"Sorry, David." Xu Lei's accident happened suddenly. Yang Xiaogen was unprepared. He only informed Wang Meng and asked Wang Meng to speak with David.

However, David, who also understands Yang Xiao, doesn't urge Yang Xiao at all. He knows that Yang Xiao has something to do with him. Even if the club loses Yang Xiao, no matter how bad his reputation is, David can carry it down.

Red star is supposed to be the busiest and most popular in this period of time. David knows that Yang Xiao has something to do, and he has not even called Yang Xiao. I'm afraid that any manager of a club would not choose to put down the club's affairs like David.

"Have you settled everything?" Although David valued money, he really cared about his fighters and asked Yang Xiao.

"It's OK. Is there nothing wrong with the club?" The reason why Yang Xiao made such a call to David first was that he was afraid of what would happen to the club in the month of his absence.

Not long after the Shajing incident, the red star has been targeted by the Japanese, and more importantly, the big tree catches the wind. If the red star can win the championship in Jiangzhou boxing match, it must be concerned by some people. Some of these concerns are envious, some are afraid of Yang Xiao, but more importantly, they are envious of the Red Star Group.

Even if red star wants to stop, but the noise of the external environment is not willing to let them stop. This is what Yang Xiao is really worried about.

"Nothing, you don't have to worry. My reputation of David in Jiangzhou boxing ring has always been focused on, and everyone is willing to sell me David's face. Someone wants to make trouble, but they are all stopped by me. If you don't come back again, I will be helpless. "

David said to Yang Xiao half jokingly. Although he meant to blame Yang Xiao, he could hear David's concern for Yang Xiao in his words.

This is the way to let Yang Xiao really let go of his brothers and don't worry about it. If David works hard, he will only say it's OK, but Yang Xiao will be more worried.

This is not only his boxing club, but also his brothers' boxing dream club. Yang Xiao must keep all this.

"All right, call me if you have something to do." Yang Xiao now wants to go to the bottom of Huadu boxing to have a look, but now in broad daylight, the underground boxing has not opened at all, and his brothers don't know where to go.

"Yes, I have something to discuss with you. These days when you are not here, I know more clearly that we need to let our brothers receive professional training. We can't do without you. We don't even have anyone who can play. The fierce and tough guys can't shoulder the burden of the whole club David sighed. It's obvious that the events of these days have made him a little out of breath one after another.

Yang Xiao just recognized the helplessness in David's mouth, "just say it."

"The training I said a while ago, I have found the place and the staff. I found a professional boxing training organization in the United States. It's a kind of fast training mode for special forces. The place has been decided. It depends on when you have time. Brothers will believe you. "

"You've determined the time. I'm going to visit Nanhai for about two or three days. Everything else has been settled. That's to say, Mengzi's company takes over a job and needs to be busy for a while. You can decide another time."

Yang Xiao only felt that he owed his brothers who trusted him.

"All right." With Yang Xiao's words, David seems to be full of energy, "I won't tell you. I have to be busy in my own business for a while. The time is next month. You can come to Huadu underground boxing ring when you have time. Let's have a detailed talk."

David hung up Yang Xiao's phone in a hurry. Now it's the end of the season. When David is busiest in import and export business, he can spare ten or twenty minutes to chat with Yang Xiao calmly and think about Red Star everywhere. If David doesn't love boxing, he can't do it.

No one thought that only relying on the professional boxing club can make money. It's like a bottomless hole. If it's famous, it's better. If it's not famous and has no ability, no one knows. It's a loss business.

Yang Xiao was at ease about everything in Jiangzhou and was able to give an account.

Since meeting with Lin xueru, Yang Xiao's life seems to have changed and become full of fun. Originally plain and tasteless life, or twists and turns, only suffering life, suddenly there is smoke and fire.

Family, love, friendship, luxuries in Yang Xiao's original life, suddenly poured into Yang Xiao's life. Yang Xiao knows how to be grateful and how to protect these hard won happiness.

The brand new Audi Q8 is full of power. With one foot on the accelerator, Yang Xiao goes back to the hospital to accompany Lin xueru and Xu Lei.

Xu Lei's mood has calmed down. Lin xueru is beside her, holding a pink rice box full of hot white porridge.

"You're back?" Lin xueru glances at Yang Xiao who has just entered the door, just like Yang Xiao's loud voice, disturbing her and Xu Lei's purity“ Let's drink the porridge on the table. You haven't eaten well for several days. "

Lin xueru seems to have successfully accepted her status as the eldest sister in her heart. She is decent and generous inside and outside. Originally, she didn't know how to face Xu Lei. It's like Xu Lei's tragic life experience. She can't help but be moved.

"Yang Xiao, Xu Lei has something to say to you." Lin xueru looks at Yang Xiao picking up the porridge on the table. Her eyes secretly sweep Xu Lei, who is feeding her porridge. As if she had made up her mind, she says something to Yang Xiao.

"Snow like." Xu Lei a little flustered, look inexplicably nervous, quickly took Lin xueru's arm, let her stop talking.

Xu Lei tells her secret to Lin xueru, but she is not ready to tell Yang Xiao everything. Tell Lin xueru, because, she took Lin xueru as the most intimate friend, she now so live, all need a so intimate friend, she needs to hide in the heart for a long time secret exposed.

But Yang Xiao is different. Xu Lei doesn't want to turn all this into Yang Xiao's burden.

"Well?" Yang Xiao's eyes just collide with Xu Lei. He can see Xu Lei's tension, surprise and worry from the middle.

Yang Xiao doesn't force Xu Lei. He just thinks that Xu Lei can figure it out. He is willing to wait until Xu Lei to reveal her secret which has been buried in her heart for a long time.

"Yang Xiao, I'll tell you."