After dividing the fruit, Winnie simply boiled some pork chops and mixed them in coarse dog food for tigers and leopards. The little Lala swayed their tails and ate happily.

Bear turned his head and looked. He saw the ribs in the rice basin. He immediately came up, stretched out his palm, pushed the tiger and leopard away, stuffed his head in, opened his mouth and swallowed wildly.

The tiger and leopard were pushed away at once. They roared angrily, jumped up, grabbed the bear's fat head and tore its ears with their mouths.

The bear's big brain bag shook away, quickly shook off the tiger and leopard, and continued to eat steak on the rice basin.

The tiger and leopard are not good at biting the bear. They look at Winnie whining and complain with their heads.

Winnie tried to push Xiong Da away, grabbed the rice basin and put it in front of the tiger and leopard. As soon as she stared, Xiong Da immediately turned and ran to his rice basin and continued to eat his own.

"Look, that's how Xiong Da eats fat." Winnie said helplessly, "it has learned to bully the market now. Take care of it."

Qin Shiou patted bear's fat ass, pulled down his face and said, "look what you're fat now? I'm so ugly and fat. I want to... "

Xiong Da turned around, stood up and hugged Qin Shiou. He stretched his neck to lick him with his tongue. His mouth also cried in a low voice. It seemed that he was wronged.

After waiting for a while, before it was his turn to eat fish, George W. Bush was immediately dissatisfied. He ran two steps, flapped his wings, stumbled onto the table, and shouted, "Gaga, gaga!"

Winnie hurried up to help it comb its feathers and comforted, "OK, OK, I know it's your turn. Will you be quiet? Cut your fish right away! "

When she opened the refrigerator and looked, Winnie said, "Hi, honey, there's no meat at home? I've cooked the last ribs for the tiger and the leopard. "

Qin Shiou thought and said, "no, I forgot. The venison and wild boar meat were taken to the Zhenqing day barbecue."

The bald eagle feeds on fish and meat. Winnie has been feeding Bush half to half. Now she has no meat, so she has to cut four hairy scale fish for it to eat.

Since the blue sky dream, George W. Bush has been very restrained. He didn't eat two hairy scale fish. He looked up and looked forward to Winnie's quack.

Winnie looked at it helplessly, spread her hand and said, "there's no meat for the time being, baby, will you eat two more fish?"

George W. Bush blinked and continued to quack a few times, but Winnie still spread her hand. In this way, Bush understood it several times. It fluttered its wings and glided to the position of the refrigerator. Winnie opened it and jumped up to have a look.

When he fell to the ground, George W. Bush was a little angry. He rattled. Winnie took the hairy scale fish to it. The little guy lost his temper, patted one wing off Winnie's hand, ran over and pressed the hairy scale fish with his claws and continued to roar.

Qin Shiou was angry. The little bastard was a little too much, but he didn't have to teach it himself. He whistled at the window, and Nimitz, who stayed on the maple tree, flew in immediately.

Regardless of the situation, Nimitz knew the purpose of Qin Shiou when he was eating. He stretched out strong wings, patted George W. Bush on his head and gave him a neck.

George W. Bush was immediately honest. He listlessly lowered his head, took the scaly fish under his claws into his mouth and swallowed it reluctantly.

That's right. Qin Shiou remembered the posture of George W. Bush when he glided. While cleaning the potatoes, he said, "we should fly George W. Bush again. I think we can do it this time."

"Or from the car?" Asked Winnie.

Qin Shiou shook his head and said, "no, let it fly this time and throw it off the helicopter tomorrow."

"God, what if it doesn't fly?" Winnie said anxiously, "we can't be too hard on children."

Qin Shiou explained: "it doesn't matter. Let Byrd fly a helicopter to the sea. If he throws it down like that, he will take a cold bath in the sea. It won't be dangerous."

That's all right. Winnie nodded and felt good.

Qin Shiou washed the potatoes and called in bird to cut them into shreds.

Bird washed the kitchen knife, pressed the potato in one hand and flashed quickly in the other. He only heard the crisp sound of "Kaka, KaKa" sounded rhythmically. The potato was quickly cut into ten pieces of the same thickness, and then the direction of the kitchen knife turned and all became potato silk.

I haven't eaten shredded potatoes for a long time. Qin Shiou is ready to eat them in soy sauce. Cook the shredded potatoes in boiling water and chill them in cold water. Then mix them with hot and fragrant chili oil and pour in oyster sauce, soy sauce and vinegar. The dish is simple and delicious.

Qin Shiou tasted this dish in a few minutes. Well, it's good. Poseidon potatoes are more delicious. The potatoes are crispy and not soft. It tastes delicious. It's just right to mix cold dishes.

Without meat, I cook vegetarian dishes at night. Of course, there are many eggs, duck eggs and bird eggs.

Qin Shiou prepares fried eggs and opens the thermostatic cabinet, which is full of layers of eggs and duck eggs.

Seeing so many eggs inside, Qin Shiou was startled and said, "does anyone send us eggs?"

Winnie said with a smile: "it's impossible. Shirley and Gordon pick it up every day. Now there are a lot of chickens and ducks in it. Go and have a look tomorrow and expand the farm when you have time."

Qin Shiou is a carnivore. He is happy without meat. Without pork, venison and beef, he can eat chickens, ducks and geese.

Looking at Iverson rubbing his stomach to make himself hungry, Qin Shiou resolutely started with the big white goose. There is a dish in his hometown called pressure cooker big goose stewed potato. It tastes very good.

Tell Iverson to eat geese tonight. He immediately ran out with interest. When he came back, he carried a fat white goose in his hand. His neck had been broken. Just pluck and wash it.

Potatoes are ready-made. I dug some small potatoes just before, so I don't have to cut them. After scraping, I can stew them directly.

After cleaning up the goose, Qin Shiou chopped it into pieces. After cleaning up its feathers and organs, the goose also has more than ten kilograms, which can be eaten tonight.

After washing the goose and boiling it with boiling water, Qin Shiou added oil in the pot, sprinkled maple sugar, soy sauce and vinegar, boiled some thick soup, poured the goose into the pot and fried it constantly.

In the pressure cooker, pour in the soup that cooked the goose before. Qin Shiou put some green onions, ginger, dry red pepper, anise, hemp pepper, orange peel and other large materials into it. Mix the goose and potatoes and cook it together.

After boiling for five minutes, Qin Shiou poured some soy sauce, maple sugar and salt into the soup, continued to simmer for 20 minutes, and the pot of goose came out of the oven.

After cooking, Winnie tasted some goose, nodded and said with a smile, "it's very fragrant, spicy and hemp. It's perfect for dinner."

Winnie said that the goose's internal organs were thrown away except the goose liver. Qin Shiou said he would deal with them by himself, and then called Nelson to let him clean the goose intestines. He still had to keep them for the goose intestines with pickled peppers.