With an excavator to open the way, the work becomes simple. It's just a small ditch 20 or 30 cm deep without paying attention to beauty, so shack operates the excavator to dig all the way.

The length of this tributary is more than two kilometers. It intercepts the water source next to the river, then passes through the enclosure, all the way south, and finally flows into the ocean.

Just dug, there is still a lot of soil in the canal. The snow-white river flows in and turns into mud when it flows out.

Although it's not beautiful, Qin Shiou and others have been very happy. After the work is finished, the rest is to move the livestock.

Qin Shihou and his party clapped their hands to celebrate, and little bear stood up and shouted "Wuwu".

Looking at the river gurgling, Qin Shiou happily picked up his shovel and shouted, "OK, work is over, go home and drink and have a barbecue!"

The little bear followed him quickly. Qin Shiou turned back and smiled at him and stretched out his hand. The little bear immediately stretched out his claws and stood up like a toddler.

Qin Shiou finally decided to adopt the little guy. He believed that the little brown bear would be smarter and would not hurt people when he grew up.

Auerbach walked behind, looked at the bear and said, "Qin, give it a name."

Qin Shiou looked at the little brown bear with a round head and a round head. He thought of his nephew's favorite cartoon "bear haunt". The two bears in it were brown bears. One was Xiong DA and the other was Xiong er. He patted the head of the little brown bear and said, "just call it Xiong da."

"Big bear? God, what's the strange name? " Auerbach could not help but make complaints about tactic. "Can it be called Teddy or Vigny? Is it not better?"

Qin Shiou smiled and played with the little bear's hairy head and said, "that's a good name, but Teddy is a dog's name. If you call it Winnie, then Winnie (the same pronunciation in English) is estimated to be crazy."

Indeed, think about it. In the future, if Qin Shiou shouted to bear: "Winnie, go and lie down outside the door", "Winnie, take my shoes back", "Winnie, don't pee in the living room", it would be strange if Winnie didn't kill him.

Similarly, if he and Winnie achieve good things in the future and say "Winnie, let's kiss", he will stretch out a big hairy head at that time. How terrible the scenery is.

This is not the most terrible thing. In case Qin Shiou comes in bed and feels like shouting 'Winnie, I want to fuck you', if a brown bear pours on bed at that time

He dared not think any more.

Little bear doesn't know that he has a funny B name. He feels uncomfortable standing and walking, but he doesn't want to get rid of Qin Shiou. He grabs Qin Shiou's hand with one claw, puts down the other claw and crawls strangely.

Qin Shiou introduced to Auerbach: "Xiong Da is not a disorderly name. This name has its origin. It is the protagonist of one of the two most popular cartoons in our country..."

He talked about Xiong DA and Xiong er's glorious deeds against the bald headed environmental destroyer. Auerbach said with emotion: "now these people are really unscrupulous in order to deceive children. How can brown bears be so smart?"

Qin Shiou was helpless and said weakly, "Sir, our focus should be why I named the little bear Xiong Da?"

"But brown bears don't have such IQ."

"That's a cartoon for children."

"Brown bears are stupid in the cartoons I watch."

"Forget it, I'd better go quickly. The tiger and leopard must miss me very much."

Qin Shiou guessed this correctly. When his figure appeared, the tiger and leopard lying at the door of the villa directly got up, shook their tail happily and greeted them. The crisp cry also sounded: "woof, woof..."

Hearing the barking of the dog, Xiong Da immediately pulled Qin Shiou's claws back. He fell on the ground and formed a group. He grinned, hurriedly made a defensive posture, and roared a few times with his eyebrows. He looked very strong.

As soon as the bear shouted, the tiger and the leopard found it. The two little guys were worthy of being warriors who dared to roar at the adult black back and Brazilian fele. They were not afraid of the roar of the brown bear. They surrounded the little bear from left to right, and the roar became more and more tragic.

Xiong Da couldn't take care of his defense. He turned around and got under Qin Shiou's crotch. Qin Shiou couldn't see it because of his seedless appearance.

Qin Shiou will understand that the little bear is still such a coward in those years, but he has learned to scare people recently. Just now he frightened Shaq, but he can't scare the Labrador dog, so he shows his timid nature again.

Qin Shiou drank the tiger and the leopard and shouted several times. The two little guys calmed down, but still stared at the little bear fiercely. It seems that the sense of confrontation between hunting dogs and wild animals has gone deep into the gene.

"Come here, boy, come on!" Qin Shiou hugged Xiong DA and sat on the ground, then waved to the tiger and leopard.

