Ac-310n is the lowest commercial helicopter. It is comfortable to ride, but the engine is not good. The speed is too slow. It takes two and a half hours to fly a distance of 400 kilometers.

Qin Shiou was very anxious on the helicopter and couldn't help saying, "the speed is too slow. When we have free time in a few days, we'll go to Montreal space city again. I want to buy multiple helicopters!"

After a lot of suffering, the helicopter finally flew over the two fishing boats. Previously, the two ships were scanned by the helicopter's own radar. The tonnage was about 500 tons. They were two joint trawlers. They definitely came to Daqin fishing ground for autumn wind.

In the past, Daqin fishing ground was not much subject to poaching. Qin Shiou was so active in buying fire engines for defense because he read previous reports that spring and summer are the most vulnerable time for private fishing ground to poaching.

Why? Because most fish and shrimp breed in spring and summer, the Canadian government has set this period as a closed season, so some fishing grounds can't go to national fishing grounds and go to private fishing grounds to take advantage.

In order to encourage the development of fisheries, Canadian laws have strong protection for fisheries. Even if a pirate ship is caught by the coast guard, it will not be heavily fined, nor will it detain the fishing boat. This situation leads to frequent conflicts between fishery owners and pirate ships.

Sometimes Qin Shiou thinks that the Canadian law is bullshit. When facing the fishery owners, he says that we protect private fisheries, and when facing the fishermen and retail investors, he says that we protect vulnerable groups. When the two sides conflict, they will be reconciled and speechless.

The helicopter flew over the two ships. Qin Shiou picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, "listen to the ships below. You have entered a private fishing ground. Please put away your fishing nets and get out! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! "

You don't have to be nice to thieves. Qin Shiou didn't do it directly. It's a gentleman's style.

The people on board turned a deaf ear to his warning. When the helicopter flew close, Qin Shiou also saw someone pointing his middle finger at him. Don't be too arrogant!

Qin Shiou informed the marine police and then said to Nelson, "guys, we can't bear it. Let's do it! Make these watches! "

Bird's stable helicopter stopped forty or fifty meters above the side of the fishing boat. Someone on the boat took out a shotgun bravely. It's a generous demeanor that if you dare to approach us, I'll shoot you.

When the door of the helicopter opened, Nelson showed up with a fire-fighting rocket and looked at the people on board with a sneer.

Qin Shiou asked anxiously, "Hey, be careful. Will the tail flame burn our helicopter?"

Bird smiled, "do you think this is an RPG? It uses jet propulsion. There are chemical reagents in it for reaction. A large amount of carbon dioxide is quickly released to provide power. At the same time, carbon dioxide can also put out fire. "

Qin Shiou thinks so. He really takes these things as weapons. If it's flame propulsion, it's called a fart fire extinguisher. It's better to call it a lighter.

With a shrill roar, after Nelson pulled the trigger, the rocket shot out like a lit firecracker!

"God! Rockets! " The people on the ship screamed in despair. This time, no one dared to raise his middle finger and all lay on the ship.

This kind of rocket fire extinguisher is not fast because it is driven by gas. After all, it is used to deal with immovable burning buildings. It took more than two seconds to reach a distance of more than 50 meters before it hit the deck of a fishing boat.

The warhead hit the deck heavily, and then the rocket fell apart, and a large amount of dry ice was sprayed out. The whole fishing ground became shrouded in smoke in a short time. It was not real smoke, but dry carbon dioxide powder for fire fighting!

The people on board were tossed and damaged, choking with tears. They stumbled to the side of the ship, found a direction, jumped into the water and risked their lives away from the fishing boat.

Nelson whistled and shouted, "bingo! Right in the heart! "

Qin Shiou gave him a thumbs up and asked bird to fly to another fishing boat.

The role of weapons is not to kill, but to deter.

The fire-fighting rocket just reached its function. The people on another ship were scared to death when they saw the tragic situation of the brother ship. They quickly turned the ship's head and roared along the way. Someone on the radio was shouting: "we haven't entered your fishing ground yet! This is a deliberate attack! You are breaking the law! "

Qin Shiou replied lazily. Who cares whether you enter my fishing ground or not?

Unlike farms, fishing grounds are not surrounded by fences, so the boundary is not clear. Maritime disputes have always been like this. There is no reason to say. If you threaten my fishing grounds, I can fuck you!

This is why pirates are more terrible than robbers and horse thieves. Most robbers and horse thieves committed crimes by small groups. Ancient pirates can basically build cities, because there are too many maritime conflicts, and everyone is a pirate, so everyone lives in a pirate city.

It's the hard truth to fight at sea. After knowing that what you met was a hard bone, the two fishing boats left Daqin fishing ground one after another and went to the distance.

The helicopter watched all the way back, and they didn't return until they found the patrol boat sent by the maritime police.

After returning to the fishing ground, Qin Shiou was very happy and spent money. This fire-fighting rocket has considerable power. What kind of scene would it be if fire-fighting missiles were used in the future?

It's worth looking forward to.

The car arrived for two days. Qin Shiou parked them at the airport. There were no fish stealing ships behind, so these big killers were not used.

Butler called him and said that the first batch of catches sold well in New York and had almost sold out. He asked him to prepare the second batch of catches and shipped them to New York in recent days.

Qin Shiou has nothing to do. Mao Weilong has more leisure and egg pain. They walk the dog and take care of the children at home. Weini and Liu Shuyan go to work in the town. They can only throw their pets and children to them.

When he had nothing to do, Qin Shiou took his gun and pulley bow and went around the woods. Mao Weilong was an unreliable guy carrying AWP. This gun was useless in the mountains. Ordinary wild animals could be broken into pieces with one shot. What else to eat?

In fact, there are tigers, leopards and George W. Bush. There is no need for knives and guns in hunting. George W. Bush used to send game such as snow boot rabbit, flower tailed hazelnut chicken and wild pheasant to his home every day.

Qin Shiou was afraid that the small animals on kambar mountain would be beaten up, so he was not allowed to catch those small animals again, so Bush stopped.

Scientific research experts don't know whether to catch leatherback turtles or not. Anyway, Qin Shiou will let them hide at the bottom of the sea as long as he meets these guys. Not to mention the experts, even sharks can't do anything about them.

It was a nice day. The sun was warm on his body. Qin Shiou dragged a recliner to the beach to bask in the sea breeze.

He went to the Jiadeli fishing ground. Although he hated Albert's bastard for destroying the reefs on the offshore seabed and putting in PDPA, he had to admit that the offshore waters of such a fishing ground were beautiful and clear, just like a large swimming pool.

After lying down for a while, Auerbach's voice came from the walkie talkie: "Qin, three gentlemen from New York are looking for you. Come back."