The bull did not guess wrong. The bluefin tuna he pulled up was also three meters and seven meters long. It weighed more than 800 pounds. Although it was smaller than the fish Qin Shiou caught, it could definitely be called a big guy.

Looking at the big fish, the bull was elated. He waved his fist and shouted, "great, I have enough milk powder for my little bull. I can also buy a LV for Annie, and the rest is enough to decorate our house!"

With the stimulation of Qin Shiou and bull, others also tried to sprinkle herring bait in and out of the water.

Qin Shiou doesn't care about the waste of bait. There are countless fish in the fishing ground. Even if tuna can't eat these fish segments, other fish can eat them.

However, the delicious fish segments spilled by the fishermen first attracted seagulls. This bird has an extremely wide range of recipes. It can eat fish, squid, various molluscs, and bird and animal carcasses, and their favorite is broken fish meat.

Therefore, seagulls can often be seen in the sea area where sharks have been active. They will pick up the remaining fish under the tiger's mouth.

When Qin Shiou went fishing in George shoal in the past, he once suffered from the seagulls. These guys are very clever. They will catch the fish before they can sink in the water. However, the law stipulates that killing seabirds is not allowed, so the fishermen have no way to treat the seagulls.

A few seagulls are not threatening, but these birds often appear in groups. Sometimes hundreds of seabirds come together, which can make fishermen collapse. After all, not all fishermen don't care about small money like Qin Shiou.

It doesn't matter now. Qin Shiou whistled, Nimitz soared into the air and circled the fishing boat. The seagulls competing for the fish section were immediately frightened and scattered.

However, the threat of large warship birds is still small, and the seagulls still follow the fishing boat. If George W. Bush is here, with the fierce temper and murderous spirit of the bald eagle, these seagulls can certainly fly and roll as far as they can.

The fishing ground is so vast that the chance of scattering fish segments to lure bluefin tuna is still small. Qin Shiou spreads the sea god energy here, which is more attractive to tuna.

After the tunas arrived, Qin Shiou controlled their number, leaving only one or two occasionally cruising downstream of the boat. The exciting fishermen were boiling with animal blood and crying, eager to jump out of the boat to catch them.

The fishing boat floated at sea from early to late, and Qin Shiou ordered to return to the wharf until sunset and sea level.

The fishermen's blood was still hot, and they were reluctant to give up the stimulation brought by money. Later, under the control of Qin Shiou, they caught two bluefin tuna, all seven or eight hundred pounds of big fish.

Of course, Qin Shiou's control is to avoid the tuna hook, otherwise Poseidon energy will attract a large group of fish, and the fishermen can catch 40 this afternoon.

The two fish were caught by shack and bird respectively. Qin Shiou promised to give them a 5% dividend. In this way, even bird, who is usually calm and doesn't look happy or angry, also smiled.

The quality of bluefin tuna produced in Daqin fishing ground is the best. Even if an 800 pound big fish doesn't go to the auction, it can easily sell for $200000, 5% of which is $10000.

If they shoot, they can get a lot of money. It is possible to shoot two million Canadian dollars for a fish.

In the evening, the waves slowly rose, the fishing boat bumped endlessly in the surging waves, and the bull stood in the bow and shouted, "we will never give in to nature! God, I respect you as my father. Please bless me with courage! "

Qin Shiou asked strangely, "what is bull talking about? Is there anything particular about it? "

The cigarette gun threw up a smoke ring and said, "this is a fool. He's looking for stimulation..."

The fishing boat drove quickly on the sea. Before the sunset was about to disappear, a black spot flew back to the sunset. It was like a high-power fighter. It changed from a black spot to a dark shadow, and then the figure of George W. Bush showed up.

"Look under its claws!" Cried Nelson.

Qin Shiou saw something under George W. Bush's paw. When he flew to the top of the ship, he recognized it. It was a long Atlantic swordfish, about half a meter long, very fat, estimated to be more than ten kilograms.

Like a dive bomber, George W. Bush flew over the bow and threw the fish on the deck, making a dull bang.

Sailfish is really a kind of fish with tenacious vitality. Its back is penetrated by the sharp claws of the bald eagle. I don't know how long it has left the sea, but it can still beat and struggle after falling on the deck.

After throwing away the swordfish, George W. Bush slowly circled for two weeks before flying down and directly landed in front of Qin Shiou. With his claws aside, he walked up to Qin Shiou with his head held high and his chest held high in the classic Eagle step.

Nelson smiled, "look, boss, it's demonstrating to you. You hurt its self-esteem in the morning."

"No, it's not a demonstration. It's proving itself. It's proving that it can not only fool around, but also catch big fish." Qin Shiou smiled.

He held George W. Bush in his arms. Now he is a big guy. Even if he converged his wings, Qin Shiou still struggled to hold him: it's not heavy, but big.

Fortunately, George W. Bush was very good. After being held in his arms, he "cooed" softly and didn't move.

Qin Shiou arranged his feathers for him. In order to prove himself, George W. Bush didn't know how long it took to find such a suitable fish and catch it.

That is, the bald eagle, even the golden eagle, could not catch a ten kilogram fish and fly so far.

However, Qin Shiou estimated that even if he was as tough as George W. Bush, he would be exhausted.

Sure enough, he combed his feathers. After a few comfortable coos, George W. Bush slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep.

It was late at night until the fishing ground returned to the dock. Qin Shiou let go of George W. Bush before he opened his eyes and flew again with his wings.

Four frozen bluefin tuna were carefully put into the freezer. Qin Shiou called Butler and asked him to come and take the four big fish sometime.

It was said that Qin Shiou got four big bluefin tunas that add up to 3500 pounds. Butler just lay down jumped up. He lost his voice and shouted, "3500 pounds? old man? You're not kidding, four fish, 3500 pounds? This is shocking! "

Qin Shiou said that you would know if you flew over to have a look. Butler immediately said that he would arrive tomorrow, and then quickly transported the fish to the market for sale.

Back in the house, Qin Shiou went to the little melon crib in the bedroom as usual to see her. The little guy didn't sleep. He stared at his dark eyes and played with his thumb with interest. When Qin Shiou came up, she stretched out her chubby little hand to catch him.

More than half a month after birth, the little guy's skin color began to change. It was no longer black, but became much white and tender. Touching it with his hand was like touching satin, and he didn't leave his hand.