Time back.

Before the battle between Wang Xu and the three Western demigods began.

Only three or four kilometers away from the "land of the inheritance of human beings and immortals", on the top of a mountain, a group of people in Taoist robes are sitting here, looking at a water mirror floating in the air.

The water mirror, four or five meters in size, is made by the water vapor in the air condensed by the caster. It shows a clear scene.

From the picture, it seems to be the picture from high altitude.

If someone who is familiar with the art world in Southeast China is here, he will recognize the name of this art. The dragon and Tiger Mountain inheritance art and shadow mirror art can observe almost everything within a radius of three kilometers.

"Daojun, three Western demigods have entered the preset location, and Wang Xu, the leader of Jiwu sect in Jiangnan, is rushing to the place."

"The news of the place where people and immortals inherit has spread, and everything is going on as planned."

"But there was an accident. Chimei didn't know our plan. She was trying to persuade everyone to leave and publicized that someone was plotting to set up a bureau..."

Several men in black Taoist robes kept raising their hands to catch the various streamers flying from time to time in the air, making a report.

These streamers are a unique means of communication in Longhushan. They are also a means of transmitting messages by jade symbols. They can travel freely within a hundred miles. They are not inferior to modern communication and have a better degree of confidentiality.

In front of the crowd.

A middle-aged Taoist, wearing a red Taoist robe, dancing with the wind and burning like a fire, gazed at the picture on the water mirror, with a faint smile on his face and said with a faint smile:

"Don't worry about Chimei. The biggest accident now is the master of jiwuzong, the prince of Huaxia. Our news spread only in the southeast, thousands of miles away from Jiangnan. How did he get the "news"

"Daojun, I don't know. But for now, the situation is not too bad. The sleeping one in the ancestral land of the Wu family has come to life. The one who has the potential to inherit human beings and immortals is a must. Maybe this is an unexpected good thing. "

Behind the red robed Taoist, a young man in purple stood respectfully. He raised his eyebrows and gave a light smile, and then analyzed:

"Then Wang Xu is the most dazzling talent in the contemporary era. His hands are stained with the blood of the Western demigod, and he is at least a strong man in the six grades. The arrogance of such natural indulgence is always free from exuberance in youth. I'm afraid it will never give up the inheritance of human immortals. There is a great chance of conflict between the two sides. "

Young people in purple have a clear mind.

Only the dragon and Tiger Mountain has enough ability to send the news to many masters in the southeast in a few days, without causing a wider spread.

The reason is that we are not willing to let the news spread more widely. It's because this "land of human and immortal inheritance" really exists, and it's not false news.

Although "human immortals" are just the words of the dragon and Tiger Mountain family, it is not known whether they are true or not. Even if they are not human immortals, they must be the "treasure" left by the mysterious powerful.

Then the young man in purple looked at the water mirror and suddenly frowned, "what's the matter? These three Western demigods seem to want to kill Wang Xu? "

"It's no surprise that Wang Xu killed a Western demigod after all, and it's normal for them to want revenge. It's just that I didn't expect that these guys really have the courage to fight in the boundary of dragon and tiger mountain. I'm afraid that the battle 300 years ago has been forgotten by these people. "

Red robed Taoist light way.

As he spoke, there was a strong sense of ice cold in his voice.


It is because of this that he set up today's game to open his eyes for the dragon and tiger mountain and let the world understand his position in China.

All the people present were those who participated in the plan. They felt the slight killing intention in the words of Taoist Hongpao and naturally knew the reason.

The re emergence of any force needs an earth shaking event to be remembered and awed by the world.

Longhushan has not been born for a long time.

After a long time, the southeast became the territory of the Wu family, and the world has forgotten him.


With the great changes of heaven and earth, the rebirth of dragon and Tiger Mountain requires one thing to establish authority. And the Wu family, of course, is the best one.

"The land of human immortals inheritance" is aimed at the Wu family in Southeast China, the king of Wu who has been sleeping in his ancestral land for hundreds of years.

The three Western demigods are in the process of prediction, so it's not necessary to worry about them.

Wang Xu is an absolute accident, but accidents can also turn into good things and become chess pieces.

"Well, according to the plan, all the" eye birds "will be released. I want the trace of the" old zombie "in Wu's ancestral land."

The red robed Taoist looked light and said calmly:

"Don't worry about other things. The cause and effect of Wang Xu and the three Western demigods are determined by heaven. Go."

All of a sudden, a group of Taoist separated four, jumped up, turned into four streamers, and left in four directions.

Not long after they left.

All of a sudden.

"Look, Wang Xu is fighting with three Western demigods!"

A black robed Taoist cried excitedly.

They immediately looked up and fixed their eyes on a corner of the water mirror, which only occupied less than one tenth of the size of the water mirror, but at this moment, it attracted nine tenths of the people present.

After all, this is a rare battle of four demigods. The killing of three Western demigods is enough to make people excited.

"Hiss... This Wang Xu is too strong. He can fight three with one. He can be so strong that he almost presses three Western demigods!"

Looking at the battle going on in the water mirror, people were still smiling, but the more they looked, the lighter their smile became. In the end, many people could not help but gasp.

Wang Xu's strength is beyond their imagination.

The three Western demigods were smashed by Wang Xu in a flash, and even fled in a panic. What a terrible force.


When Wang Xu pursues, the three demigods use the twilight forbidden technique to gather the strength of the three people, Yu Lei angel, and the spear of the God of extermination.

Once again, the crowd took in the cold air. The red robed Taoist and the youth in purple couldn't help but pay attention to the battle.

The young man in purple even commented and praised: "these Westerners also have the talent of magic array, and they can create such exquisite skills of combo. Gather the strength of three people. I'm afraid the power of this thunder spear is no worse than the thunder skill of our dragon and Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master. I'm afraid Wang Xu is in danger. "

But his voice just dropped.

In the ninth and fifth movements of Wang Xu's death, Taixu emperor's sword smashes the thunder spear and sweeps the earth like a 3000 foot Galaxy falling.

Everyone's breath, all suddenly a stagnation, face gradually become pale.

The young people in purple are even more dull.

The red robed Taoist stepped forward uncontrollably. The original hidden breath on his body, as if stimulated by something, burst out in an instant, as if facing the danger and being extremely alert.