Chapter 158

"Little tortoise, this dead tree has time ability. Have you ever seen it before?"

"Rabbit fairy, this is the first time I've seen you, but haven't you got all the memories of Xiang Yu through Shitian's inheritance? Don't you see the power of dead wood? "

"Maybe the ability of time is too magical, so that memory was deliberately covered up."

"It should be. It can absorb energy and feed back to Xiang Yu before. Now it has the power of time. According to my guess, it will at least be a semi artifact!"

"The dead wood is still in its original form. When it matures, it may not be just a semi artifact."

Two people so quietly sound, did not dare to disturb Xiang Yu's selfless state.

After a long time, it seems to be ten years, and it seems to be a hundred years. Fortunately, both the rabbit and the tortoise live an infinite life. Otherwise, after Xiang Yu wakes up, they will both have died of old age.

It took a long time for the dead wood to turn from yellow to orange, and then it took a short time to turn red. When it finally turned black, Xiang Yu suddenly woke up from selflessness.

Looking at the colorful chewen in front of him, he knows that the ability of dead wood has played a role, and the results are amazing.

Hard bone script, ice nest script and popular script all turn yellow, which correspond to strength, defense and speed respectively. It is necessary to maintain the highest state at all times.

Hard bone chewen's growth rate has become 10000 Jin, plus Xiang Yu's 5000 Jin, he has 15000 Jin's powerful power, which is estimated to be higher than that of Yun Jie and guage.

After the combination of Fengxing Qiwen and tanyanxing, they can at least reach the speed of the five stars and the moon. If they spread the cicada crystal wings again, the general moon can't catch up with him.

The biggest increase of ice nest Qiwen is from black to yellow, so the effect of improvement is also the most significant. At this moment, Xu Xiaoqing's corpse gas attack will definitely not easily break up.

In addition, Zhuo Lian Qiwen has changed from black to red, which is his strongest attack and the only upgraded medium level Qiwen. Both speed and power have been greatly improved.

The blood hell script has changed from red to orange, which is the ultimate killer. In those years, after cooperating with the blood drink script, he once called the slaughtering and maltreating No.4 cattle gengniu. Now, although there is no blood use for tens of thousands of corpses, after upgrading, the range of iron chain in the underworld becomes much larger, and the animals and corpses that can be called will be stronger.

The last upgraded Qiwen is the firefly Qiwen. Xiang Yu didn't have much hope for it. He wanted to take the time to review the weapon refining technique, but the changes that happened to it surprised Xiang Yu the most!

The firefly script was transformed from huodian by Mu Qing. It was red script at the beginning of its birth. The flame has the size of palm, and can only make alchemy and cooking utensils. It can't be put out like a fireball or a fire snake.

After the upgrade of dead wood, firefly script has become green, and the fire it can cast is also the green level of grade four!

You should know that Mu Qing's flame is the light cyan five. Xiang Yu just upgraded Qiwen to this degree. If you want to let Mu Qing know, you will surely envy him to death.

However, although it is a four grade flame, it has changed from the palm size to the peanut size, and still can't be put out.

Even baixiaogui didn't know how to deal with this situation, but Xiang Yu knew that the fire was not as simple as the alchemy.

In addition, other Qiwen, including fengqiwen and yeyinqiwen, remain at the same level. The main reason is that they do not enhance the combat power very much. It is not too late to upgrade when the dead wood has enough energy.

Taking a long breath, Xiang Yu was very happy, but when he took out a small purple bow, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

It was this four grade weapon that attacked Xu Xiaoqing yesterday. It was obtained at the same time with the black machete when Wandu Valley "got it without any effort". However, it has only five bows and arrows. Today, there is only one left.

The first one is when Xueming Qiwen is out of control and summons the python in the moon void, he shoots at the corner of the Python's eye. The second one stealthily attacks No. 94 in the distance. The third one stealthily attacks Baiyang who is fighting with tengfeifei. The fourth one shoots at the demon girl Xu Xiaoqing.

This bow is very suitable for sneak attack with Xiang Yu's strength. We have to find a way to get more bows and arrows in the future.

Just then, Bai Wan'er's voice came from outside the tower: "Xiang Daoyou, you should not be angry about yesterday's joke. Don't worry, I won't scare you in the future."

