Qin Shiou knows that there are many cars and people in Tokyo, and the place is small. He must be very blocked. He learned this from the Internet when he was in China.

But he thinks it's midnight now. How can the streets of Tokyo be blocked?

As a result, he guessed wrong. Even at midnight, the streets of Tokyo are blocked. It's not the kind of traffic jam that can't move. It's just that the car can't drive fast. The traffic flow is still very dense. At least there are more people than St. Johns at the busiest time of the day.

And from time to time, someone will stagger onto the road. At this time, Xichun has to step on the brake.

Winnie looked at the man walking with his stomach covered, bent over and shook, and said with worry: "his situation is not very good, Mr. Nishimura, shall we go down and help him?"

Nishimura Leng, who had seen a lot, explained, "no, Miss Winnie, that guy must have drunk too much! This is very common in Tokyo at night. Now people have a lot of work pressure. They will drink more wine to vent at night. "

Qin Shiou grinned. He suddenly felt that he had been very happy in the island city before.

Seeing him grinning, Nishimura thought he was impatient and quickly apologized.

In this way, Qin Shiou couldn't laugh or cry, but he couldn't explain. The more he painted, the darker it became. He opened the window with Winnie to see the night view of Tokyo.

Although the buildings in Tokyo are mainly of modern style and many are high-rise buildings, many old buildings have been preserved, leaving a trace of simplicity in this modern city.

The car was driving on the street, and then a tall huge tower appeared. The tower seemed to be full of lights. Qin Shiou looked up through the window and felt that it was a lightsaber breaking out of the air, showing human creativity incisively and vividly.

"Is this the Tokyo Tower?" Qin Shiou asked subconsciously.

Nishimura Leng smiled and said, "no, Qin sang, this is the clear sky tower. It is higher than the Tokyo Tower, but it is not as famous as the Tokyo Tower. You must be tired now. I suggest you go to the hotel and have a rest. You can come to the prospect desk of the clear sky tower tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. "

Qin Shiou smiled. In fact, he was not tired. He slept and played all the way, but the guests followed the host. If he played here, he must be accompanied by Xicun Leng. However, Xicun Leng has been on duty for a day, and now it is estimated that he can't hold up.

Starting from the clear sky tower, Nishimura Leng introduced the Tokyo landmark encountered on the road to Qin Shiou: "the clear sky tower is the highest tower in Tokyo. The prospect platform is located 350 meters above the ground, surrounded by giant glass. You can see a 360 degree panoramic view of Tokyo, which is very releasing."

"Keep going up. You can reach the highest peak through the glass prospect platform. It's 450 meters in total. There is only one place in Tokyo that can overlook the night scene from this height. "

The hotel that hidekura Co., Ltd. booked for them is in Shinjuku District, a relatively prosperous business district in Tokyo, where Kyoto hall is located, and Tokyo Tsukiji central wholesale market, where tuna auction will be held.

Driving along the main line of JR center, Nishimura Leng kept introducing: "we are passing by xiaotianji department store... Look, that is Jingwang department store. They turn on the lights all night, but they are not open... This is the skyscrapers in Shinjuku xinduxin, where our company is... We are in Shinjuku Central Park, Further ahead is the Shinjuku Jr Kyushu hotel where you want to stay. "

Shinjuku Jr Kyushu hotel is a four-star hotel, but it is very popular in Tokyo because it has characteristics and focuses on the conflict between modernization and Japanese traditional style. In other words, half of the hotel rooms are modern style and the other half are traditional style.

After Qin Shiou and Weini entered the room, they laughed at the conflict between the two styles. They are really creative and can give tourists a strong sense of novelty.

Nishimura Leng politely left after sending them. Although Qin Shiou had no good feelings for the Japanese nation and had just cleaned up a group of whaling ship crew, he was right about things and wrong about people. Nishimura Leng's performance was blameless. He was really an excellent young man.

It was two o'clock in the morning. It took him two and a half hours to drive from the airport. In fact, the road could be faster, but Xicun Leng always introduced them to the night view, which took some time.

Winnie took out some small gifts from Newfoundland and gave them to Nishimura Leng. She thanked him for his hospitality. Of course, it was very valuable.

Qin Shiou opened a room for him and asked him to rest here directly. On the way, Xicun Leng accidentally mentioned that his place is not in Xinsu district. Now he drives back and it is estimated that it will be dawn.

Seeing the gift, Nishimura Leng quickly refused. Weini said it was a thank-you gift for our friends. Hearing what she said, Nishimura Leng bowed and said, "ah, what's so funny? Thank you, thank you! It's very kind of you. Xicun is very grateful. "

After opening the room, Qin Shiou asked Xicun Leng to stay here. Xicun Leng refused completely this time. He said that his sister was still waiting for him to have a snack. He had to go back, otherwise his sister would worry about his safety.

The next day after arriving in Tokyo, Qin Shiou got up and a waiter brought breakfast. It was a fried snapper, seaweed sushi and black coffee. It was still a match between modern diet and traditional diet.

Qin Shiou went out for a walk. Although the greening rate in Tokyo was very high, there were too many cars, too many people and poor air quality. Coupled with the cloudy sky, he was not interested after two steps and returned to the hotel.

On the way, he bought several newspapers and found that his bluefin tuna king is now very famous in Tokyo. Butler is an expert. He collaborated with several fishery companies to hype the fish. Naturally, the tuna auction attracted more attention.

The fish was hung in Nelson's name and said that he caught the big fish in the sea area of damamachi, Aomori County - this was the result of Butler's discussion with Qin Shiou. Qin Shiou didn't want to appear in public, so Nelson undertook this important task.

Tuna produced in this season must be claimed to be caught in Asian waters. If it is caught in the Atlantic and Pacific waters of North America, this fish can't be sold, otherwise it will go to court.

In addition to selling, because this fish has broken the weight record of bluefin tuna in the past 25 years, the International Fishing Association has to give a bonus. Butler and Qin Shiou said that the bonus is as high as $2.75 million!

Back at the hotel, Qin Shiou was browsing the newspaper. Then Butler came and said to take him to meet the president of hidai village Co., Ltd.

Hidekura Co., Ltd. is one of the largest fishing companies in Tokyo. It has strong strength. They have photographed the bluefin tuna king at the auction in the past few years. This year, they are bound to win this fish king.

Last night, people sent someone to entertain and booked a hotel. Of course, Qin Shiou wanted to meet the president.

Before lunch, Butler took him to hidai village Co., Ltd.

In Qin Shiou's impression, fishery companies should all be on the beach and the environment is chaotic, such as Dick seawater production and vegetation company.

But this is not the case in Xidai village. This company is located on the 18th floor of a modern high-rise building in xinduxin skyscraper group. There are many people dressed as fishermen and crew, but most of them wear professional OL and white-collar men.