After two days of rest, the fishermen completely recovered, and the BB cream and trigger that drove the flower fox came back. Moreover, the next day, Guinness World Records Co., Ltd. mailed the world record certificate from the United States. Everything was perfect!

The official certificate is very large. It must be 40 cm long and 25 cm wide. After opening it, there is a photo and a manual. In the photo, Qin Shiou, sanders and Kelly are standing next to the suspended yacht. The manual confirms the authenticity of this matter.

Touching the certificate, Qin Shiou's smiling eyes narrowed into a seam: "good, good, great, it's icing on the cake. God wants us to have a party tonight. Well, then we have to follow God's instructions, guys. Go and inform the people in the town. If they are interested in coming, they must get a show tonight! "

After receiving the news, Hickson's father immediately drove his antique pickup truck. There were two wine shelves on the back seat of the car, all of which were bottles of ice wine. The bottle tilts to the sky, like a rocket.

Qin Shiou was startled: "Oh, Dad, there must be a hundred bottles of bars?"

Hickson said proudly: "I just finished dividing the bottles yesterday. This wine will definitely become the protagonist in the evening. Her taste is great. I couldn't help drinking more than half of the bottles yesterday because she is so beautiful!"

Qin Shiou smiled. The grapes in the fishing ground were improved by Poseidon energy. He was not surprised that the taste had improved.

The old man misunderstood his smile and thought he didn't believe it, so he picked a bottle of wine and went into the house. When he saw so many people saying hello to him politely, he asked Winnie to take out her cup and pour it for everyone to taste.

Good ice white wine, light golden yellow in color, very pure in texture, looks like a good amber when it is still.

This is the wine that father Hickson poured out. The wine is pure and flawless light yellow, shaking in the glass, with a charming style.

"Try it, everyone. Hickson doesn't lie. This is the best beauty in ice wine!" The old man waved his hand and shouted. It's not like inviting people to taste wine, but like driving people.

Qin Shiou was curious about the taste of the ice wine made from his own grapes. He picked up the glass and sniffed it first. A faint fruit smell was mixed with the flying wine smell, and there was a little taste of honey. It was sweet.

Subconsciously, Qin Shiou closed his eyes. He used to close his eyes when he saw people tasting wine. He thought it was forced, but when it was his turn, he knew that when you met a cup of good wine, you would really be used to closing your eyes to smell and taste.

The reason is that he doesn't want external things to interfere with his wine tasting, and seeing anything will affect his taste's judgment of wine, so he closes his eyes and focuses on wine tasting.

At the entrance of a mouthful of ice wine, the fruit aroma that is much stronger than the smell diffuses in the mouth, and then the wine aroma. This flavor lasts for a long time, which makes the taste buds nostalgic.

Sweet and mellow, fresh and delicious!

After Qin Shiou swallowed the wine, there was only such a comment. The wine was like Winnie, with both the elegance and enchanting of young women and the kindness, beauty and dignity of a new mother.

Other people are not like Qin Shiou. They are prepared before drinking this wine. They know that the ice wine brewed by the grapes transformed by Poseidon energy will certainly taste much better than ordinary wine.

After they drank into their throat, Armand was shocked. Armand looked at the golden liquid in his hand and said, "I have been in contact with wine since I was eight years old. I have been in contact with top wine many times, but this kind of ice wine is really the first time!"

Mario raised his glass to Hickson: "Oh, Dad, I must say, you are a great winemaker."

The old man was very satisfied with everyone's response, and was praised by Mario with a smile: "I don't know why this batch of ice wine is brewed so well. If you like it, I have to give you a few bottles, and you are always welcome to my tavern."

Winnie is breastfeeding now, so she doesn't touch alcoholic drinks at ordinary times. Seeing that people appreciate the ice wine so much, she curiously asked Qin Shiou, "Hi, honey, is this wine really so good?"

Qin Shiou handed her the glass and said, "taste it. It's really great."

He felt that drinking wine didn't affect anything. Today's young people want children. Men quit smoking and drinking, and women can't make up. In the past, his parents didn't pay so much attention to him. Qin's father smoked and drank all year round.

Winnie herself was very restrained. She smiled mischievously and said, "you don't want little melon to become a little drunkard in the future, do you? So I'd better not drink it until a few months later. "

Wei ni doesn't drink, nor does Qin Shiou. She can't make her daughter-in-law greedy alone.

To tell you the truth, it's not easy. He likes ice wine very much, and these ice wines taste so good.

Winnie knew, but didn't persuade him. She just held his arm and smiled sweetly.

Other people didn't pay attention to these things. They directly pushed the cup and changed it. A bottle of ice wine was drunk by several people at one go.

Finally, Winnie's grandfather sighed: "wine is as beautiful as beauty. Brother Hickson said it well. This wine is the beauty in wine and the best beauty. If it is put on the market, I don't know what she will be robbed!"

The main character of St. Johns's party is always beer. Bill likes this activity best because it represents another big job in his shining star bar.

Happily driving a pickup truck to Daqin fishing ground, Bill unloaded beer barrels. He was shocked to see the two red wine shelves on the ground and complained to Hickson: "Dad, do you want to rob my business?"

"Of course not, my child. You sell wine. I brew art. We're not on the same road." The old man said proudly.

Bill laughed. He and Shaq took a big barrel together, patted the oak barrel and said, "you must not be serious, otherwise my beer won't be willing. Do you know what this is? Qingdao beer is the best wine in Qin's hometown. I managed to get it. I specially prepared it for Qin. "

Hickson calmly opened a bottle of ice wine, poured a quarter cup and handed it to bill, motioning him to taste it before talking.

Bill smiled and took a sip. He was about to say a few tough words. As a result, his expression solidified at the moment when the wine went into his throat. He then took another sip, another sip, and the goblet was soon clean.

"You really brewed it?" Bill blinked.

The old man shrugged and said naturally, "for God's sake, we can't lie."

Bilton grabbed his arm and said with a flattering smile, "Dad, my dear dad, you must leave me a few barrels in the bar. I know you make a lot of wine every time. Can you give me a few barrels?"

He is a professional wine taster. Although he is not very famous, he is also a professional at least. Therefore, he can taste the power of this ice wine better. It can be used as the treasure of bars and shops, and it is still in the city of Miami, New York!