Qin Shiou didn't know why. Ross smiled and said, "aha, Winnie obviously can't stand kiviak. It's a pity that she can't enjoy the delicious food of Inuit."

Winnie nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said weakly to Qin Shiou, "will you take away the roast fish? I want to eat vegetables. "

Qin Shiou took it back and tore the fish and ate it. He deliberately greedy for Winnie: "well, it tastes great. My craft is getting better and better. Are you sure you don't want to eat it? Roasted fish is much better than roasted vegetables. "

Winnie shook her head and lowered her head. She didn't seem to want to see any tragedy.

Qin Shiou didn't understand what was going on. Ross explained to him, "not everyone likes kiviak. Qin, there are still few warriors like us. But seriously, kiviak's approach is really a little difficult for ordinary people. "

"Stop it, Mr. Ross. For God's sake, will you talk about it later?" Winnie looked pitifully at the Ross and said.

Ross laughed and didn't go on. He roasted two more strings of meat and wiped kiviak for Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou has an advantage, that is, he is very curious. Looking at Wayne like this, he thought there must be something he didn't know about this meal, so he took out his mobile phone and started Google.

Naturally, kiviak was the first Google.

Qin Shiou didn't feel right about the first profile searched out, because the first Google introduction about kiviak was "the king of global dark cuisine".

He looked down and introduced more and more.

This sauce is one of the essential condiments in Eskimo life. Its importance is equivalent to that of salt to Mongols, but one provides salt and the other provides vitamins.

As we all know, there are too few plants in the Arctic, so people need vitamins in raw meat to supplement nutrition. If the meat is cooked, the vitamins will decompose a lot, so sometimes Eskimos have to eat raw meat.

Kiviak can also be regarded as a kind of raw meat. First catch a big seal, and then catch a bird called appalarsuk.

Appaliarsuk's scientific name is dwarf petrel. It is the bird closest to penguins in the Arctic. It can not only fly, but also swim on the seabed with its wings. It can dive up to 50 meters.

If enough dwarf petrels are caught, the Inuit will kill them, then put them directly into the seal's stomach and sew them. The suture mouth should also be coated with sun dried seal oil to prevent insects.

After this operation like process is completed, it can not be directly brought to the table. It has just begun. They need to bury the seal in the permafrost and let the seal's stomach acid slowly ferment the petrel.

The heaviest place came. Two or three years later, the Inuit found the place where the seal was buried, dug it out, took out these dwarf petrels, broke off their tails, directly sucked the viscera that had become meat paste, or squeezed these viscera onto the barbecue like squeezing toothpaste

Seeing this, Qin Shiou's eyes became straighter than Winnie. He silently put his mobile phone into his pocket, staggered to his feet and walked towards the back of the beach.

Ross asked curiously, "Qin, don't you eat? Why go?"

Qin Shiou smiled reluctantly. He waved his hand and didn't open his mouth. He was afraid that he would vomit if he opened his mouth!

Fortunately, there was Winnie, a beautiful leg stewardess, who recovered her radiant posture. She smiled and said, "sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Qin is used to walking after eating. You eat first, and I'll walk with him."

Keeping up with Qin Shiou, Weini held him, looked at him piteously and said, "you're so strange."

Qin Shiou patted her plump buttocks and said angrily, "Winnie, why didn't you remind me just now? I feel like my stomach is full of shit. I'm going to vomit. I can't stand it! "

Winnie said wrongfully, "how can I remind you? Remember what I said before I came? Don't involve yourself in anything except business. "

She paused and said, "besides, we should respect their customs and traditions. I know what kiviak is, so I can't eat it. But if you don't eat after I explain to you, it's an insult to other people's tradition. "

"I bought a watch last year." Qin Shiou found a place where there was no one, squatted down and began to pick his throat.

In addition to throwing up all over the place for dinner, Qin Shiou's trip to buy a fishing ground was very smooth on the whole.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross had a good impression of him. The next day, when he transferred his account and was ready to go back to the island, they specially came to the wharf to see him off and invited him to visit his home in his spare time.

"I also have a bucket of kiviak with juice at home. Next time you come, I'll invite you to try it. To tell you the truth, man, it tastes great. " Ross shook his head and sighed.

Qin Shiou almost began to vomit again. He made up his mind not to be a guest.

Back to the fishing ground, the tiger and leopard showed special interest in Qin Shiou and kept circling him.

Qin Shiou smiled, hugged the two little guys around and proudly said to Winnie, "look, the children are closer to me. They ignore you now."

Winnie looked at him and finally smiled and didn't speak.

Qin Shiou said displeased, "just say what you want to say. Is there anything else we want to hide?"

Winnie said carefully, "well, what I want to say is that the children smell the bird shit in your mouth, so they lick your mouth so eagerly, hee hee."

With that, Winnie turned and ran away.

Qin Shiou was extremely sad and angry. He threw away two lesbians and ran after her. He hugged her and scratched her while shouting, "this matter can't be mentioned anymore. I won't let you look good in the future, otherwise!"

Back at the villa, Qin Shiou brushed his teeth again and washed them twice with mouthwash. Only then did he feel better.

When he returned to the living room, George W. Bush flapped his wings and "quack" at him.

George W. Bush is very smart. Although he can't fly, he has learned a way to speed up running, that is, flapping his wings to run up, so that sometimes he can glide for a distance.

Qin Shiou picked it up, teased its little head and asked, "what's your name, what's your name?"? Didn't you see your father all day and miss him very much? "

"Quack, quack!"

"Why are you calling? Dad, isn't this by your side? "

"Gaga, Gaga, gaga!"

Winnie took over and touched George W. Bush's shriveled stomach. Qin Shiou looked white and said, "you'll make trouble. Hey, baby, isn't nobody feeding you?"

She went to cut a herring and fed it to George W. Bush. George W. Bush stretched his neck in his mouth and swallowed it. He ate the herring and it immediately quieted down.

But then the tiger, leopard and bear roared and rushed up again. The little moose and pineapple in the yard also screamed wildly.

Winnie made a helpless move and said, "God, the children didn't eat last night. No wonder the tiger and leopard have to lick bird shit."

Qin Shiou: "