Chapter 537

"That man" is Zheng Laosan's fear that can never be offset.

In their eyes, meeting "that man" is more terrifying than walking through the gate of hell.

So when the slovenly man yelled, Zheng immediately calmed down.

Compared with Meeting "that person", being insulted is nothing, and being without dignity is nothing!

"Hum, let's go around you and start the third round right away. I don't believe that Han Fei can compete with us!"

Then he walked away impolitely, slovenly man and Xiang Yu and others also slowly followed.

Han Fei stayed until the end, puzzled and asked: "fairy, what is the terror of that man? Why do you have to be so afraid? Don't worry, with me, Han Fei, you don't have to be afraid of him!"

Wu Xianzi sighed and comforted: "it's OK. You'll try your best later. Anyway, the winner is only one place. Even if we lose, there will be another person to bury us. Don't hurt yourself with anger."

Han Fei was moved and thought that he would kill "that man" and help Wu Xianzi vent her anger.

Two people also don't delay, hasten to follow up.

The third round was in a towering forest far from black pool.

This is the highest forest on the island, about 30 to 40 feet, and hundreds of trees are gathered together, which is very conspicuous.

They should be two or three times as tall as other trees.

There is a saying that wood show will be destroyed by the wind in the forest. The wind on the island is not small, so they should not survive. Fortunately, there is a low hill in the north of the forest, which blocks the cold north wind and makes them survive.

"Is this the curly leaf fruit tree?"

"Yes, as long as the power of the moon is injected into the leaves, the leaves will bear fruit, but the fruit will fall to the ground when it is blown by the wind. Whether you can find a suitable fruit tree to come back depends on your own eyes."

After the slovenly man explained, Bai Yang took the lead to rush in with the remaining ten men.

Xiang Yu put down the king in his arms and flew into the woods with Han Fei.

However, after a group of people came in, Bai Yang, Xiang Yu and Han Fei didn't act rashly, except for the ten non intelligent puppets.

What they have to do is to make a close observation and finally select a confirmed fruit tree.

According to the introduction of slovenly man and others, the leaves of these fruit trees are always curly as if they were roasted by fire, so they are called rolled leaf fruit trees.

The most amazing thing is that the leaves will bear fruit after injecting the power of the moon, and the fruit will fall in the wind.

But if the fruit tree is cut from below, all the fruits will be petrified because of the nutrient interruption, and will always be connected with the fruit tree, so the number of fruits will be fixed at that moment.

What Xiang Yu wants to compare is to see whose fruit tree has the most fruit.

This rule seems simple, but in fact there are many additional rules.

For example, after you select a fruit tree and inject the power of Yuehua, you can't select another one.

In addition, we should not interfere and fight with each other. We should not use the power of the moon to stir up the cold wind to frame others.

Finally, there is a time limit of two hours.

Because of these additional conditions, the first choice must be extremely careful, because once it is determined, it can not be replaced.

Xiang Yu first came out of Heitan, so slovenly man told him a lot of experience in selecting fruit trees.

The first point is to find the part of fruit trees with the largest number of leaves. These leaves are the basis for becoming fruits. Without this basis, no amount of other experience is nonsense.

The second point is to look at the location of fruit trees.

The area of the forest is not small. There are mountains in the north, and the East and the West and the south are empty. Although the north wind blows on the island all the year round, there are occasionally other wind directions. It is very important to find a shelter for the fruit.

The third and most important point is their respective protection of fruit trees.

Practitioners have their own means. In case of wrong selection and strong wind, the most direct way is to block the wind.

It sounds simple, but it's extremely complicated.

Because there is a saying that there is no impermeable wall. Since a wall may be penetrated by the wind, even if the fruit trees are enclosed, it may be penetrated.

The most important thing is that the tree is thirty or forty feet high. In just two hours, it is impossible to build a wall around it.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu kept shuttling through the woods.

"This one has about 3000 leaves, and that one has only 2500."

"This tree seems to have 4000 pieces, but it's too far away."

Xiang Yu counted the leaves and analyzed the location. Finally, he came to the north of the forest, which is close to the hill.

"This is the inner wall of the forest. There are mountains in the north. Even if there is a strong wind in other directions, it can be buffered by other fruit trees. It seems that the location starts from here."However, it's a pity that Xiang Yu counted the leaves in the north, and most of them were only about 3000, which was a little different from his psychological expectation.

At this time, Xiang Yu suddenly found a fruit tree with 3500 leaves, and the position was also very good. He was very happy and quickly flew over.

"Well, the location and the quantity match very well. That's it!"

However, at this time, only to hear a hoarse laugh, the poplar actually flew over, two people soon saw each other.

They all know in their hearts that this tree is favored by the other party. Now it's up to them to see who can produce fruit first without fighting.

So they fell to the fork of the tree almost at the same time and did not hesitate to inject the power of moonlight into the leaves.

Obviously, the strength of Baiyang Yuehua in the nine star moon void is stronger, so his face is full of confidence.

Although Xiang Yu is confident in fighting with Bai Yang, it is based on the use of various skills and tools. If he is only stronger than Yuehua, he thinks he is not the opponent of Bai Yang.

In his heart, he stopped conveying the power of Yuehua, but injected corpse Qi.

Up to now, we have to take a different approach!

"Sand! Sand

This is Xiang Yu's voice, while Bai Yang's voice is Zizi's. The two voices are different, and the effect is obviously different.

Xiang Yu's curly leaves trembled rapidly, like fear and excitement. He could feel the leaf's desire for corpse Qi.

Only with a few breath time, the leaves actually curled up together, and gradually had a black fruit rudiment.

On the other side of the poplar, the leaves stretch and contract slowly. After almost the same time, they begin to curl together.

The three people outside the woods have been watching the changes in the woods, especially slovenly man and Zheng Lao.

"What's the origin of Xiang Yu? The speed of producing fruit is faster than that of poplar, but they are far from each other! He's not cheating, is he Zheng said in surprise.

"I don't know, but since we can't see that he cheated, there's no reason to doubt him," said the slovenly man

Zheng gave a cold hum and stopped talking. After a few breaths, Zheng and Xiang Yu almost stopped at the same time, and a palm sized fruit appeared in front of them.