Chapter 582

Name:God Of Martial Arts Author:净无痕
Seven, two lost, only five left.

Lin Feng is undoubtedly the most surprising person. In addition to him, the other four people are very good in strength. In Tianlong City, they are more or less famous. Many people know them, but Lin Feng is born in the sky and has developed a strong physical strength.

Two hands, two are loud slaps in the face, the same slap sound, trembling in the hearts of the crowd.

Lin Feng is the most mysterious and can't be seen clearly. At this moment, people are even guessing who this person is, who is so powerful and has such strong physical strength that no one knows him before.

At the moment, the host came over again, nodded slightly to the five men and said, "you five, at this time tomorrow, will follow the Longshan Empire to fight in the snowy city. I hope you can achieve glory on the stage of snowy Dabi."

All five people nodded to him. Lin Feng's eyes twinkled and showed a sharp edge. He changed his identity, but he was still in the quota of snowy Dabi.

As for the other four, they thought they had no chance but to serve as an audience in the city of mysteries to watch the others in the fighting stage. But now, they have become one of them. After a short time, they will stand on the stage of snowy Dabi and bathe in the glory Go ahead.

"What are your names?"

The man asked Lin Feng five people. The four people reported their names one after another. Finally, the man's eyes fell on Lin Feng.

Not only he, but the eyes of the rest of the people also fell on Lin Feng. Who is this mysterious person?

In looking at the maple wood of a few words of wax, his face is still shallow, with a smile.

"My name is Lin Feng."

"Lin Feng."

"Lin Feng"

hearing these two simple words, many people's eyes are trembling, especially the people of the snow moon country, their eyes suddenly narrowed up, this person, also known as Lin Feng.

Looking at Lin Feng carefully, I can see that Lin Feng's eyes are still with a smile, looking at the host, there is no abnormal color.

Waxy face, bright and clear smile, as if from the countryside out of the youth, but with a body of terror, and abnormal speed.

But Lin Feng, cool and cool, indifferent, arrogant, rebellious, unruly, the crowd, even if they want to think of the two together, but it has always been unable to let them overlap.

These two people, are completely different two people, even their smile, are so different, and, that Lin Feng, Zhen Yuan's strength can not be so weak.

This Lin Feng is definitely not another Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, he should be dead."

Those who want Lin Feng's life secretly think that they are chased by the strong men of Tianfeng country. They don't believe that Lin Feng can survive.

Many people in Tianfeng country also looked at Lin Feng, and their eyes were flickering. Especially Nie Yun, the first one in the wind that day, blinked at the center of his eyes, but after a while he calmed down.

He met Lin Feng, not this person.

"Another Lin Feng, interesting." Qingmengxin looks at Lin Feng and murmurs with a smile. Lin Feng's talent is also very good, but she suddenly disappears. From her intelligence, I'm afraid it has something to do with Tianfeng country. Now, there is another Lin Feng, and it seems very interesting.

At this time, only cloud Fei Yang's eyes have been staring at Lin Feng, eyes flickering, seems to be very interested in Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, good."

The host nodded a little, and then laughed at the five again, saying, "don't forget that at this time tomorrow, we'll start here and go to the snowy city."

With that, his body turned and left.

Now, all the candidates for the snowy Dabi have been confirmed, and the battle is over. The crowd has been scattered, or they look at the crowd on the battle platform with admiration. These people are going to fight in the distance and fight with people from other countries.

Lin Feng also took Xiao Ya and left.

Walking on the road, Xiao Ya's clean eyes looked at no one around, and whispered to Lin Feng: "brother, how can you still use the original name."

Although Xiao Ya is younger, she is not a fool. When Lin Feng says her name, many people look at Lin Feng differently. Obviously, those people should recognize Lin Feng. Moreover, there may be Lin Feng's enemies. She didn't expect that Lin Feng would use her former name.

"Yes, do you think anyone can recognize it?"

With a faint smile in his mouth, Lin Feng rubbed Xiao Ya's head. With his present appearance and temperament, even those who are very close to him, I'm afraid they can't recognize him.

Lin Feng takes Xiao Ya slowly forward, and the place he goes to is the post house where people of XueYue country live.

It seems that he is still in the post house. I don't know if there is any problem.

"Roar"In the distance, a roar came from afar, which was the roar of monsters.


Hearing the roar coming from the distance, Lin Feng's eyes slightly congealed, raised his head and looked towards the distance.

It seems that he doesn't have to go to the post house.


another roar came out, and a huge figure, bathed in the red flame, appeared in the distance. The figure was fierce and majestic, and his whole body exuded an extremely majestic atmosphere. The red and green wings twinkled, which was extremely fast, but came to Lin Feng in an instant.

This figure is the figure of the ancient fierce beast.

"Brother, this seems to be a fierce beast."

Xiao Ya pulled the sleeves of lalinfeng and whispered that she knew the fierce beast.

"Yes, it's really fierce."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, only to see that the poor figure stagnated in the air, huge eyes to Lin Feng, actually did not continue to move.

To Lin Feng's surprise, there is a figure on his back, a figure he knows, cloud flying.

Yunfeiyang seems to have to go to the post house before him and bring out the poor and strange.

Lin Feng's mind moved, suddenly poor strange again a sound of animal roar, wings trembling, toward the front of the move.

"Cloud flying, don't you think you are too much? Do you really think I dare not move you?"

At this time, a voice full of chill came from the distance. A terrible cold wind flashed by, and many figures appeared in the void. Lin Feng was quite surprised by the person who called out the voice.

Wu Qing, it turned out to be Wu Qing, chasing Yun Fei Yang.

"I never thought you didn't dare to move. It's just that you don't have this fierce beast. You like it and I like it. Why can you take it away? I can't take it out to play."

Cloud flying bright and clear voice spreads out, let Lin Feng's pupil is again a burst of contraction.

This Wu Qing, the fierce beast poor strange to own?

The figures in the void all stopped, and yunfeiyang did not continue to run, and stood on the high altitude, trampling on the cruel beast's rare shadow on his feet, which seemed majestic.

"Play, fierce beast is poor, is it used to take out to play? Besides, don't forget that although I don't own this poverty, it does follow me now, and it will.

Wu Qing responded indifferently, saying that in ancient times, the fierce beast was very strange. As a man of beasts, how could he not like it.

When Lin Feng heard the conversation between the two men, his eyes gradually became cold. Wu Qing took the poverty as his own and said it was his.

He Lin Feng, is not dead now, this Wu Qing, is going to rob his demon beast companion.

In his heart, Wu Qing colludes with the people of Tianfeng country and wants to kill Lin Feng. Now that Lin Feng is missing, Wu Qing wants his monster flame to occupy and become his Wu Qing's.

"Kill me, but also want to take my monster."

Although Lin Feng's heart is cold, but his mouth, still with a smile, staring at the void constantly come to this sky figure, these people, many of them are the snow moon country side of the crowd.

They seem to have gathered because of this before the snowy Dabi has begun.

It seems that he is aware of Lin Feng's eyes. Wu Qing lowers his head, glances at Lin Feng, and then moves his eyes away. He doesn't look at Lin Feng any more. Although Lin Feng gives him a lot of shock on the stage of the battle, it's nothing more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!