food?"

Her assistant was at a loss: "it's the first time I've seen a Labrador dog that doesn't eat dog food. Is it still a dog that doesn't eat dog food?"

Qin Shiou comforted them and said, "it doesn't matter. You take a rest first. Leave it to me. When it's time to eat, they have to eat if they don't eat, or they'll be hungry!"

Gordon, Shirley and others looked at each other and gathered together to bite their ears: "why is Qin so cruel to tigers and leopards?"“ Endorsement fees are all caused by damn money! "“ Alas, Qin is such a good man that he has fallen! "“ Parents are better than parents. "

In this way, it became a turning point at dinner. The tiger and leopard saw that they had nothing to eat, and Qin Shiou poured annamat's dog food in their rice basin.

Watching the tiger and leopard listlessly eating their proud flagship dog food, Erica was inexplicably sad and angry.

Our dog food is a famous brand among famous brands. This flagship version is intended to sweep the dog food market and become a overlord. Why is it despised by the dog? Is your own dog food so much worse than the food in the fishing ground?

Erica thought angrily. Then she cut a thick piece of bimu fish with a fork and stuffed it into her mouth. She took a sip of ice wine and a piece of white and tender lobster. Well, it tastes great

Qin Shi Gu felt that tiger and leopard ate this dog food very well. It can be seen from the name that the Arctic deep-sea ice water essence has no grain formula, dog food, absolutely high-grade goods.

He doesn't know much about pet food, but Erica said that their dog food has only natural preservatives and is a green food. The formula is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and tastes very good. It is a very high-end dog food.

In this way, it's not a grievance to let the tiger and leopard eat the dog food. Qin Shiou wants to eat what Erica says.

The shooting lasted for two days. After the tiger and leopard had some dinner, the scene behind was easy to shoot. Qin Shiou stewed turbot soup with sea god energy. These dog food can be soaked in soup. When shooting, add some soup to it. The tiger and leopard ate very delicious.

As for other brands of dog food? The attitude of the tiger and the leopard is still a kick, and has evolved into a series of kicks. It is estimated that the hatred for annamat has been transferred to these miscellaneous dog food.

After making some short films, the shooting work was over. The ponytail director finally shook hands with Qin Shiou and said that he had never seen such a clever and sensible dog as a tiger and a leopard. He originally planned to shoot it for a week, but it was done in two days. This efficiency is too high.

Qin Shiou laughed proudly. The director of ponytail continued that if they took a week, they could make half more money. As a result, they made less money at the end of these two days

The advertising was shot in the fishing ground. After Erica and her party left, Qin Shiou went to clean up again. Gordon quickly stopped him and said, "give me these jobs. How much is it?"

Qin Shiou frowned and said, "young man, your mind is very dangerous now. Why do you want money for anything? What about feelings? "

Gordon thought about it, nodded and said, "well, for the sake of emotion, I'll give you a 20% discount."

Qin Shiou was addicted to watching the children work to earn change. He simply handed over some of the work he planned to do to them. He released the work every day and asked them to get it by themselves. At that time, he accepted it. After the acceptance was ok, he paid them a salary.

After hearing this proposal, the children warmly supported it. Little shack said, "cool, Qin, it's a bit like a bounty hunter in the Western pioneer era, isn't it? We are now bounty hunters. "

"What was our first prey?" Asked the children.

Qin Shiou thought about it and said, "then clean up our pumpkin field? I need to weed. This is a 20 yuan task... "

"I'll come!" Gordon said first.

"We also need to, uh, loosen the soil. In this way, raising the land temperature and transporting oxygen can improve the growth rate of pumpkin. This is a task of 25 yuan."

"I took it!" Little Shaq patted his chest and said.

"Then we need to fertilize. Who will fertilize it? This is also a 30 yuan task. "

"Leave it to me." Clarkson said.

"Water after fertilization. I'll do it." Qin Shiou said. Michelle and Shirley looked forward to him, "what about us?"

"There is more important work, that is, pruning and pruning. You two do this. It's eighty yuan. It's exactly forty yuan for each of you." Qin Shiou said, Michelle and Shirley cheered and clapped their hands.

Gordon thought about it for a while and finally found that it was wrong: "God, Qin, why does the more you live in the future, the greater the return?"? I make the least money! "

Qin Shiou raised his index finger and said, "this is my first summer class for you. You can't worry about anything. You should be patient, okay?"

Gordon sighed helplessly and could only accept this reality.

After assigning the task, Qin Shiou took them to the pumpkin field. The pumpkin seedlings have grown up. The green vines are growing disorderly in the field, which is full of weeds.

Weeding was the hardest work, but the income was the lowest. Gordon didn't want to do it, so he lingered there.

Qin Shiou pointed to him and said, "Hey, boy, hurry up. You're a bounty hunter now, okay? You can't return the next task. You must have professional ethics, otherwise don't do this business! "

PS: you have recommended tickets and monthly tickets. Remember to vote, ha, thank you!