The development of spark, a slave resistance organization, was far beyond Wang Xu's expectation. In a short period of more than a month, it was like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger.

Although Wang Xu has always been invisible behind the scenes, he rarely makes moves, and only transforms the blood talent of a few slave soldiers such as Alex and Kelly.

However, the advanced ideas spread by him had a great influence, just like the influence of Marx and Engels' Thoughts on the earth at that time, even more huge.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

The fire of the alien world really burned up and gradually became a raging fire.

So far, the whole spark has been a huge dark organization across a large area between the snow dragon duchy and the holy empire.

Countless wealth and resources, along with the countless members of spark, continuously gathered in the hands of Wang Xu.

Then wealth and resources were transformed by Wang Xu into a "magic dress production line", which in turn armed the powerful spark members.

Thousands of "magic rifles" are sent to a slave who wants to fight. Even the weakest slave can easily kill an official soldier with a magic rifle.

Therefore, under the cultivation of sufficient wealth and resources, and the slaves' fanatical belief in the "free thinking" of spark, the strength of spark has been greatly enhanced.

And Wang Xu, who has spark, has more and more in-depth research on the world, and his strength is getting stronger every minute.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Almost every day, slaves come out to fight in every city, the nobles and nobles who own slaves are killed, the territory is occupied by spark organization, and spark bases are established.

The principalities, empires, shrines, and even the whole thematic plane are all facing the great trouble of the gods' battlefield at the moment, and there are also a small group of "alien demons" who are lost and run into the thematic plane.

In this chaotic situation, the flame ignited by the spark has spread to different regions of the main plane like a prairie fire.

Moreover, because the spark has not moved the big cities of the great lords and kingdoms, it has not stimulated a greater war.

But there will be a war.


"This is the 16th case of slave uprising this month. They were all ordinary slaves under the local Lord, who were called to the battlefield of the gods with the help of the local Lord, and the rear strength was insufficient, which led to the uprising."

Near the capital of the holy Empire, in the presbyterium of the nobility.

A young nobleman with blond hair looked at the information in his hand coldly.

"It's just some slave riots. There are not many riots in that year, and these trash only dare to resist when their Lord is away. They won't cause too much harm, and they are not enough to apply for the intervention of the imperial regular Legion."

Another middle-aged man, playing with an object similar to a cigarette gun, squinted and said.

"So we have to investigate by ourselves, but now the rumors of the slave uprising have spread to the imperial capital. At first, I remember that the slave uprising started in the eastern Sheraton duchy, right?"

"Not bad." The middle-aged nobleman nodded, "the slave riots in the Duchy of snow dragon are more serious than in other places. Today, it seems that one fifth of the Lord's territory has been occupied by those slaves. "

The middle-aged aristocrat's voice began to become serious.

"Do you have any clues?" The young nobleman with golden hair put away the information and got up to walk leisurely outside.

"My intelligence assassin tracked down a trace, and then never showed up again. He was probably dead. According to the information collected so far, all the slave riots should be the work of a secret dark force named spark.

Their purpose is not known, but the harm that slave riots can cause is far less than the war of gods. I suggest you focus on the war of gods first

The middle-aged aristocrats were a little displeased with the importance of the blonde youth to the slave uprising.

It's just some slaves. What year was there no riot? If it's a big deal, just kill it.

"The battle of the gods has entered the final stage, and even the main gods have begun to forcibly call up the legends of the Empire. Several temples have joined hands to intervene at the same time. It is said that the Legion of foreign demons may be involved."

He added, "so, Ingram, focus on priorities."

"..." the young nobleman with golden hair frowned tightly and stopped talking.

He already knew that he couldn't get any more help from the middle-aged nobility.

Most of the obstacles he encountered since the investigation of the slave uprising came from the inherent contempt of these old nobles for slaves.

Slaves, in their eyes, can never be turned over.

This is an ideological shackle!

The pressure from the aristocratic Presbyterian forced him to make no progress in his investigation of the slave uprising.

In addition, the battle of the gods, as if there is a huge invisible giant net, will he more and more tight.

But intuition told him that this slave uprising was probably more serious than all the uprisings in the past thousand years.

And from previous intelligence.

The whole Xuelong duchy, the Three Kingdoms outside the eastern border of the Empire, and the large areas of aristocratic territory along the border have all witnessed slave riots to varying degrees.

The firelight named spark has ignited a huge area.