Some things have the first time, there is a second time. Anyway, at the beginning, Tan Feiyang was very embarrassed. He had to turn off the lights and not touch his feet. But Jian Ningzhe didn't listen to him about these things. After several times, he got used to them. www。 しwxs。 It's just a pity that Tan Feiyang can't ride a horse. At night, if you go riding in the daytime, there will be 100% accidents. Tan Feiyang can ride a horse. Originally, this body has the memory of riding a horse. During the reality show training, he reviewed it again. Tan Feiyang's riding skill is still good. And Jian Ningzhe studied it in film and television school. He learned everything fast and well, and riding was no problem.

It's not good not to ride a horse. Fortunately, there won't be any good horses in this kind of non professional racecourse. Tan Feiyang raised a good horse at the horse farm in the suburb of Beijing. Now he can't ride it, so he asked Jian Ningzhe to go to the horse farm after the shooting of the next reality show. Why do you want to ask jianningzhe? Of course, don't bother him before you go to the racecourse. Otherwise, how can you ride a horse when you are split!

In fact, Jian Ningzhe is really gentle, not as exaggerated as Tan Feiyang said. She takes good care of Tan Feiyang every time. However, no matter how well he took care of him, Tan Feiyang still felt uncomfortable. Even the next day, he would feel uncomfortable like something. If he went riding, he would be very uncomfortable.

No matter how gentle she is, she can only hope that Tan Feiyang can get used to it in the future. Maybe I'll get used to it Neither novice is sure.

There are five days of vacation. The first day is on the road and fishing. The second day, he wasted a day in the house. The third day, he can't waste any more time. Tan Feiyang thought about it and decided to catch game in the morning, fish in the afternoon and have no picking garden. He packed these things back to his elder brother. When he went out to play, he had to think about his elder brother and bring him local products.

Tan Feiyu is really too busy. So many big companies are managed by him. He has little personal time. Since Tan Feiyu has no time to go out to play, it's better to give him something.

Taking the tools to set traps from the management of the villa, Tan Feiyang and Jian Ningzhe enter the mountain happily. This mountain forest is a protected forest land. When the villa was developed, the company had a headache because of this forest land. The woodland can't be cut in the range of the villa. It's a nuisance to put it like this. Later, a rural employee came up with the idea that if it could not be developed, it would simply be the original ecology. Raise some chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits in the woodland, and then let people catch them freely. In this way, the problem of woodland is solved, and the villa has another feature, which is the best of both worlds.

There are no big beasts in the mountain forest. They are all delicious small animals suitable for eating. Tan Feiyang set up a trap, dressed in camouflage camouflage clothes, patiently waiting behind the big tree next to him.

Jianningzhe did not speak, just looked at him.

Tan Feiyang waited and waited, and finally a few pheasants came. His eyes lit up, and he was dragging the rope in his hand, intending to buckle the net down. Who knows that a few pheasants in the trap next to turn a few circles, found Tan Feiyang layout trapped in the line, the line directly peck off, and then flopped away. When the net fell down, the pheasants came back and stepped on the net to eat the bait.

Tan Feiyang was so angry that he rushed out to pounce on the pheasants. The pheasants were so smart that they ran away with food in their mouths. Pheasants have more developed wings than domestic chickens. They run very fast. They are also familiar with the forest. Tan Feiyang can't catch up with them at all.

Standing in the forest, looking at the trap he was destroyed, Tan Feiyang said to Jian Ningzhe: "these pheasants have become essence!"

Jian Ningzhe couldn't smile. She went over and said, "idiot, so many people come to catch game villa and sell these kinds of traps. At first, the pheasant didn't know. After a long time, how could it be caught? The animals are not so stupid."

Tan Feiyang opened his eyes and asked, "isn't this money fraud? It's not easy to buy a trap. "

"No one stipulates that you must pay for traps. You can take them yourself. What's more, there are rules in the villa. If you can't catch them, can you buy them directly? " Jian Ningzhe rubbed his head and said, "you have to be considerate of the management of the villa. If the game here is so easy to catch, it will be empty, and the main game in the woodland will be gone. Do you remember the administrator said that even if you want to buy game, it's limited, and it's limited for everyone and every day. The harder it is to get something, the more people want it. That's why this place is so famous. "

"Then I'm going to catch game for big brother?" Tan Feiyang some not happy ground says, "is not oneself catch how to go?"

