Finally, the teachers of grant primary school agreed to the salary increase plan given by the town government. Winnie shook hands with principal grant and said that she would send an application to the municipal government and the Ministry of education when she went back. After passing the application, she could raise her salary.

President grant finally said that he hoped that after winie became mayor, she could control the price of the town: "you know, there will be few opportunities for our teachers to leave the town. Almost all their consumption is completed in the town. Under the current price situation, their consumption is a little difficult."

Obviously, the teachers are not easy to fool. They have seen Winnie's little abacus and are not very satisfied with the salary increase standard she gives.

Winnie nodded and said she would find a way to solve these problems. She said frankly, "the town has developed a little too fast in economy, which inevitably leads to a series of peripheral problems. But as I promised during the election, I will make the voters under my rule live better and happier. The school is also my place of election, and I will be responsible. "

After these two things were solved, the work pressure on wini was greatly reduced. In the next few days, she didn't work overtime. She went to work on time, fixed-point work and weekends, which was also very moist.

Little melon's consciousness began to wake up and became attached to her parents. When Qin Shiou went out to sea during the day, she asked Winnie to take her. Winnie will take her to work in town. As long as there are toys and parents in sight, she can play by herself for a day.

After several busy days, the collection of fry was finally completed, and then these fry were classified.

At first, the fry are mixed and brought back, but after a period of time, the fry will separate. They find their own kind and gather in groups. As long as they find a school of fish and take it out, it is relatively simpler than taking the fry from the fishing ground.

The fishermen Qin Shiou met at the fishery auction called him one after another and asked him to prepare the farm. Their fish fry and shrimp fry can be transported there.

After planning, he decided to receive Penaeus monodon first.

Nick Du, the farmer of Penaeus monodon, lives in Lunenburg in the east of Nova Scotia, close to Mahon Bay. His farm is located in Mahon Bay, where prawns are also cultured.

At the beginning, Nick Du told Qin Shiou that since Mahong Bay is close to the South and the temperature is still higher, Penaeus monodon can gradually adapt and survive. If it is in St. Johns, he can't guarantee the survival rate.

Qin Shiou said no problem, as long as the prawns are alive when they are delivered, and the later things can be done by yourself.

Nick Du is a responsible fisherman. Although Qin Shiou has said so, he still tries his best to improve the survival rate of shrimp.

In recent days, he has been urging Qin Shiou to accept it quickly, because July is the hottest month in Newfoundland all year round, and the water temperature at this time is very suitable for the survival of prawns.

Qin Shiou and Sanders cleaned up the engineering aquaculture pool. All the treasure crabs have entered the ocean. Facts have proved that they have a good tolerance to the North Atlantic. During the trial breeding of purse seine, they found that they have no problem in survival, and Sanders has put them into the ocean.

Nick Du hired a transport ship to deliver the 100000 tail spot festival to the shrimp fry. The transport ship drove very slowly. They set out from Mahon Bay in the morning and didn't reach the fishing ground until the evening.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Nick Du looked at the scenery of the fishing ground and looked at the fine snow-white sand on the coastline of the fishing ground. He shook his head repeatedly. Canada rarely has such an excellent coastline. For example, he has a very tortuous coastline in Mahon Bay.

Qin Shiou received him on the dock. After Nick Du got off the boat, he looked at the long dock and sighed, "God, this thing is really spectacular. It's the first time I saw such a dock in a private fishing ground. It must have cost a lot of money?"

Qin Shiou said with a smile, "Oh, not much. It's mainly because I need it. Look, now you can stop directly into the fishing ground when you transport shrimp seedlings. How convenient."

Nick Du smashes his mouth. He also knows that it is convenient, but the premise of convenience is that it costs a lot of money to build a wharf in his own fishing ground? Forget it, just think about it.

The shrimps stayed in the incubator and breeding colleagues. Nick Du said that there were 500 shrimps in a box, and there were 200 boxes on board. Let him have a look.

Qin Shiou nodded. The fishermen who had been waiting for a long time went up to spot check the shrimp fry. They should not only check the quantity, but also check the vitality and disease, especially the disease. In case some dangerous bacteria were brought into the fishing ground, it would be troublesome.

Sanders and TIA were in charge. They prepared a pile of beakers, test tubes and reagents, shook them constantly, and then watched the results. TIA also made some smears and observed them under the microscope, very seriously.

Nick Du smiled and said, "man, I have to admit that you are a combination of academic and practical school. It's too formal. Compared with you, Carter's fishing ground is wild. "

Thinking of the second largest fisherman who couldn't pretend to be forced by grass, Qin Shiou asked with interest, "have you sent the shrimp seedlings bought by Carter?"

Nick Du shrugged helplessly: "yes, I sent it. God, I won't do business with him again. That guy is too stingy. I can't stand him."

Later, Nick complained because he was relatively close to Carter's fishing ground. After returning, he hired a transport ship to send him the shrimp fry.

According to the industry rules, the transportation expenses are borne by both sides, but Carter later refused. He asked Nick to be responsible for the transportation expenses and the tax of the transaction.

Nick was so angry that he should have shared the transportation expenses. Why should he be responsible for it himself? In addition, there are taxes. That's what the buyer has to do. He also has to pay taxes. Both sides have to pay taxes. Why should he be responsible for it all?

Carter played a rogue. He took advantage of the auction contract and said that if you don't want to be responsible, cooperate and cancel.

"How can I cancel my contract with him? Ha, even if I give him a 50% discount, I will sell it to him. I'm afraid I can only meet it once in my life. " Nick said and laughed.

Qin Shiou smiled and said, "that guy is really stingy."

Nick also complained: "not only stingy, but also very cunning. After my shrimp seedlings arrived, he didn't check the results, but checked them box by box. Don't be scared."

Shrimps are easy to die in the incubator. Carter's investigation one by one takes a long time. The longer the time, the more shrimps die. He doesn't accept dead shrimps and doesn't cooperate next time. He will leave as many as 50000 live when he sends them this time.

Qin Shiou said, "that guy can take advantage. As you said, he is really cunning."

Nick was helpless, but his mood soon got better: "there are not many dead shrimps. I still made a lot of money from him. It's great enough, isn't it?"

They talked. The fishermen finished their inspection and came to report the results.