Chapter 660

Name:God-level Base Author:Asset surge
The prophet asaki said faintly, "I can make the kingdom of ikan into the kingdom of wind. To be exact, I can make the kingdom of ikan a part of the kingdom of wind."

Dandong flashed a touch of excitement in his eyes and said, "Your Majesty asaki, I'll contact your majesty Kahn right now!"

That's the feat of persuading a kingdom to surrender. That feat is enough for Dandong to be recorded in the history of the kingdom of wind. And that kind of merit can also make Dandong gain more power and wealth.

"Father, why? Why should we submit to the king of the wind? "

A handsome young man, seven points similar to the prophet asaki, came up and asked with an unwilling face.

The handsome young man is the first Prince of the ikan Kingdom, and the first successor of the kingdom. He is brave and good at fighting, civil and military. What he awakens is the brave profession. Now he has become a legend. He has been scheduled to be the first successor of ikan. If there is no accident, the kingdom of ikan will be in his pocket in the future.

The difference between the status of a prince and that of an ordinary nobleman can be imagined.

Behind him were four young men and women, handsome men and beautiful women, each of whom was somewhat similar to the prophet asaki. They are asaki's other four children.

Since the talent of the brave was detected, the identity of the first successor in the kingdom of ikan has been confirmed. Several of his brothers and sisters also know that they can't compete with him for the successor, but they have a good relationship with him.

After this fight with the demons, the relationship between the brothers and sisters became closer.

"This is the virtual demon world!! A world where the strong are respected and the devil is rampant! In this dangerous world, only the strong can protect a country. "

"The God of our Lord's skills has fallen, and the Pope has fought to death to seal the frost Lord. The frost Lord, sealed by the Pope, has been killed by Kahn

"Spiderman, who killed the God of our Lord's skills, was also killed by Kahn's God level summoner."

"In such a world, only by taking refuge with Kahn can we survive."

The prophet asaki said faintly.

A look of disbelief flashed in Maide's eyes: "kill the king of virtual demons!"!! Is Kahn so powerful? "

The king of virtual demons is a terrible existence of gods. The skill gods of the Ikan kingdom are all killed by the two virtual demon kings. The two virtual demons who killed the God of skills were killed by Shu Feng one by one, which shows Shu Feng's terror and power.

"Kahn, king of the kingdom of wind, is ambitious. If it had not been for the suppression of the two gods, the God of skill and the snake of fear. He has long made excuses for annexing our country. Now that the two great gods have fallen, he has no scruples and is bound to annex our kingdom of ikan. "

"Do you want to die like this when you are young? Even if you die, in that person's eyes, it's like crushing an ant, and he won't look at it again. "

The prophet asaki passed slowly on his five children.

The excitement in the eyes of the five men began to fade.

"And the kingdom of ekarn is now full of demons. We can't do anything by ourselves. As long as Kahn just sit back and ignore us, we will die out directly in the struggle with demons. "

"Only by taking refuge in Kahn can we survive, and we can even strive to become the most important aristocracy in the country."

"Kahn also needs a power to balance the power of Queen seleya, the elves of the elves, and the dark elves of Queen Kamila."

The prophet asaki flashed a brilliant light in his eyes and said slowly.

The time of Shu Feng's rise is too short, and he is the weakest in the kingdom of wind. It's not a good thing for a king.

Only when there are innumerable forces in the country, competing with each other and fighting secretly, can the king act as the arbiter and control everything.

"Father, you are as wise as ever," he said

Among the seven gods in the world, asaki is not the most powerful, but the most intelligent.

Dandong came to the prophet asaki and said with a smile, "Your Majesty asaki, your majesty Kahn has agreed to your request and sent reinforcements. From now on, you are safe. "

With a slight frown, Mead said, "where are the reinforcements?"

The prophet asaki looked into the distance and said slowly, "there it is!! It's a man who killed the king of virtual demons!! Can summon the great existence of God level

Meide and other princes and princesses looked in the direction of the prophet asaki.

Only tens of miles away, the ten meter tall devil king gall strides towards this side with magic cloud, and his whole body exudes the terror of the devil king series.

The huge vertical pupil of the demon king Gar radiates strange and incomparable light. Where he passes, countless demons' bodies directly burst open and become a twisted corpse.In the eyes of the prophet asaki's investigation magic, countless demons fell directly and fled everywhere, full of panic.

"The existence of spirit level!! How could he summon such a great being

There was a flicker of disbelief in his eyes and frustration in his heart. He is also a brave man. He has tremendous evolutionary potential and can even evolve into a god level professional skill maker. However, compared with a God, he is not worth mentioning at all.

"Can summon the great existence of the devil series! Kahn is amazing

Kaina, the third princess of ikan Kingdom, looks at the demon king gal, and a strange light flashes in her beautiful eyes.

Between a dozen breaths, the demon king gal came to the prophet asaki. Where he passed, there were countless corpses of demons.

"I'm gal! The call of his Majesty the king of the wind. At his command, I come here to help you wipe out the demons. You just need to provide information about powerful demons, and I'll go and destroy them! "

The demon king Gar looked down on the prophet asaki quietly, and his eyes were indifferent.

The devil king Gar has a very strong defense and also a very strong attack. But his ability to detect on a large scale is his weakness.

The prophet asaki said respectfully, "yes!! We will try our best to cooperate with you under the crown of gale

With the cooperation of the prophet asaki and the remaining elites of the ikan Kingdom, the demon king gal rolled all the way and swept the demons all over the city.

Both legendary and ordinary demons are vulnerable to attack in the face of the demon king gal, and instantly burst into countless pieces, which let the princes and princesses such as Mead see the horror of the demon king.