Chapter 1395

Name:God Of Martial Arts Author:净无痕
There has never been a fixed rule for the agreement between the emperors. The rules are set by people and only the consent of most of the emperors is needed. The emperor of Qi is the one who makes the rules this time.

At the end of the second round, the emperor of Qi saw that there were still seven or eight hundred people left, and Mou Zi gradually became more and more sharp. Now, after the second round, many forces were angry in the battle. This was the case with the six opposing forces: Qi family, Sikong family, Tianlong Shenbao and Tiantai, Wenjia and Tianmo hall.

"Since all the emperor's disciples are more brave in the war, and they don't seem to enjoy themselves, how about we have something more exciting?" The emperor of Qi looked around the people with sharp eyes.

From the eyes of the emperor of Qi, the emperors can feel the sharp edge of the emperor Qi at the moment. It seems that the emperor of Qi wants to show his lofty and lofty life.

"Just say the rules!" The emperor asked coldly. If anyone hated the emperor Qi most, he had to ask the Emperor Wu and the Emperor Yu. When he came back from the snow moon, the emperor Qi and Emperor Sikong jointly hanged and killed the emperor. How could this be done? He always kept it in mind. Therefore, when Emperor Yu proposed to join hands, he readily agreed, because he also needed the help of the Tiantai power.

"Call war!" The emperor of Qi glanced at the crowd and said coldly, "there are very few low-level dignitaries in this round, but even the low-level ones have extremely strong fighting power, such as the wooden wind on the rooftop. Therefore, the low-level and middle-level dignitaries in our group can be divided into one kind of characters. All of you are not against it!"

"Hum!" Lin Feng sneered in his heart. The emperor of Qi used himself as a metaphor. Indeed, as far as he was concerned, it was obvious that the word "low rank" had nothing to do with his battle, and it was no different from that of the middle rank.

The emperors were silent, but they also acquiesced to the emperor Qi's words. I don't know what the rules of his so-called battle of commanding generals is.

"But the high-level masters are different. The high-level masters have stepped into another level. They have too much advantage over the upper and lower level masters or those who respect the four or five levels of martial arts. It is not appropriate to divide them together. Therefore, the third round of the emperor's agreement, like the first round, divides all people into two levels, the lower level and the lower level In the middle class, there is a kind of respect for the master. If we fight separately, the emperors will have no opinion. "

The emperor of Qi asked the people. Naturally, all the emperors agreed to this point. The Emperor Wu of every force had a disciple who respected martial arts in the middle level. Where would they be willing to let them fight against the people at the master level, the Emperor himself would not dare to make such a rule. Otherwise, his parents and children would be killed in the face of other powerful masters.

"Next, I'd like to talk about the rules of general order. In a one-on-one war, the Lord can only order the master. The rest of the people can point to you at will, and you must fight. You must not abstain directly. You must step on the stage and die or fall to defeat. Everyone has the same chance. One person will be eliminated in the first World War, until the last 200 people are eliminated, What do you think? "

Qi Huang's voice is still vigorous and outspoken, and his words are full of a strong wind. You have to fight when you point to the general. You can't even abstain from fighting. You must go to the battle stage.

"How do you feel that this rule wants Mufeng's life?" Many people have an idea. Mufeng completely angered the emperor of Qi in the second round. The emperor of Qi didn't divide the Lord and other people into the same category. He was afraid of what to do if Hou Qinglin ordered qiqianli. Therefore, he divided the master into another level.

Among the middle and low-level masters, Qi family, Tianlong Shenbao and Sikong family are so strong that they are not afraid to kill a Mufeng. They have to fight when the general points to Mufeng battle. However, he has only one chance to call the general and can only choose one person.

Moreover, the number of people on the rooftop is already weak. In this case, the forces with a large number of people will have an advantage.

"Hum!" Lin Feng sneers, this Qi Huang, is to want to play dead him!

"Call the generals, how many people order me, all follow!" Lin Feng's eyes flashed a cold light and cut off the Lord. Would he be afraid of ordering generals? He knew that Qi family, Sikong family and Tianlong Shenbao all had very powerful middle-level dignitaries. Of the nine trump cards in the Dragon God castle that day, six of them were middle-level dignitaries. The one who fought with dream in the first round could only be regarded as the last one.

"There's no problem in the spot war. The problem is, how to order and how to point it!" The emperor asked again that he did not object to ordering generals. Obviously, he was equally confident in the strength of the younger generation of people who asked about his family. When he asked Tiange and Aoxue, they were very powerful. They both respected the master's fighting power. There were also many other middle-level people who respected the military power. They all respected the master's combat power. How could he be afraid of the battle of commanding generals.

At this time, the emperor hoped that Lin Feng would be stronger. Although anyone can point Lin Feng, anyone can kill him as long as Lin Feng is strong enough. In this way, the pressure on his family will be much easier. Now, it is a game between the three forces and the six forces.

