After leaving the fishing boat, Qin Shiou's most popular place now is the bar, which makes him feel a little incredible.

After thinking about it, he may have been saying goodbye to the silence of the island for too long. Occasionally, he will stay in a crowded place and get more popularity.

It's the old saying that human beings are social animals.

Qin Shiou doesn't drink and pick up girls in the bar. He just watches the ball game with a group of rough men. The NBA regular season is in full swing. The game is broadcast live on the big screen of the bar all day.

At one o'clock in the morning, after watching the ball, he argued with a group of people about the candidates for the All-Star game. Qin Shiou and the fishermen went out of the bar to have a rest. As a result, the phone suddenly rang. Looking at the caller ID, it was alfev.

"Did you disturb your rest, my brother Qin Shiou?" Alfev gave a brief greeting.

Qin Shiou said that I had just finished watching the ball and didn't rest. Alfev said that's good. Then he cut into the theme and said, "the sunset of mengmaru, 50 million dollars is no problem. When can I find an expert to inspect the goods?"

Hearing this, Qin Shiou was full of energy. He had $50 million. After tax deduction, he still had $25 million, converted into Canadian dollars, 30 million less!

Immediately call little black and Billy and ask them to hurry up and contact alfev to sell Van Gogh's paintings.

Fifty million is a very reasonable price. Little black has told him that the reserve price of the auction on this painting is only 24 million, and the transaction price can be doubled at most.

In addition, there is another advantage of selling the sunset of mengmaru now, that is, it can reduce the publicity cost. There are two months before the spring auction. The official publicity of the auction has not started yet. That's the time to spend a lot of money.

After selling the sunset of mengmaru, Qin Shiou was refreshed. Then he was ready to go to sea for the last time, and then he could go home for the new year.

As everyone wishes, the weather in St. Lawrence Bay is not very good in the last two days. It has been cloudy and blocking the sun. The Meteorological Bureau issued a forecast of level 4 to 5 sea breeze. This wind is not big, but it will also frighten some captains. After all, storm Kraken 18 has just passed.

The fishermen on the harvest were not afraid. They had already stormed the super storm. This kind of small wind and waves can only be said to be drizzle and no pressure.

After two days' rest, the harvest ship replenished fresh water, ice, diesel and food overnight. At 2:30 a.m., the harvest ship quietly left the fishing port and entered St. Lawrence Bay in the bumpy waves.

Once out of the Bay, Qin Shiou immediately asked shack and bull to take people to block the name of the fishing boat on the side of the ship. The bull bought two plastic plates of the same color as Fengshou, which were painted with black paint with a name: deep sea axe fish.

Deep sea axe fish is a beautiful silver fish. It belongs to candlelight fish, belonging to the pleated chest fish family. It has a thick chest and flat sides. Most of it inhabits the west of the Pacific Ocean and is not famous in Newfoundland.

The renamed Fengshou is a dragon into the sea this time. Unless someone gets on the ship to check, he can't judge the identity of Fengshou.

Just as cars are not allowed to cover up their license plates and change their license plates on land, ships at sea are not allowed to cover up their names, but this is only a legal provision. Who cares if no one checks?

For example, there is a scene in Nicholas Cage's famous film king of war. In order to avoid being tracked by the international maritime police, cage asked his brother to change the ship name before the arrival of the maritime police, so as to avoid the tracking of the maritime police.

In this morning, when the fishermen arrived at the wharf, they found that the harvest they had been monitoring was missing.

The fishermen were extremely depressed. Qin Shiou went to sea after dawn every time, which gave the fishermen the illusion that he was successfully raided by Fengshou.

After a little inquiry, they knew that Fengshou had replenished energy and food before leaving Hong Kong. In this way, they immediately knew that Fengshou would catch at sea again, so they contacted the fishermen at sea to ask if anyone had seen Fengshou.

The answer they got disappointed them. The harvest seemed to disappear out of thin air. No one had seen them.

This is normal. Fengshou is fishing in the direction of Basque port this time. It has been out for eight hours before it broke down and began to drop its shrimp cage.

Snowball and ice skate found two relatively concentrated lobster groups in advance. The fishermen threw down the shrimp cage. Qin Shiou controlled them to drill in with Poseidon consciousness, so that they could harvest the shrimp cage once in two and a half hours.