The tiger and the leopard licked their mouths and walked up carefully. The muscles of the bear bulged and stared at the two puppies, but they didn't intend to attack, but planned to run away at any time when things were bad.

Qin Shiou held the bear in one hand and the tiger and leopard in his arms with the other hand, forcing the three little guys together.

After leaning together, the tiger and the leopard open their mouths to fight, while the bear wants to escape as soon as he puts on his claws.

Auerbach, Shaq and the sea monster watched the joy. The latter shouted, "boss, you have to work hard. Dogs and bears are natural enemies. We hunt bears with a group of dogs, so you can be busy in the future."

Qin Shiou took the tiger and leopard and took the bear into the bathroom of the villa. He put the water and threw the three little guys in together. The Poseidon energy was divided into three strands and poured into their bodies.

In this way, the little dog and the little bear finally stopped. Although they still looked discordant, under the adjustment of Poseidon energy, they could feel much more familiar and no longer fight together.

Qin Shiou took out the bath milk to wash the three little guys. The Labrador dog didn't like bathing, but he didn't hate it. He accepted it and pulled it down after washing.

The bear was very different. This guy soaked in warm water and put his two front paws on the bathtub like an uncle. He narrowed his eyes and lay on his paws to enjoy it. From time to time, he opened his mouth and yawned. It looked like he was going to sleep.

Qin Shi Gu rubbed it. Soon there was a thick layer of foam on the bear's hair. The bear might feel uncomfortable and throw it away.

This is very handsome. Qin Shi Gu was thrown away. The tiger and leopard who had just dried hair with electric hair dryer also had a lot of bubbles.

After a while, the tiger and leopard became angry and opened their mouths to bite Xiong da. Qin Shiou had to open them again. He wiped the two little guys with a dry towel first, and then let them out. Only in this way can he concentrate on cleaning Xiong da.

There was a lot of dust on bear. Qin Shiou changed the four sides of the water before washing it. When he first watered, there were many small insects floating on the water. How dirty it was.

However, when cleaning, Qin Shiou found that the bear cub had certainly not been doing well recently. He didn't have much meat on his body. Under his thick fur was jagged and thin bones, which was different from the round and meat he saw when he first saw it.

After washing and drying his hair, Qin Shiou went to the living room with a brand-new bear. The tiger and leopard lay on the sofa and didn't respond to the bear. In this way, Qin Shiou was relieved.

When Shaq and the sea monster came back after taking a bath, they saw three little guys lying on the sofa without fighting, which made them very incredible.

"Hey, boss, how did you do it?" Shaq asked, "dogs and bears are natural enemies."

Qin Shi Gu explained: "it's very easy to shower them together and spray the same perfume. They taste the same and accept each other."

This is the reason he thought of. He just gave three guys a little perfume left by Winnie.

After listening to his words, Auerbach frowned, and said, "no, Qin, the dog's nose is allergic to perfume, and the brown bear has more sensitivity than dogs, which is not good for them."

Qin Shiou said reluctantly, "that's better than the black and blue fight between them?"

He is not afraid of allergies to dogs and bears. After all, he has been transformed with Poseidon energy. The three little guys will be strong.

There were so many fish shot during the day, as well as mountain mushrooms, other red mushrooms and Brazilian mushrooms. Qin Shiou wanted to have a barbecue at night.

Later, Nelson came back from his patrol at sea. He raised a fish in his hand and said with a smile, "good luck today. A sailfish jumped up and landed on the ship. How are you going to eat it?"

This is a 60 cm Atlantic swordfish. The upper part of its body is blue and the lower part is white. Its mouth is pointed and long, and it is very fresh.

As soon as Nelson came out with the swordfish, the bear, who was lying on the sofa and sleeping with his eyes closed, sniffed his nose hard, then opened his eyes, pulled his four short legs on the sofa, jumped to the ground and rushed at Nelson.

Nelson was so frightened by the bear that he quickly stepped back and shouted, "boss, how did the brown bear come in?"

After all, he was the elite from the Canadian special forces. After one step withdrawal, he went forward, aimed at Xiong DA and kicked him up. He only heard a scream. Xiong Da was pumped away like a ball

****Thank you for the rewards from snake sister 1989, 888x300, luyilin and other friends. Thank you for your support for the cartridge case and our fishing ground! Thank you very much. I don't want to repay you. If you have a single sister, you can contact me. I'm willing to repay you with a promise! In addition, please have friends who recommend votes to vote for it. If there is a reward, the cartridge case will be more grateful!