Chapter 458

At this time, Xiang Yu tried his best, but due to the length of his arm and the flexibility of his body, he could only keep the number of Buddhist beads unchanged, but could not put them back into the Buddha statue.

At this moment, he glanced at the monkey Kuang outside and found that his arm was almost below his knee, which made him feel relieved.

"Well, no wonder monkey Kuang can crack the array. How long should monkey's arm be? How can that be compared to? "

"Oh, yes! The fundamental difference between man and monkey is that man can use tools, and then man's arms can be infinitely long! "

Xiang Yu had an idea in his mind, and suddenly realized that he could not simply use his own arm to plug the Buddha beads, but should use a more ingenious method!

"Xuming Qiwen!"

Xiang Yu silently read a, corpse gas field suddenly appear, will the whole cage all shrouded.

In fact, the cage between Buddha statues is only two or three feet long, while the scope of corpse Qi is 20 feet. Therefore, Xiang Yu did not fully display the scope of corpse Qi, but focused on increasing the manipulation of corpse Qi in the cage.

I saw a black palm, suddenly appeared at the edge of the cage, will just spray out a black bead in the hand.

This palm is similar to Xiang Yu's palm, and its size is almost the same. It is obviously condensed with corpse Qi, but its flexibility is not bad at all.

I saw it holding the black beads, the fierce throw to the black Buddha.

In another place, a black palm appeared under the Buddha statue, holding a white Buddha bead back to the white Buddha statue.

These two palms are next to the two Buddha statues. As soon as the Buddha beads appear, they are thrown back to their corresponding positions. Xiang Yu himself is guarding the other two Buddha statues. It's like there are several helpers in the cage of the whole mechanism, which greatly increases Xiang Yu's speed of returning the Buddha beads.

Not to mention, those two black palms were not flexible enough at first, but with Xiang Yu's skillful control, after more than ten breath, they were more flexible than Xiang Yu's two palms, and the speed of putting them back was much faster.

After another three breath, as the last Buddha bead was put back into the Red Buddha statue, the whole cage broke away with a bang, and a golden exit with the size of half a Zhang appeared in the center of the cage.

"Yes! succeed! Congratulations to you, Taoist friend. You've really made it Zhong xuansu said happily.

In the other months, Xu Jing's face was full of disbelief, especially stubborn monkey Kuang. He had experienced countless difficulties 50 years ago before he solved this problem. Xiang Yu only took half a year to succeed. What a big gap!

"It's just that. It's really a young hero. It seems that my old man is looking at the world from a sitting angle. If I had known that, I didn't have to be involved in this matter."

Xi Qiaoman also regained his calm and said with a smile: "I just said that this little brother / brother has great ability. Now you have to go to the inner circle with me. I don't think other people are qualified enough."

However, bald Yan still can't believe this fact. He pointed to Xiang Yu's two black palms and said, "this is cheating. It's clear that you are cheating. How can you crack it in this way?"

Hearing this, Zhong xuansu was not happy at all.

"Master Yan, you are already a strong man in Yuexu. How can you have such naive questions? It's not a competition or an exam. How can there be cheating? And even if I tell you that there is such a way, can you condense two such flexible palms? "

Bald Yan realized how difficult it is to condense such two hands! Even if they were in the moon void, he had never seen such a person.

It is because of this that his eyes towards Xiang Yu are full of attention.

Xiang Yu said with a slight smile: "just, it seems that I've robbed you of the limelight. There are still several hurdles behind me. I'll let you crack them first."

After that, he took the lead to jump into the next entrance.

He was also very happy to be able to use the corpse Qi field to condense two different palms.

Because before, it was also in the field of corpse Qi within 20 feet. Although the condensed black hand was much larger, there was only one in any case, and there was no case of two at the same time.

At this moment, to narrow the scope of the field, although the power of the two black palms is much weaker, it is at least two. This is a great progress, or an evolution!

Xiang Yu believes that as long as he continues to upgrade the corpse Qi, he will get more and more surprises. One day, he will be able to completely control the ghost image in his body!

After a long and narrow passage, Xiang Yu came to another secret room.

The area is much larger than that of the previous pass. There are also several Buddha statues and there is no exit.

However, the difference is that there is only one Buddha statue here, which is extremely huge. It is more than ten feet wide and more than twenty feet high.

Standing below and looking up, you can clearly see the huge Buddha statue. The dignified eyes overlooking all living beings make people feel small as a mole ant.

At this time, several other people came in one after another.Bareheaded Yan stood at the bottom and looked at it, then touched a Buddha statue. He was surprised and said, "Damn, this secret place is really weird. How did such a large Buddha statue made of grindstone move into the mountain?"


Xiang Yu was also surprised. It is said that the millstone has a very high density. Stones of the same size are about ten times heavier than ordinary stones.

In addition, because of its high density, this kind of stone can only be ground down slowly with tools instead of hammering or cutting.

Therefore, the stone statue in front of us can only be slowly polished and moved in, not piled up with various stones. No wonder the bald head is so surprised.

Zhong xuansu took a look at the Buddha statue and asked: "master Kuang, is this the second level of investigation about power? Can't it be that the statue of Buddha was moved up?

Monkey Kuang frowned, sighed and nodded.

According to the arrangement of the leader of the Apocalypse alliance, everyone should have a crack mechanism that he is good at.

What Wenshu is good at is power.

But somehow, maybe because of an accident, Wenshu didn't arrive here, so they lost one person, one person with strong strength.

Xi Qiaoman rose in the air, then fell down again, moved the Buddha with both hands, shook his head and said, "this grinded stone Buddha weighs at least 100000 Jin. Even if my husband is here, he has to do his best to move it. Then do you have a way to crack it?"

Hearing this, everyone, including Xiang Yu, shook their heads. Xiang Yu's strength is only 15000 Jin, which is far from 100000 Jin. It's impossible to move.

Bald Yan began to curse: "Damn it, Wenshu, what's the matter with that mute? How can we crack it for him