"Haha, I don't know if the gold master is so funny that he offered such a large reward to kill the boy." Punk don licked his lips again. "But now, this money is mine."

At the moment, he seems to have seen countless US dollars waving at him, as well as the luxurious life of beautiful cars waiting for him, and the achievement of all this is the invisible dagger in his hand, as well as the life of Yang Xiao not far away from him.

"This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. What is around?" Yang Xiao didn't feel any breath around him. He didn't even feel a ghost shadow except for Xiangzi kohara. In the scope of divine consciousness, except for the rocks on the cliff, there was the distant sunlight and the sparkling sea reflected by the sunlight. "It's not right. My feeling has never been wrong. There must be something close to me."

It's no wonder that Yang Xiao didn't find the invisible punk Tang. It's really his divine sense. It's only because he accidentally appeared a heart demon, and after he broke the spiritual magic barrier, his sense of consciousness increased greatly, and then he had the ability of divine sense mentioned in the four image Tianjue inheritance. But in fact, he didn't achieve the power of divine sense, although the sense of consciousness increased greatly, But also can only feel within the scope of the entity or behind the entity, that is, tangible things.

However, punk Tang has already lost his body shape, which is normal and empty to the naked eye, but Yang Xiao's strong sensing ability can't break his invisibility.

"Who is where?" Yang Xiao did not open his eyes, but suddenly yelled, "Yang has found you, if you have the courage to fight."

"Don't hide like a generation of snakes and mice. Now that you're here, just fight openly. Let Yang see if he has the ability to covet here."

Yang Xiao's cry startled Xiaoyuan Xiangzi, but she saw that Yang Xiao did not open her eyes. She only felt that there was something wrong with him, but she didn't know what was going on. However, she wisely didn't open her mouth to ask. Instead, she cooperated with Yang Xiao and stood beside him.

"Did the boy find me?"

"No way, he didn't even open his eyes? This kid has the legendary sense? If it had been, it would have been killed long ago. "

Punk Tang was bluffed by Yang Xiao's two voices. He was about to get close to Yang Xiao's figure and stopped. "Good guy, he didn't find me. This is cheating. Let's see if there is anyone. I think I'm also a person who has read martial arts novels. How can I be cheated by this routine?"

"It's a dollar bill, and there are beauties. I can't let go of punk Tang." Punk Tang sneers in his heart. He seems to have seen through Yang Xiao's trick. He holds the dagger in his hand and looks at Yang Xiao's neck and eyes.

"Sure enough, there are people, but I can't move now. As long as I move, the real Qi in my body will be confused. If it's light, it's hard to break through. If it's heavy, I'll go into the devil directly. The real Qi will go against the current and endanger my life." Punk Tang suddenly burst out of a strong murderous atmosphere, the invisible smell of blood is not visible to the naked eye, but as a killer, Yang Xiao can clearly feel it, because punk Tang can't keep the murderous atmosphere inside, as long as it bursts out, Yang Xiao can naturally feel it.

"I don't know where the old man of Gongmen has gone. Let him help to protect the Dharma, but he's gone." Without the stone at the gate of the palace, Yang Xiao was very anxious. "Now it can only be like this. I don't know who it is. My divine sense can't be broken."

"Xiangzi, I have a gun in my pocket. It was sent to me by the king of society. You take it out." Yang Xiao directed Xiangzi kohara to take out a silver pistol in the shape of desert eagle from his waist, "I want you to shoot wherever you shoot."

"Now, shoot at three o'clock!" Yang Xiao suddenly yelled, because he felt that the murderous spirit was accelerating. If he was close to him, he would not say, and kohara would suffer with him.

"Mulder, it's a high-quality silencing gun." Yang Xiao had expected that the huge gunfire would make the palace family at the foot of the mountain notice, but it turned out that the gunfire of this pistol was not as loud as the gunshot of a child playing with water. This is also because the king of society thought that Yang Xiao was once a killer and certainly didn't like to make so much publicity, so he specially modified it for him. It was only at this time that he found out, I'm embarrassed.

"Ha ha, you didn't see me, at least the beauty couldn't see me, and the boy couldn't move for some reason. This is the legendary cultivation? Ha ha, it's God's help. Otherwise, I can't start with this boy's strong sense ability. " Kohara couldn't see anyone, so she could only shoot in the direction Yang Xiao said. However, she was also a senior biologist in the sun kingdom. She had been in contact with guns and was calm enough. Only in this way could she do what Yang Xiao said for the first time. If she changed another woman, she might be better.

However, Xiangko kohara is in a blind shooting state, but punk Tang can see her actions. In this way, punk Tang's actions are still blocked. He doesn't want to leave himself here in a task that he thinks is easy.

In Yang Xiao's body, the Qi after Qi is still pounding the origin crazily, but he has already had a weak reaction. Yang Xiao has tried his best to run the four image Tianjue to absorb the aura of the surrounding world, but there is not much aura in the world, so it is difficult for him to get much help.

"Do I really want to fail this time? If we fail this time, it will be difficult to break through in the future. " Yang Xiao knew in his heart that if he failed, there would be strong sequelae, and even affect his own practice of dragon tiger boxing. Let alone being promoted to the seventh level of dragon tiger boxing, he was afraid that he would not get the chance in this life.

"I'm not reconciled." Although Yang Xiao's mind has experienced a sublimation and many things are more open, it does not mean that he can give up his cultivation. He not only has to face the endless enemies, but also wants to become stronger. This is his obsession and nothing can be changed.

"Ha ha, boy, there seems to be no bullets in this woman's hands, so it's my turn to do it." Punk Tang sees that Xiangzi kohara no longer pulls the trigger. In addition, he knows a lot about guns. Few people living in the United States don't know about guns. He knows how many shots Xiangzi kohara has just fired.

"Ha ha, boy, your life is mine."

"Well, I have some skills, but it's not easy to take Yang Xiao's life so easily!"