"How dare Xiang get angry with the fairy, but I have to find the exact exit in the tower, so I can't chat with the fairy."

Bai Wan'er didn't say a word any more. It took two hours for her delicate voice to come: "Xiang Yu, Taoist friend, I've already made a good wine. I'm waiting for you to come out and drink together."

Xiang Yu smiles a little. He knows that Bai Wan'er has long wanted to return to xuanhu mainland. Before that, he deliberately released accurate export information, just to make her have a little sense of propriety.

After that, Bai Wan'er kept shouting outside the tower. She not only apologized for the prank, but also said all the good things. Finally, she called "brother Xiang Yu".

After "tormenting" Bai Wan'er for several hours, Xiang Yu comes to the greedy tower with a smile and tells her the exact way to exit."You mean you can sense where the stars are?" Bai Wan'er asked in surprise after hearing Xiang Yu's explanation.

Xiang Yu had already combined the two cloud pictures. Of course, he could see the whole starry sky. He said with a smile, "yes, as long as the valley of heartlessness sweeps over Xuanyuan star, we can leave from the exit."

Bai Wan'er widened her eyes and asked cunningly, "Xiang Yu, have you got something similar to the star map? Why don't you share it? You can rest assured that I will never scare you again. "

Of course, Xiang Yu would not take out the cloud picture, but he was afraid of Bai Wan'er's obsession, so he took out a jade slip and handed it to him.

The jade slips were made by Xiang Yu himself before. They marked the positions of most stars and the situation of the continent. Although they can't detect the positions like the cloud pictures, they are also very rare for the moon guidance.

Bai Wan'er solemnly takes over the jade slip. After a careful examination, she is overjoyed. Taking advantage of Xiang Yu's inattention, she puts it away. She is afraid that Xiang Yu will take it back. It seems that even such a simple star map is precious.

"Although we have the star map, we still have a very important problem to solve."

Hearing Xiang Yu's words, Bai Wan'er immediately looks over nervously.

"Although the speed of heartless Valley in the starry sky is very fast, its flight path is irregular and often deviates, so when it is closest to Xuanyuan star is unknown." Xiang Yu explained.

Bai Wan'er gasped: "it almost scared you to death. We can't control how the heartless Valley flies, so we have to bother Daoyou to watch. I must go back to xuanhu mainland. Even if you arrive at Xuantian mainland first, you are not allowed to go first!"

Xiang Yu had no choice but to spend more time in the heartless valley.

After that, Xiang Yu asks Cheng fan about Mu Qing's whereabouts and learns that soon after he left, they each occupied the tower and left. It is estimated that they will fall on the same continent, but Bai Wan'er can't know exactly where.

Since Xiang Yu occupied the central tower, the practitioners engulfed by the heartless valley became more frequent.

Xiang Yu speculates that this may be related to his taking away the Shitian inheritance, but it's also good. The valley of heartlessness is like a transit station, which not only filters their evil thoughts, but also enables Yuening to have the ability to go to other stars, making the long journey of practice more colorful.

In this way, Xiang Yu and Bai Wan'er stay in the arrogant tower all the time. Apart from occasionally confirming the location of the heartless Valley, they spend most of their time practicing and chatting.

During this period, Bai Wan'er told Xiang Yu a lot about xuanhu mainland, and even explained the puppet technique without stint, which was an eye opener to Xiang Yu.

More than ten days later, Xiang Yu suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Bai Daoyou, now the heartless Valley has passed through xuanhu mainland, you can finally go back."

Bai Wan'er was stunned. Then she just laughed and said nothing.

After waiting for a long time, Xiang Yu worried that he would miss xuanhu mainland. Just to remind him, Bai Wan'er stood up quietly.

"I'm leaving. Take care." She took a deep look at Xiang Yu, turned around and went up the stone ladder. Without looking back, she stepped into the transmission group.

The fragrance in the tower is still there. Looking at the well decorated boudoir, Xiang Yu felt a little lost.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he continued to sense the position of the stars until he saw a tiny country close to Yexiao country and immediately stepped into the halo.

It is the forbidden place of Xuantian continent, the daughter country.