Yang Xiao's incomprehension is not unreasonable. After all, he doesn't know much about this evil creature in the West. The most important thing is to watch several movies about werewolves. The werewolves in the movies are all human beings and infected with a strange virus before they can turn into werewolves on the full moon night, or even change more thoroughly and directly into wolves.

When Yang Xiao saw the wolves, he saw the ferocious and cunning look in their eyes. He guessed the shape of the werewolf. But now his feeling has been shaken. Where is the wolf? Is it a second evolution?

"His sister, is that a joke? Even if there is a vampire in Huaxia, then there is a werewolf. Even if there is a werewolf, these big and strange wolves will change again. They think this is the shooting scene of digital baby. What? How far is evolution? "

Yang Xiao couldn't help himself from going to Tucao. The scene was too much to make complaints about. It's a joke for him.

What's the difference? Yang Xiao looks more and more strange, but he's more alert, because he doesn't know what kind of changes these wolves have again. If the changes are too severe, he really wants to pick up ozyma and run away.

No matter how strong he is, he can't cover everything. He protects ozyma too tightly in front of such monsters. Besides, he has chains in his hands, which seriously affects his strength.

In front of the moon, howling, bleak and pathetic, bloodthirsty and cold-blooded. Then, it seems that because of the moonlight, these giant wolves have changed on the tall screen, their hair has degenerated, and they begin to fall off. Originally, they are climbing on the ground, landing on four feet, while standing slowly, they just land on two feet behind.

"Jingyue, Jingyue!" The wolf didn't change one point, and the voice of crying for the pure moon was higher. Everyone saw the moon hanging high in the sky, the round moon, and the moonlight scattered on these giant wolves, just like the holy light, purified their fur, and then coveted their strange power of change.

"It's so powerful! These wolves are robots. They can change! Great

Up to now, these people still don't understand that these are true. The reason is that ozyma didn't run away and scream. Instead, she continued to sing. This song, combined with her current wild image, directly changed the wolf into a more colorful story. So they all really thought that it was false. In fact, it was true.

On the screen, the wolf's head shrinks back, its teeth change, and its hind legs are straight and lengthened. It has the appearance of human legs. The body is raised, and the wolf roars one by one, and the transformation is successful little by little.

Yang Xiao didn't stop him. He didn't know if there were any other forces peeping at ozyma. His attention was all on ozyma. He didn't dare to leave too far. At least he would never go out within 50 meters, because Yang Xiao could ignore any werewolf with his own speed.

In the end, the werewolf on that stage has finally completed the change. It was originally like a wolf, landing on all fours. Now, it has become a standing werewolf, which is not much different from that seen in the film, but more real.

"It's really a werewolf. Hum, a group of animals, they don't stay in the west, they run to China!" Yang Xiao snorted and yelled.

And those werewolves completed the transformation, strong and powerful hind limbs, instantly jump down.

"Give it up, orphan, and I'll let you live!"

This voice has a very strange Chinese accent, as if ordinary foreigners have just learned the Chinese language.

The biggest black giant wolf, however, is still in the process of transformation, with hair falling off one after another. Only a few special places still have hair. His sharp mouth shrinks back, and he looks like a man. If it wasn't for his claws and the claws under his landing legs, which are still like wolf claws, I'm afraid he would really think he is a tall and powerful man, A big, muscular black man with plenty of hair.

"I hate racial discrimination the most, and black people the second, and you happen to be a black man. Oh, no, you're a black animal." Yang Xiao looked at this indulgence jump, jumped in front of his huge werewolf, ha ha a smile, sneer.

"This bodyguard is so funny. He's a master of acting. Hit him! I love the way you hit people! "

See the screen, a black robed Yang Xiao, domineering say such a word, the masses once again boiling.

"Wow! Brother bodyguard, how handsome! How handsome

Countless women are screaming, looking forward to Yang Xiao's next performance.

"Kill him." The wolf, who had become a black man, looked at Yang Xiao, yelled fiercely, and then ran to kill him. The audience, who was so fast that they couldn't see clearly, rushed out.

The target is Yang Xiao who is protected by Yang Xiao.

For those giant wolves who turned into werewolves, the bullets in their bodies were also squeezed out by the muscles, and then the wounds healed quickly. This powerful physical recovery ability was even stronger than that before Yang Xiao had become a congenital state. You know, Yang Xiao had many adventures at that time, and obtained powerful physical recovery ability, But compared with this kind of werewolf, it is still a little worse.

"This thing will really change." Hearing the exclamatory words of the pillar beside him, and looking at him without firing, Yu silei went up and slapped him on the head.

And then it's the age, "whatever the hell, kill me! I'll take it to the Research Institute and sell it. "

After listening to Yu silei's words, the pillar laughs, and the sound of "brothers, all fight up, kill a werewolf to play." The sound rang out in Jingyue's earphones, followed by countless gunshots.

"If you change, you'll be great? Ha ha. " Yang Xiao did not become a werewolf because of these wolves. He had more worries because he had decided to kill!

In fact, Yang Xiao also knows that these werewolves are not real Western werewolves, but western werewolves. Through the current technology, the gene has been implanted into the wolf's body, giving the wolf the ability to change, so that they can change into adults. That's the strength!