"Dig a hole to see if any rabbits fall in." Jianningzhe teases Tan Feiyang.

Tan Feiyang decided to try the rabbit catcher he bought and put the carrots in the cage, waiting for the rabbit to come. As a result, the rabbit came, but after looking around the cage, people didn't even want carrots and ran away. The rabbits here are too smart!

Jian Ningzhe sits beside the tree and laughs. Tan Feiyang is angry with the rabbit catcher.

In the end, Tan Feiyang still bought a pair of pheasants and a pair of rabbits. It's not allowed to buy so many in the limited amount, but after all, it's Tan Feiyang's own and it's easy to accommodate.

When the hare and the pheasant get it, it's no problem to fish. Jian Ningzhe is a big fisherman, and Tan Feiyang can catch one or two. I don't have to think about the problem that I can't eat this time. It's for my elder brother anyway. Tan Feiyang says that he wants to catch more fish than jianningzhe. Jianningzhe readily agrees and puts a bucket beside them. So in three hours, jianningzhe's bucket became full, but Tan Feiyang had only two pitiful fish. He wanted to fish himself and give them to his elder brother, but now he is too embarrassed to take them.So Jian Ningzhe picked up the two buckets and poured all the fish in them into the bucket. The fish were all mixed up and could not tell who caught them.

"I'll leave one for tonight, and the rest will be sent to Mr. tan." Jianningzhe said, "what I'm fishing for is what you're fishing for. Why are you so clear?"

Tan Feiyang suddenly happy, from behind to jianningzhe back, let him carry himself. Jianningzhe's back is very wide and safe. She is very comfortable lying on it.

After fishing, he went to the picking garden. Now Tan Feiyang didn't let Jian Ningzhe do it. He bent down to pick it for a long time. When the basket was full, his waist hurt.

Jian Ningzhe kneaded his waist painfully and said, "you don't care about me. You have to pick it yourself. What should I do tonight when my waist hurts so much?"

Tan Feiyang

Can't you take a night off? Do you want to do it tonight? His waist, oh, always feels that his waist muscle is strained.

Seeing his muddled expression, Jian Ningzhe couldn't help kissing Tan Feiyang's face and said, "well, if you don't do it, you won't do it, but you can't hook your fingers. I'm sure you'll pass."

Tan Feiyang turned his eyes and put down the basket to hook his fingers to Jian Ningzhe. Jian Ningzhe put his arms around his chest and looked at Tan Feiyang and said, "in broad daylight, I hook my fingers. Is it the past or the past or the past?"

"Don't come here." Tan Feiyang picked up the basket and ran, but how could he run faster than Jian Ningzhe? He was caught in two steps.

Jian Ningzhe carries Tan Feiyang on his shoulder and a basket full of fruit on his hand. He walks steadily and does not have any difficulty. Tan Feiyang cries on his shoulder.

"Robbing the women of the people." Back in the room, Tan Feiyang called.

Jian Ningzhe put Tan Feiyang on the bed and said with the appearance of a dandy: "robbing people's women? Is it a good woman who hooks her fingers on men in broad daylight? Little lady, you obediently follow me. I'll give you something popular and spicy. "

"You, you still need to give me chili water..." Tan Feiyang blinked his eyes and said, "this is forcing a good man to be a prostitute. They have family members."

"Oh?" "Why don't I know the little lady has a husband in her family? Come on, tell me who got married to such a beautiful little girl

"I, my husband's family name is Jane..." Tan Feiyang blinked and looked at Jian Ningzhe again.

Jianningzhe burst out laughing, pinched Tan Feiyang's chin and said, "Yo? I don't know that my little lady has long been in love with me. My name is Jane

"It's just the same name!" Tan Feiyang glared at him and complained, "my husband's family is gentle and elegant, but he is a gentleman. How can you be compared with such an apprentice as you Poof... "

Tan Feiyang finally burst out laughing. Jian Ningzhe hugged him and rubbed his face. "The acting is good. This pair of plays are right. They are like a little girl who wants to refuse and welcome."

