Chapter 862

Xiang Yu was surprised that his blood devil body was special. He had never felt dazzling during this time. The golden light of the Buddha had this ability. It was not as simple as ordinary gold and copper.

"Whether it's a treasure or not, take it first."

Holding the principle that he would rather take it by mistake than let go of any treasure, Xiang Yu simply put all the things such as the Buddha Candlestick into the storage ring and looked around. There was nothing in the room. It was obvious that there was no treasure Tai Jiaojiao said.

In desperation, Xiang Yu could only think that the map information of Tai Jiaojiao was wrong, and he raised his foot to leave. But when he stepped on the ground, he suddenly found that the sole of his foot was uneven. Looking down, he found that it was the shadow of the futon.

"If you remember correctly, it was just a shadow under the futon before. It didn't sink down at all. Now there is a small pit?"

Xiang Yu was very confident in his memory and eyesight, but he fumbled in the pit for a long time and still didn't find anything.

"Strange, so strange." Xiang Yu's face was full of doubts. The pit couldn't appear for no reason. There must be something he didn't notice.

Then he fumbled for all the positions in the secret room with his hand, but he came back to no avail. But when he felt for the deep pit under the futon again, he was surprised to find that the pit was getting deeper for no reason. Xiang Yu could not help thinking of another possibility, "does this pit become deeper with the sword holding, and it doesn't need other mechanisms to activate it?"

In order to verify his idea, Xiang Yu sat on the side with his knees crossed. He approached the luminous stone and stared at the pit.

Sure enough, as time went by, the pit was getting deeper, and the black shadow turned into colorless and tasteless gas.

"Colorless and odorless gas?" Xiang Yu was surprised and suddenly thought of Yanluo gorge, where the poisonous gas seemed colorless and tasteless.

He quickly looked inside to check the blood. As expected, he found that there was toxin invasion, but it was neutralized by his blood, so he didn't feel poisoned before.

Xiang Yu lamented the cleverness of the mechanism. First of all, the shadow on the ground gradually appeared over time. Some people would go away if they were worried and miss the hidden mechanism.

If someone notices the pit and decides to wait in the secret room, it's impossible to notice that the pit is releasing poisonous gas. If someone is not careful, he will die here.

It's no wonder Tai Jiaojiao said that it was extremely dangerous here. She was carrying poisonous gas that they couldn't resist, but it was just restrained by Xiang Yu's body.

Now that he had figured out the ingenious mechanism, Xiang Yu had nothing to do. He just had to wait with his knees crossed. Half a day later, the two deep pits finally turned into a big round pit, but there was still nothing in it, and the poisonous gas stopped releasing.

Xiang Yu felt that he had been fooled. After waiting for a long time and enduring so much poisonous gas, he got nothing. He just witnessed the birth of a big pit?

Is it because the Nangong family is playing with the latecomers on purpose, or is it a trap to let the enemies of the family die in the treasure hunt?

In his heart, Xiang Yu just threw out the futon, candlestick and Buddha statue in the storage ring, and turned around to leave.

as like as two peas in the doorway, he suddenly came to the door of the chamber. What he had thought of was that he looked back and saw that the shape of the Buddha's base was exactly the same as the shape of the pit.

Carefully put the Buddha statue into the pit, and it really matched. At the moment when the Buddha statue fell to the ground, a dazzling golden light burst out in the gap of the pit. Xiang Yu's eyes couldn't help but close again. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a scene of surprise.

The original bronze Buddha is gone. Instead, a fist sized jade is crystal clear. Inside, a ray of golden light can be seen clearly, flowing like flowing water.

"This is..." Xiang Yu was very familiar with the golden light in Meiyu. After holding it, he was surprised to find that the Buddha statues in his body were growing little by little, which was very slow, but it also meant that the ultimate power of the Buddha statues was gradually becoming stronger.

"It's the ultimate power, and it can continuously supply the ultimate power. Although it's very slow, it's much better than the ultimate power that can't be used once." There was a surprise on Xiang Yu's face. The value of this beautiful jade was too high. In the future, when he tried his best Buddhist power, he would never have to worry about getting it.

"The Nangong family is also lucky enough to know that it is a treasure, but there must be no one in the family who knows the ultimate power, so its value can not be excavated and can only be kept as a family treasure."

Xiang Yu shook his head with emotion. This kind of opportunity is very big, but it's too big for the Nangong family to take advantage of. It's not as useful as some small opportunities.

Put Meiyu away, turn to open the secret door, step out, and return to the outside room again. At this time, a young man's figure appears in front of Xiang Yu.

Eight days ago, this man was the first man in black who followed Xiang Yu in the room. He didn't know where his intuition came from. He always felt that the room was strange, so he came back to check it every day.

Today, he came a little late. After checking it, he didn't find it. Just as he was about to leave, he saw Xiang Yu coming out of the secret door. His eyes immediately became hot.At this time, the secret door had been closed. The man in black quickly groped around the secret door, but he didn't find any mechanism. Then he hit the wall with a force of moonlight, which not only didn't blow out of the secret door, but also made the whole relic shake violently, attracting constant curses from the outside.

Xiang Yu had no choice but to smile. He was just about to leave, but he was caught by the man.

"What treasure do you have? Why don't you take it out and let me open my eyes? Don't worry. I just have a look. I won't fight for it." The man in Black said politely.

Xiang Yu, of course, would not believe this kind of deceiving words. He turned to bow his hand and said, "Daoyou misunderstood that I was in the dark room by mistake before, but I was forced to come out soon after I stayed in it, so I didn't have time to look for anything. It's good to come out alive, not to mention the baby."

The man in black obviously didn't believe what Xiang Yu said. His face sank and he said, "do you still believe me? My Feng family is one of the two empires. As a core member of the clan, I really don't want anything from Taoist friends. I just want to satisfy my curiosity and have a look. "

After hearing this, Xiang Yu suddenly realized that this man, Fengzhao, was also swallowing the land of eight stars and moon, but he was determined to eat Xiang Yu. His reliance was Fenglei empire.

"Daoyou is from the famous Feng family. Xiang is impolite, but what I just said is true. If you don't believe me, you can try to find the mechanism on the wall. Maybe you can go into the darkroom by mistake."