Yang Xiao takes Dongyin as his apprentice because he thinks that Dongyin is reliable, and it's not a loss to be an apprentice. Besides, Dongyin can fight, and it's hard to be a driver when he goes back. It's a good choice to help the town red star club occasionally, but let Yang Xiao take such a strange fake girl and dress up every day. The orchid finger knocks to the sky and still can't move, What's the matter if you don't go back.

He is rich in Thailand. At least, he is a leader in the fruit business in Southeast Asia. But it's also in the state of Tailai. It's said that Hua Xia can't be worse than him if he has money. Besides, this boy is obviously a master who deliberately plays pig and eats tiger in the state of Tailai.

According to the original Yang Xiao's character, it's very simple. I don't want to accept you as an apprentice, but I just don't want to accept you, so I refuse it coldly. But now Yang Xiao feels that some things don't need to be done too absolutely. Besides, there's no conflict between Tan Ma Niang and him. He's also a good child, Yang Xiao wanted to refuse. He couldn't think of any words that could be more euphemistic.

Looking at Yang Xiao, how can Lin xueru, who knows him very well, not understand him.


Lin xueru came up with such a compromise.

It is true that there is such a saying in Huaxia. The disciples who are not qualified but can see the past will usually let them name themselves first and then observe them.

"Baji" Yang Xiao hugs Lin xueru, kisses her pretty face and says: "ha ha, my daughter-in-law is smart."

"Oh, look at you, there are so many people." Lin xueru, who is usually a smart woman who is not afraid of everything, is also pink and shy by Yang Xiao's sudden "attack".

"Ha ha, that's good. I'll have an acquaintance when I come to Thailand. At least I'll have more guides!" Wang Meng came over and patted tanma Niang Shao on the shoulder. The guy's body was sinking.

Zhaliche has been taken away. As for how to deal with it in the future, it's also a matter of Tailai, but at least it's impossible for him to come out alive.

"Hey, you say, there won't be another assassin on our plane this time."

Wang Meng, who was sitting in the seat behind Yang Xiao, opened the topic, and everyone laughed.

When he first got on the plane, Yang Xiao thought about this problem, but he didn't believe that Langya would deal with him in a way one after another, especially when they couldn't understand his strength.

"Oh, I'm in business class, and I didn't help you in vain, did I, Mr. Yang?"

Zhao tong'er clapped his hands and touched the so-called business class seat. He laughed.

One day, the problem of Tailai was solved successfully. For David, they did what their brothers should do. As for how to deal with heyingying when they came back to China, it was his own problem. At least the people of Red Star didn't like Yingying. If they worship money, they should worship money. According to Zhao tonger, It's just two words: vulgar.

"I haven't asked you, tong'er. Which university are you from?"

"Jiangzhou University."

In the past few days, Lin xueru, the mayor of Jiangzhou City, has become more and more fond of Zhao tonger. Zhao tonger's character is also pleasing. In addition, Xu Lei, a long legged sexy woman who has no idea as long as Yang Xiao is around, has no chance to sunbathe in the swimming pool of the beach beauty hotel.

As for Zhao tong'er, he can't like it any more. He makes Yang Xiao look at the two beauties who have tasted it but can't eat it any more. They are shaking in front of his eyes every day. They are very uncomfortable. They thought Zhao tong'er was lovely. Now he thinks it's really hateful.

But according to what Zhao tong'er said to Lin xueru and Xu Lei, this man just can't be fed too much. If he is fed too much, he will get tired and get bored. If he is bored, he will want to change his taste. If he eats delicious food every day, he will miss apples.

Speaking of apple, Zhao tong'er secretly takes a look at Yang Xiao, who is leaning against the seat to rest, especially the Adam's apple on his neck. He can't help thinking why a man's Adam's apple is so sexy.

When Zhao tong'er and Yang Xiao walked together, they could only see the Adam's apple knot because of their height difference. This reminds her of a story, that is, Adam and Eve ate apples in the garden of Eden in a hurry, and a piece of flesh got stuck in Adam's throat, leaving a lump. They were expelled from the garden of Eden against God's admonition, From then on, Adam left a "Adam's apple" at the front of his neck forever as a "criminal evidence" of eating forbidden fruit

"A man's Adam's apple is the last apple in Eden. No wonder I like it so much."

Zhao tong'er sighed in the heart.

Time is very fast, especially when people are in a daze.

When Zhao tonger was still talking about Apple, the plane had stopped at the airport of Jiangzhou city smoothly.

"Officer Ying, have you finished what I asked you to do?"

Just after getting off the plane, Lin xueru took out the phone and turned it on, and called police officer Ying.

For nothing else, because Dongyin was finally reluctant to give up his elephant. He negotiated with tanma Niang Shao and Tailai, and specially chartered a plane to come here, and brought an elephant behind.

Yang Xiao asked him why he likes elephants so much. It's not that he doesn't respect other people's preferences, but there are reasons for everything. Dongyin's answer is simpler: brother.

"Well, only Dongyin, a strange and paranoid person, can fight for the elephant until the whole country knows him and even the world is famous." Yang Xiao's heart was filled with emotion.

"Well, Miss Lin, there is no car in the zoo for the time being, and there is no place to go. This also needs to be negotiated. After all, this is a metropolis in Jiangzhou, not a tropical rain forest." Police officers should have arrived at the airport, specially to meet them, received Lin xueru's phone is also face bitter.

"Tong'er, where are you going? Are you going back to school now?" Xu Lei asked Zhao tonger, who was carrying two big boxes full of things.

"Ha ha, my happiness came so suddenly."

Yang Xiao gave a strange cry.

Lin xueru looked at him and said: "hum, then you can ride the elephant back."