"Screw you. I'm clearly refusing. I firmly refuse!" Tan Feiyang put his palm on jianningzhe's chest, and his face was full of righteous words.

"Who said that?" Jane Ningzhe raised her hand and asked to caress Tan Feiyang's eyelashes. "Every time she blinked, it was like seducing people."

He hugged Tan Feiyang and his voice became a little hoarse. Tan Feiyang was embarrassed and didn't know what to do. He shrunk his hands and feet and said, "you don't feel dirty after picking fruit from the garden."

"Then go and take a bath, together?" Jian Ningzhe picked his eyebrows and looked very happy.

Tan Feiyang turned his eyes and said, "let's go together."

After taking a bath for several hours, Tan Feiyang was hugged out by Jian Ningzhe. When he was hugged out, he grunted that his back hurt. Jian Ningzhe gave his life to rub his waist. Kneading, kneading, Tan Feiyang suddenly thinks of his achievements today and struggles to get up and send them to his elder brother. Jianningzhe will press him to, he will game, fish and fruit are arranged, told the villa people to ice quickly to tan Feiyu sent, and to inform them.

Tan Feiyang was lying on the bed at ease. Seeing Jian Ningzhe coming back, he couldn't help kicking him: "agreed not to do it tonight!"

Jian Ningzhe didn't get kicked. He grabbed the foot of netizens' constant speculation, held the foot that can be used as a foot model in his hand and said, "no, it's dark, it's not night."

Tan Feiyang hammers the bed. How can Jian Ningzhe be such a good-looking man!

The big hand stroked the foot, touched the ankle, also touched the calf. Tan Feiyang pulled back his feet and said, "no, absolutely not!"

Jian Ningzhe naturally knew the endurance of his body. He didn't continue to touch it. He covered people with a quilt and let him have a good rest. After enough lying down, he had to go to exercise.

"Do you want to go?" Tan Feiyang looks sad and indignant.

"It will be lighter today. Don't hurt your waist too much. After all, you've bent down to pick fruits for so long, but you can exercise your leg strength and arm strength." In fact, jianningzhe is very considerate and considerate.

Tan Feiyang was reluctantly dragged to the gym by jianningzhe. Of course, he said he didn't want to. He was very happy.

On the other hand, when Tan Feiyu came home at night, he received a hand gift from Tan Feiyang. There was also an ugly note in it——When you go out to play, you can't forget big brother. This is my hand But I didn't catch the game I bought later. I caught the smallest two of the fish. I picked all the fruits myself and gave them to my elder brother. They were all natural and delicious. I've already eaten them.

Tan Feiyu looked at the note for a while and showed a rare smile. He told the nanny to put away the game and the fish. The whole family ate this these days. The two smallest fish are tomorrow's dinner. He will go home for dinner tomorrow.

Don't know Tan Feiyu because of the gift and intimate, Tan Feiyang is still living in Zhuangzi. In fact, five days is not a short time, but when the third day passes and the fourth day begins, Tan Feiyang has a feeling that his happy days are coming to an end and he will start work the day after tomorrow.

"Reality shows, even if they start, are all fun. They play well and make money. Now all stars want to go to variety shows. They are not tired at all, just like rest. What do you worry about?" Asked Jane Ningzhe.

"Because of the camera, in front of the camera, I'm afraid I can't help jumping on you." Tan Feiyang said dully.

