Chapter 170

"This test will begin soon. Let me emphasize a few points again."

Seeing that everyone was listening, the middle-aged major general continued:

"First of all, when entering the hunting area this time, everyone's supplies are provided by the organizer. Except one weapon per person, they are not allowed to carry any other items, so as to prevent some candidates from taking risks and carrying alien cards that are inconsistent with the registration data."

Zhang Che's heart clicked. Sure enough, it seems that the compressed dry food and other food he had previously prepared will be useful. It's impossible to have a full stomach by counting on the little things provided by the organization.

"Secondly, within five days of entering the hunting area, we can only use the alien card brought in. After five days, there will be no restriction."

As soon as the news was released, there was an uproar under the stage.

After five days, you can use the captured alien card!

In this way, the first five days will become extremely important. Whether you can hunt enough and good alien cards within these five days will have a huge impact on the final results of the team.

Zheng Hongru is even more excited!

What if we're trumpets? We have a big man!

As long as it lasts five days, will it be no problem to have a silver quality monster card? There may be a chance to get a gold quality beast card!

The quality above silver, in the past, only existed in most teenagers' dreams. In reality, it's not easy to have one.

"Be quiet!"

Just as the audience fell into a noisy noise, the general on the stage suddenly shouted, which made the teenagers under the stage come back to their senses, and they didn't dare to speak again at once.

"Finally, let me emphasize one more point --"

Tone again, the audience is quiet, the needle can be heard.

"Although this test does not prohibit benign competition, I still hope that we can have less disputes with other teams, because we are all vigorous teenagers. If we don't pay attention, we may break our heads and bleed. At that time, we may face the tragic outcome of disqualification of both sides at the same time."

"Let me tell you a little bit first. The hunting area is large enough to throw more than 10000 of you down, and you can't afford a few bubbles. Therefore, we'd better try our best to hunt and kill exotic animals and reduce unnecessary disputes, which is good for ourselves and others. "

After another pause, the major general waved his big hand:

"Well, let's start distributing necessary supplies, confiscate personal belongings, and start on time in half an hour!"

A group of soldiers with a strong breath immediately entered the site with a strange instrument. First, they took away all the items except one weapon. Then they asked everyone to take out the alien card engraved with the spiritual brand and the spare one. After comparing it with the data, the strange instrument swept you up and down.

"Didi -"

Immediately, a few harsh machine beeps came faintly from the crowd.

Obviously, someone wanted to muddle through and secretly carried another alien card.

Fortunately, the organizer only gave a warning, confiscated the alien cards, and did not cancel their reference qualification, but also gave a severe warning. If someone was found to bring the alien cards that were not on the registration data through special means after entering the hunting area, it would be wrong to directly cancel their qualification.

Zhang Che was not calm at that time. In this way, if he wanted to secretly release other royal beasts to rob experience, wouldn't it be a great danger?

However, it seems that the devil's blood sucking blanket can be used?

Anyway, this thing has good concealment. As long as it is not discovered when it is released, there should be no big problem, right?

You don't need to use it more. As long as you see a high-level and high-quality beast, release this guy to rob experience. Who can detect that this is your own royal beast.

As for not leaving the body is a loophole, but as long as it is a small beast, the devil's blood sucking blanket can directly roll a blanket, wrap it for you, and then slip away immediately. Who knows if there is a body left.

"Well, it's decided. Once you encounter any powerful beast, you can try it when the strength at hand can't be guaranteed!"

Zhang Che had no expression on his face and made up his mind.

At this time, a soldier with a strange instrument had come to Zhang Che's team. First, he took away all their personal belongings except weapons, and then verified each person's alien card one by one. The strange machine came together.

Of course, there can't be any strange sound. Although Zhang Che secretly carried a lot of exotic animal cards, they have been lying quietly in his spiritual knowledge sea. Probably no one and no machine can find them in the world.

But for Zhang Che's bow box and arrow bag hanging on his shoulder, the soldier glanced with interest. He probably thought there was something wrong with the candidate's brain. You are a teenager. You look thin and weak. How strong can you pull the bow?

Half an hour later, after all the inspections were completed, a large column of personnel carriers drove into the Avenue next to the square. All candidates got on the bus in turn according to groups, and then a long queue of vehicles sped directly to the location of a space door more than 60 kilometers west of Jincheng city.

This space gate has been under military martial law for two days, and only entry is allowed. Therefore, when the vast candidates came, almost no other people hindered the traffic. In front of the ten meter wide space gate, all candidates lined up in ten pairs and poured in orderly and quickly.

Zhang Che originally thought that this time to the hunting area of the alien world, you may need to walk by yourself. After entering the space gate, you will find how outrageous your mistake is.

In a large open space outside the safety zone, the black steel monsters lined up, which surprised everyone.

The major general who led the team and was also the person in charge of the safety of the competition, glanced at the shocked crowd with satisfaction and shouted:

"See those steam cars ahead? This is the transportation for everyone to the hunting area this time. Next, please follow their leaders and get on the bus! "

With a wave of the major general's hand, more than 10000 students were divided into a group of 50, led by a soldier, and rushed to the assigned steel beast