"Since our Qi family is the host, I throw a brick and attract jade. Then, we rotate from the southeast to the northwest and call on generals in turn. Of course, each round of one force is only allowed to fight, and after one round, a second person will call." The emperor of Qi said calmly that the rotation of the four places in the southeast and northwest was the first, and the location of the northern wasteland rooftop was in the north and ranked last.It's good to say, but each faction can only produce one person in a round, and then the next one. In this way, there will not be a situation in which the same force will continue to send out people in car and wheel battle. It is not too big a problem that who comes first and who comes after. It seems that the rooftop will suffer some losses. The last General Commander is afraid that some people will be killed if they don't even have a chance to order a general, The emperor of Qi's rule has made the rooftop suffer the most.

However, the Qi family is in the East, and the rooftop is best in the northernmost position. When the emperor of Qi said this, he couldn't find any loopholes.

"Good rules." Emperor Sikong Wu and Emperor Qi were of the same mind. Naturally, they would not have any opinions. Then the emperors successively expressed their opinions, most of them agreed. This round of battle will be more cruel than the previous round. If you want to fight against you, you will be killed.

"Yes!" Emperor Yu is still very calm. Let's call the generals. The people on the rooftop are not martial arts practitioners in the greenhouse. They have all experienced various cruel killing and cutting. The cruel rules of the game are fair to all people. Without such cruelty, there will be no final glory. He will never forget how he and the stone emperor crawled out of their bones to achieve their present achievements.

Emperor Yu didn't have any opinion. This third round rule means that the battle will be decided until only two hundred people are left. It will be a very long-lasting battle. One person will be eliminated in the first World War. Now, the seven or eight hundred people will have to go through three or four hundred battles to eliminate half of them, and another half to 200 It means that there are five or six hundred battles to be fought, and each one has almost two chances to call.

"Since all the emperors agree, let's start with my family. The first battle, Qi Xiao, you go!" The emperor of Qi said to a man behind him. The man nodded slightly and stepped on the platform, which made people's eyes suddenly. In the first battle, the person chosen by the emperor of Qi to fight was a powerful master figure, respecting the eight levels of martial arts. The crowd had paid attention to his battle before, and the empty pace had reached a very strong level, and the strength was very terrible.

Unexpectedly, the first person chosen by the emperor of Qi was such a strong man.

"See who he's targeting!" In the hearts of the people, Qi Xiao's eyes fell on the direction of the crowd on the rooftop, pointing to a venerable figure on the roof, he said coldly, "come out, die!"

The master of Tiantai looks ugly. His accomplishments are seven levels of martial arts. He is good at the profound meaning of gold and earth. He is very strong in attack and attack. But he knows that facing the people of Qi family, he occupies a weak position in the field he is good at. The other side's empty steps are superb. However, he mainly attacks and can't attack the other side. Moreover, he knows that he has some strength and the other side Gap.

But even if they were defeated, they still had to fight. As soon as they stepped on, the Lord of Taiwan stepped on the stage that day.

"Hiss, hisses, hisses..." As soon as he stepped on the platform, the battle began by default. Suddenly, there was a terrible space storm in the void. Then the man's body seemed to be transformed into shadows. Everywhere were Qi Xiao's figures, blocking the void.

"Go out and get off the stage!" A sharp color flashed through his eyes, but in an instant, he was enveloped by the space storm.

"Broken!" With a roar, the gold was sharp and the soil was heavy. He seemed to be covered with gold and earth yellow armor, and turned into a terrible axe, which was going to chop the void.

"Crash!" The terrifying space scroll appeared above him, and countless empty silk threads fell from the sky, and countless threads bound his body firmly there.

"Void storm, absolute crush!" Qi Xiao said coldly. The uprising in the void is hanging the power of the profound righteousness of the gold and the earth, and splitting the body of the strong man on the roof.

"It's over The crowd on the rooftop looked stiff and ugly. Qi Xiao was one of the strongest people in the Qi family. Emperor Wu had the strongest blood, and the void storm was blooming at the same time. The emperor of the rooftop was only crushed and could not resist the power of the other party!

"Roar!" The roaring sound of roaring fury was heard, and the blood and spirit were released together, but it was no use. There was still a gap between the strength of the two sides. The fighting power of the people in the same family was at Zun 9 level, which was terrible. On that day, the leader of Taiwan was strong enough to get out of the encirclement in the first round and win 100 victories. However, in this round, it was still torn and died in the hands of the other side.

Qi family, in the first battle of the general, gave the rooftop a horse power!

"Hoo..." The people on the rooftop exhaled their breath. Cruelty is the cruelty of martial arts. The weak eat the strong. They watched their brothers die in front of them. If they were weak, it might be the end!

Lin Feng's eyes are as black as ink, cold and boundless, but his breath is calm. He has gradually adapted to this cruel law. What he wants to do is to kill more people who are in charge of the family and revenge! , the fastest update of the webnovel!