After a pause, Jennie said, "in fact, in this circle, some relationships are not secret. If you can't help it, it's OK to tell us about our relationship. "

"How can I do that?" Tan Feiyang said discontentedly. "I have such a bad reputation. What do you do if you think you are kept by me? You have such a good reputation. Don't let me be corrupted. "

Jian Ningzhe Isn't that for keeping

"No!" Tan Feiyang scratched his head, racked his brains for a long time, and then said, "nurturing means that you pay * and freedom, I give you the resources you want, but this is not the case between us. I'm willing to help you. It doesn't matter whether I like you or not. I just think that your acting skills are so good and you work so hard. It shouldn't be the present treatment. People who work hard shouldn't have such a result. It has nothing to do with whether you have anything to do with me or not! "

Jane was silent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Tan Feiyang felt a little uncomfortable and continued: "and this time, I just want you to have a good rest. I know you are tired of filming. It's the first time I've come to this villa since it's been set up. The things at the head of the bed are not what I ordered. They are all prepared by the people of the villa Well, they'll be ready because I don't have a good review. I know it's a misunderstanding, but I like you, reluctant to push you away, you I'll take advantage of it. "

With that, Tan Feiyang secretly looks up at Jian Ningzhe. In fact, when he woke up that day and realized that he liked fifth brother, Tan Feiyang had planned to take this period of time as a dream. Anyway, it's all happened. It's better to leave some happy memories with brother five. When we talk about it later, we can at least have some memories.

"I also want to tell you one thing," Jian Ningzhe put his arm around Tan Feiyang. "If I want to be famous these years, there are actually many people who want to praise me. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't feel hard."

Tan Feiyang's eyes brightened and he looked at Jian Ningzhe.

Jian Ningzhe lit a cigarette, but he didn't smoke it. Instead, he put it between his fingers and let it burn. He seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't continue to say anything. He just sat quietly. Tan Feiyang doesn't interrupt his thoughts. He understands that brother five seldom smokes. The last time he saw brother five smoking like this, it was after Jane's mother died. Cheng Mingyi rushed back to his hometown as soon as he heard the news. As soon as he entered jianningzhe's house, he saw that there was only one young man sitting on the windowsill with a burning cigarette between his fingers. The ashtray on the windowsill was full of cigarette ends, and Jane's life was very beautiful Ning zhe didn't smoke at all. He just lit the cigarette.

Cheng Mingyi sat beside Jian Ningzhe and watched him for a long time. Seeing him lighting cigarettes one by one, he finally couldn't help asking, "why do you want to smoke like this?"

Jian Ningzhe put out the cigarette and said, "I'm thinking about things, but I'm afraid I want to be possessed, so I light a cigarette and put it in my hand. The cigarette burns my head and hurts my fingers, so I can wake up."

"Why did you order so many?" Cheng Mingyi has a feeling that he wants to cry with jianningzhe in his arms.

"Can't wake up, can't go out," Jian Ningzhe suddenly hugged Cheng Mingyi, forced to bite his shoulder, mouth issued a vague voice, "Xiao Ba, I can't go out, I hate it!"

The shoulder is very painful. Cheng Mingyi doesn't know what Jian Ningzhe is hating, and he doesn't want to know. When grandma died, Cheng Mingyi hated the world and all the people in the world. He couldn't go out at that time, so he just sat in the room in a daze. If five brothers didn't come in and pull him out of the empty world, he would never go out.

"Then sell the house!" Cheng Mingyi gritted his teeth and said, "sell the house, leave here and go out!"

At that time, he just said it casually, but Jian Ningzhe really took it as a way to sell his house, left the city where he had lived for more than ten years, and went to Beijing alone.

Seeing that jianningzhe is smoking like this again, Tan Feiyang is a little worried. He wants to reach out and take the cigarette out of jianningzhe's hand, but he is worried that it is just jianningzhe's habit of thinking about things.

Fortunately, jianningzhe didn't think for long. After the first cigarette burned his finger, he woke up and pressed the cigarette end in the ashtray."Tan Feiyang, in your eyes, what kind of person am I?" After putting out the cigarette end, jianningzhe asked.

If you want to talk about Jian Ningzhe's advantages, you can't finish it for three days and three nights. Tan Feiyang starts to count his fingers: "he is good-looking, has a good figure, can cook, has good acting skills, works hard, is serious, treats people gently, is polite and helpful, has a broad mind, never cares about others, and has a positive personality..."

"Wait..." Jianningzhe pinched his eyebrows and interrupted Tan Feiyang, "there is no such perfect person."

"You are such a person!" Tan Feiyang said seriously, "I've been watching."