In addition to lobster, another target of Qin Shiou is a sea fish more precious than haddock, that is salmon.

Salmon are often used to staying in offshore waters. Snowball found a batch of Atlantic salmon first, and Qin Shiou drove the boat there.

The fishing net was thrown and the fishing boat moved forward. Forty minutes later, the fishing net was harvested. It was full of Atlantic salmon, more than two tons.

Salmon do not like to gather in large groups like haddock. They appear in small groups, which is also related to the crazy fishing of fishermen.

Fishermen can only rest three or four hours a day. They harvest too many sea fish and lobsters during the day. They need to tidy up the fish cabin all night at night.

The ice cabins were filled with sea fish. Although the fishermen were tired, they were in a good mental state. They were full of joy at seeing the bumper harvests again and again.

It took seven days for Qin Shiou and his party to play frantically at sea until the ice cabin was filled, so that at least 55 tons of salmon and at least 20 tons of lobster were collected.

Qin Shiou is really tired, because he consumes the energy of Poseidon crazily, and his mental state is worse than that of fishermen. In the last stroke, he almost exhausted all Poseidon energy and cleaned the surrounding sea areas.

The fishing ground is full of catches. The draft of Fengshou has increased by nearly one meter. Now a big wave can be directly photographed on the ship. Qin Shiou waves and returns!

As soon as they returned, the fishermen suddenly lost their strength. They looked pale and depressed. They sat down anywhere and began to smoke.

The Bulls smoked one by one. Qin Shiou saw that they smoked their own rolls, so he asked, "don't you have any cigarettes?"

The bull said subconsciously, "no, cigarettes are boring now. We have to smoke a lot ma."

"What, big Ma?" Qin Shiou frowned, "don't play with this thing. Damn it, they're bad for your health."

It's not easy for him to blame fishermen. When fishing boats go to sea, especially for long-distance voyage, there are some big horses hidden on board. Because the sea work is tired and boring, the fishermen can't stand it for a long time. At this time, they need to have a big Ma to relieve the pressure.

When he was in China, Qin Shiou looked at the publicity and regarded things like big Ma as a flood. But in Canada, influenced by the United States, the resistance to this thing is very small, and the voice for the legalization of Da Mo seems to be higher in Canada than in the United States.

When Qin Shiou downloaded the crew code on the Internet, it said that the crew are not allowed to be infatuated with big Ma, but they are allowed to smoke a little after work every day.

Therefore, now when I see two fishermen coming, Qin Shiou can't say it's too dead. This is still related to living habits and culture. For example, when * * * sees Han people eating pork, he can't persuade others not to eat it?

When the bull saw Qin Shiou frown, he was nervous. The smoker came and asked what was going on. After knowing that, he explained a few words.

Qin Shiou nodded to show his understanding, and the bull quickly handed him one. Qin Shiou waved his hand and refused. He told the bull to take it easy. When he got ashore, no one could touch this thing.

The bull explained, "we don't want to waste. We brought it when we left farewell town. It's useless all the time. Now we're leaving soon. If we don't solve it, it'll be a waste. So we have two people and just have the spirit to unload on the dock. "

Qin Shiou gave him a bad look. Can this thing also use thrift as an excuse? He wanted to say something more, but as soon as he looked back, he saw that shack and the cigarette gun were also divided and stuffed into the tobacco leaves. Well, needless to say, go back to bed by yourself.

But the crew were still very clever. Seeing that Qin Shiou didn't like them smoking this thing, he knocked off the things in his pipe and said to the others, "throw them away. Look at your affectation, as if you were really tired."

Other people also understood and threw the cigarettes into the sea. The bull took a hard breath and said with some regret, "it's a pity to spend more than 100 yuan."

Qin Shiou said, "if you just want to relieve fatigue, I don't have a big objection. What I'm worried about is that you will be infatuated with these damn things if you make money with me in the future!"

The smoker explained to the crowd, "no, Captain, don't worry. We use it to relieve mental pressure. If you don't want this thing on our harvest, we won't touch it in the future. I dare swear to you that no one among our brothers dares to mess around!"