The fossil excavation of Chenbao lake has been going on, but it has not started. Before, it was all preparatory work and mining was carried out directly in the spring.

Billy's job is to dive and explore the fossils at the bottom of the lake. Originally, this job was handed over to the underwater camera, but the underwater robot can't land at the bottom of Chenbao lake because there is too much silt at the bottom of the lake, so he can only explore by manpower.

Divers searched the fossils at the bottom of the lake and marked them one by one. According to the information they provided, the people of the national Fossil Museum used a salvage ship modified by a small submarine to salvage these fossils.

The small submarine has a very flexible mechanical arm, like a multi arm water monster, which can carry out underwater cutting, collection, collision, grasping and so on.

Relying on this small submarine, some fossil fragments were picked up in March. Because of the pressure and location at the bottom of the lake, these fossils can not be completely extracted at one time. They can only be dismembered and put together after ashore cleaning.

In order to protect the salvage machinery and equipment, the work site of the Fossil Museum is closed and managed, not that the staff can't enter. Qin Shiou can take the lead to see the fossil first this time, and thanks to Billy's leadership.

Large tents have been set up on the North Bank of Chenbao Lake recently. Anyway, there are many wastelands on the island. You can set up tents at will.

After Billy showed his work permit, someone took him into the front tent and met Tangji Barton, who was familiar with Qin Shiou.

Seeing Patton, Qin Shiou said, "Hey, man, I haven't seen you go fishing for a long time. Spring is a good time for night fishing. It's just a little cold at night, but it's interesting, isn't it?"

Patton smiled, "yes, Qin, yes, spring night fishing is a very interesting activity. But you see, damn it, I have too much work to do, and I don't have time to enjoy it. Oh, God, if, I mean if, when I finish my work at hand, I must go to sea for a week and won't come back until I catch a great white shark. "

Several people chatted, and a familiar voice sounded behind them: "Qin, long time no see."

Qin Shiou looked back and saw Hamley coming with big steps and waving to him.

"Why are you here?" Qin Shiou asked in surprise, "you are a busy mayor, aren't you?"

Hamley laughed and said, "man, you're not saying irony, are you? Absolutely not, because I have the impression that Qin is a simple and honest young man. Well, I admit I haven't invited you for a long time, but I'm really busy. "

Qin Shiou pointed to the fossils inside and said, "don't tell me, you're in charge of the museum now."

"If so, the museum I manage must be the natural history museum in New York." Hamley smiled.

This surprised the mayor's assistant who followed him. In the eyes of the young assistant, the mayor seemed to be a rigorous and slightly old-fashioned ancient English gentleman. Unexpectedly, he turned into a teaser today.

It turns out that people have two sides, sighed the young assistant. He knows Qin Shiou. The political circle of St. John's knows the invisible rich man. He can't hide the fact that he provided Hamley with 50 million campaign funds.

The fame of the New York Museum of natural history comes more from a Hollywood blockbuster, "Museum wonderful night". This film is very famous in Canada, especially in eastern Canada, because it was shot in Montreal, not in the United States.

After joking, Hamley told Qin Shiou the truth. This fossil project is the last political project left over by him as mayor. Now it is finally going to have an effect. How can he not show his face?

Canada is different from China. Because it is composed of immigrants, this country has no history. Therefore, the government attaches great importance to showing history, even before the emergence of mankind.

From the advanced nature of the salvage equipment and the funds used in the Fossil Museum, we can see that Qin Shi Gu has reported that the central government of Canada, the provincial government of Newfoundland, the city hall of St. Johns and the farewell town government have made four grants.

With strong efforts and money, we must fully mine the fossils.

Qin Shiou sighed and said that the Canadian government really worked hard to explore history. Billy didn't think so. He said: "what really interests Ottawa politicians is that there is a fish fossil that has not been found before. This fossil is the most valuable and can make Canada show its face internationally."

When Billy said this, Qin Shiou suddenly recalled his conversation with Balzac when they examined fossils. It would say that it seems that a fish fossil has been found that has not been seen before. It seems that it has been developed now.

In this way, Qin Shiou asked excitedly, "does this newly discovered fish fossil have any results?"

The reason he is interested in is the black lid giant, which has not been officially recognized. I don't know whether this unknown fish is related to the giant.

Patton poured a basin of cold water: "I'm sorry, there was an error in our observation before. In fact, this fish fossil has been unearthed before. It is named 'gill gland fish', which belongs to the prehistoric creature of the Cretaceous era."

With that, he took the people to a wide long table, on which a complete fish fossil was assembled.

Qin Shiou was not interested when he heard that the fossils of this fish had been unearthed before, and Billy had the same attitude.

Patton noticed the change in their attitude, so he smiled and said, "although this kind of fossil has long been found, there were few complete fossils before, and the specific information was not known, so our fossils are still valuable."

Hamley, who worked in the Fossil Museum, asked, "is there any new progress in the study of this fossil?"

Patton nodded, "yes, there are some new understandings. In the past, we thought that gill gland fish feed on mollusks because they have small and sharp teeth. This is not the case. "

"Looking at fossils now, they should be similar to today's sea silver carp. Their food is plankton and algae. Their feeding method is filter feeding, which is a bit like baleen whales. Of course, relevant research is still ongoing, and I believe more information will be obtained soon. "

The most fossils come from golden kitchen shark and Cang dragon. They are dead enemies in the ocean. At a certain time, they are predators to each other. Later, for some reason, Cang dragon grew larger and became a more advanced predator, specializing in hunting golden kitchen sharks.

For Canglong, people who have seen the latest Jurassic world are impressed. The big boss Tyrannosaurus Rex in the film was finally swallowed by a Sea King Dragon, which is one of canglongidae.

When introducing Canglong, Patton smiled and said, "the value of our fossils lies not only in gill gland fish, but also in these big guys. They have brought us a little surprise, that is sword shooting fish."