"It's just acting out," said Jane. "I'll tell you what kind of person the real Jane is."

"He's good-looking, but he hates his face and his genes; he's good at acting to cover up his twisted psychology; he works hard to treat others seriously and gently to get what he wants and to show kindness and tolerance. He is a bit schizophrenic. He is gentle in front of people during the day. In fact, he has a desire to destroy himself. He often fantasies about killing all the people who block him. He is full of energy anytime and anywhere. In fact, he often suffers from insomnia at night and can't sleep all night. He can only sleep on sleeping pills. If he is filming in a room with others, he can disguise himself as sleeping for a month or two. He has been acting all year round, and his spirit is always tense. If he is careless, he may go crazy. " Jian Ningzhe said to tan Feiyang, "this is what Jian Ningzhe knows, not what he is in the eyes of outsiders."

Tan Feiyang didn't like to hear this kind of slander even if he said it himself. After hearing it, he said angrily, "I don't want you to insult yourself like this."

"I didn't," said Jane. "I was a little tired, and you Why don't you say a lie? If you can cheat me, I don't have to tell you what kind of pit you fell into. "

"Because a lie has to be solved by countless lies," Tan Feiyang said. "I didn't want you to know that I participated in reality TV training before. I told a lie that I couldn't do, and a second and a third one. Later, I said that I forgot what I was saying before, and I had to write down my lies with my mobile phone memo. I was very tired!"

Jian Ningzhe almost laughed because of his reasons. He held Tan Feiyang's hand and said, "it's very tired. I can't even pretend now."

"Then don't pretend. If you don't like me, go." Tan Feiyang said sadly, "I said that I didn't think about it that much. I don't lie."

"But I don't want to pretend now," Jian Ningzhe forced Tan Feiyang into his arms. "I don't know how many lies I have told or how many times I've cheated you, but what's the use of cheating you? You don't change whether you cheat or not. I lied to you about drinking that night. I drank to paralyze myself. But it's not an attempt to take you as a substitute with drunkenness, but an attempt to blur my feelings with drunkenness. I don't want to remember that you were the one I went to bed with that night. I want to blur every memory of our going to bed in the future. "

"Oh." When Tan Feiyang lowered his head, he knew that beautiful things would never last. He knew it since he was a child.

"But that's not because I don't like you," Jian Ningzhe continued. "That's because I have a kind of obsession about sexual relations since I was a child. People who have relations with me have to go with me for a lifetime. Even if he doesn't want to go, I'll tie him for a lifetime."

"What if you don't want to go?" Tan Feiyang asked.

"I'll tie myself for the rest of my life." Jianningzhe said firmly.

"How tired you are to live like this." Tan Feiyang hugs Jian Ningzhe heartily.

"Why don't you know you hate me?" Jian Ningzhe also said with Tan Feiyang in her arms.

"If you hate, how tired you are to live, can't you stop hating? How good it is to live happily, how hard it is to live. " Tan Feiyang said.

"I'm sorry." Jianningzhe murmured.

"I'm sorry for something." Tan Feiyang said.

"I'm not sorry to you," said Jane. "I'm sorry to myself in the past."

Tan Feiyang: "what

"You don't have to know that." Jian Ningzhe covered Tan Feiyang's questioning eyes and whispered in his ear, "Jian Ningzhe has been attracted by Tan Feiyang since she first met him. The light on him makes Jian Ningzhe unable to move his sight. Jian Ningzhe tells herself that she should not be attracted by Tan Feiyang. She tells herself that she should stay away from the rich second generation who has an intention for herself. She always keeps an absolute distance from Tan Feiyang. She tells herself that even if she is with Tan Feiyang, she has to be forced and forced. She must be paralyzed with alcohol to be with Tan Feiyang. In this way, Jian Ningzhe will not be attracted I'm sorry for my past self. "

Tan Feiyang was at a loss. He didn't understand what Jian Ningzhe meant. He seemed to break himself in half and talk about another person from the perspective of a bystander.

"But jianningzhe really likes Tan Feiyang." Jianningzhe kisses Tan Feiyang's hair. , the fastest update of the webnovel!