"Where is he!"

"Target danger level 5! Kill first! Kill first!"

"Damn it, he killed Niles!"

There were shouts, and the people heard the muffled sound of the body falling to the ground.

Zorg rushed to his first two victims. A body was soaked face down in the water. The air wrapped in his coat made it just sink slowly into the sewage full of green algae.

The other man lay on his back in the street, his eyes staring like a full moon. Blood flowed out of his body at an amazing speed and dyed the dirt road brick red.

Zorg leaned over and moved his hands and feet on the man's weapon. Then he turned and ran back along the same road.

"Here he is! Help me!"

He shouted behind him as he ran, and then plunged into the far end of the shack to keep a thick wall between himself and the canal.

He heard other guards approaching quickly. They cursed angrily when they saw the dead.

Suddenly, one of them said:

"Wait, wait! What's that sound?"

The sound of a time bomb, you idiot.

Zorg sneered in his heart.

The bomb detonated instantly, smashing the shack building adjacent to the canal.

Zorg rushed into the smoke and ended a guard who didn't die in the explosion with a sharp blow to the head. Then he counted the other bodies - it was a jigsaw puzzle. He tried to distinguish the charred bloody bodies.

There are four in total, so there are two nearby, and other teams must be on the way.

He has paid for his recklessness. Now it is time to carry out his task.

Zorg looked down at the canal and found that the river suddenly became static.

"Oh, no..."

His master emerged like a shadow that could not exist during the day. He could even see something similar to a large cat lying on his master's shoulder. This psionic communication was like a hot copper wire that penetrated into his mind.

You are wasting time and exposing yourself unnecessarily, slave

"I'm releasing pressure -"

Zorg growled in pain.

Complete the duties you must perform

"I know, master -"

[investigate everything about star Knights]

"I remember! I'll do it!"

Zorg frowned and shouted, while the intracranial pressure suddenly disappeared.

He turned and walked away from the canal. Two guards were rushing towards him along the street. One of them fired, and the hot laser hit him in the thigh.

Zorg raised his gun and fired at the same time.

"It's almost over -"

Five minutes later, when a large number of guards arrived at the scene, they only saw the fragmented bodies of the guards. As for the perpetrators, they had disappeared into the vast sea of people.

Who helped you stand up to your present height?

It is the power of the emperor.

And whose shoulders are your feet on?

I stood on the shoulders of my brothers.

This is their victory.

"There will be no statue!"

Soshyan shouted to the fighting brothers.

"No statues will be erected, no monuments will be erected to remember our victory! There will be no songs, no Psalms, no enlightening deeds, no stories of praising merit and virtue! We will not hear carols praising courage, nor will we hear chants for remembering, only bone piercing dark gravel and the changeable light of poisoned stars, which are us The only thing I can see! "

Soshyan lowered his head slightly. The cold wind curled from the jagged mountains in the south, and the aurora danced in the cold night sky. Their morbid light fused with the mountains and gave false heights to those peaks.

"It doesn't matter. Who cares about these gadgets? How can we care about false names?"

He extended a hand to the fighting brothers and opened his palm to all of them.

Some of them were familiar to him, while others almost never met.

It doesn't matter, because they are all his brothers - fighting brothers beyond blood.

"Use our armored feet to step into the enemy's land to show our track! Use the bones and debris left behind by the enemy as our joyful hymn! Do we still need applause and praise? We are familiar with service and dedication. What satisfaction can surpass our duty? Because we are loyal to the emperor! He looks at us and his will is our guide And a good teacher! When we are victorious, his heart is very happy, and when we decline, he bless us to restore our strength! What can people's opinions be, and what is the use of mortal fleeting cheers? As long as the emperor's eyes look at what we do and think, it is not surprising that any other recognition! "

He slapped himself on the chest and made the medal tremble.

"Here, we need not seek the crown of victory, nor the glory pursued by others! We are astat, the holy angel of death!"

He said, his voice becoming silent.

"- victory and loyalty are their own rewards."

The soldiers listened to every word. Suddenly, their roar broke the silence of the hall like an explosion.

"Holy, my emperor!"

Soshyan nodded approvingly, his eyes locked tightly on the brothers in front of him.

"Later, I will hold your hands one by one and express my gratitude to each of you from the bottom of my heart! This is your victory, this is your day, this is your strength, and the crown of this victory belongs to you."

Only more roars answered him.

"You fought, you won!"

He clenched his fist and continued:

"Although the great enemy has not been annihilated, one day, we will step over the waves of sub space again and bring the emperor's anger back to the traitors. At that time, they will have nowhere to hide!"

"For the emperor!"

Hundreds of astatezi roared and made the whole fortress tremble slightly.

"This one."

Then soshyan held up a golden glass.

"To the eternal golden throne!"