In the study, the master of Hanya kingdom is bloodless.

The color of recollection is clearly surging in the eyes.

His thoughts floated back to the once magnificent battlefield.

Shuo Qi passes through the watchman, and the cold light shines on the iron clothes.

The commander died in a hundred battles, and the soldiers returned in ten years.

It was an extraordinary period of hard blood, and it was a heavy stroke on the history books constructed by all the officers and soldiers with their bones and blood.

Endless death and blood compose the cruelty of the battlefield.

But that period of time is also the one that the Lord of jackdaw missed most.

At that time, there was no court battlefield where the smoke of gunpowder could not be seen, and there was no ambitious conspirator around him. He did not need to be more vicious than the wild animals, and he did not need to use his own blood to maintain the seemingly solid rule.

Thoughts return, jackdaw Lord long out of breath.

The color of pain in the eyes and the color of memory disappeared at the same time, and the face gradually returned to normal. The pain seemed never to appear, but the fear of pain did not disappear from the heart.

As a real superior, as the only king of the Jackdaw Kingdom, he has too much sadness and unwilling, too much involuntariness.

He thought his little son could understand it, but obviously he had to think about it.

I just hope my little son doesn't make too stupid a decision.

His eyes were fixed in the direction of Lu Yu's disappearance, and the Lord of jackdaw didn't take back his eyes.

After leaving the study, Lu Yu directly returned to his house. Facing the housekeeper, Lu Yu only said coldly: "gather hands, we will go to the ancestral house immediately."

The cold voice and resolute attitude shocked the housekeeper. He looked at his royal highness in front of him with doubts, frowned and said, "Your Highness, is something wrong?"

"There is an iron law in the country. People of the royal family must not go near the ancestral home, otherwise..."

"Shut up

Lu Yu raised his voice abruptly. His cold eyes had fixed on the housekeeper in front of him. He said in a deep voice: "I said to gather forces, didn't you hear me?"

Filled with endless anger, the housekeeper realized that his royal highness was not joking and didn't dare to say anything more. He nodded: "I'll do it now."

In a moment, all the guards in his Royal Highness's mansion had assembled.

They don't know what their master is going to do, but as soldiers, it's not something they need to care about.

Because as soldiers, they just need to follow orders.

All eyes were fixed on his royal highness Lu Yu. They were waiting for the order of landing.

After taking a deep breath, Lu Yucai said slowly: "you must know that not long ago, the hero who saved qiutan city came to this King City."

Everyone nodded. They had already known the trace of Lin Chen. They knew that after Lin Chen entered the palace, he was sent to the ancestral home to solve the Jackdaw's crisis.

Presumably, this is the fundamental reason why his highness nine called them here.

People's eyes are still fixed on Lu Yu. They don't speak, just wait for the words of landing feather.

Lu Yu said, "you should have known that Lin Chen and the royal family's bodyguards have never returned. Just now my father told me that they were dead."


A thousand waves were stirred up for a moment.

At the moment when this remark fell, everyone on the scene was wide eyed.

The news was too sudden for them.

As soldiers who fight to the death to defend the royal court in the Hanya Kingdom, especially for people like Lin Chen, they have great admiration for coming quickly. Most of the people who enter the ancestral home this time are like this. The news of the death of such a group of people suddenly comes. For them, the attack is still a little too huge.

And just as everyone's thoughts had just fallen, Lu Yu's voice came again.

"But I don't believe it."

"The royal guards who were sent to the ancestral home were all first-class elite, and Lin Chen led the team. Under the premise of knowing the danger, they could not fail at all."

"I will never die so soon!"

"So, there must be a problem!"Lu Yu's voice was full of firmness. At the moment when the flower fell, everyone on the scene glared.

This kind of words can be regarded as treason. After all, the news came from the Lord of jackdaw. Now Lu Yu is doubting the Lord of jackdaw!

Lu Yu seemed to have seen through people's thoughts. He said slowly: "I know that I may make you feel disgusted, but the urgency of the situation has not allowed us to think more."

"There must be some secret hidden in it."

"In my country of jackdaws, I will never let go of any bad person, nor will I wronged any good person."

"I know that you will have too many doubts about my decision, but I can very responsibly tell you that these words have been carefully considered by me. This time, I will never force anyone to go with me, or even prevent any of you from reporting me."

"Now, you can make a decision."

"Those who want to go to the ancestral home with me don't have to do anything for the time being, but those who decide not to do it with me can leave."

As the voice falls, Lu Yu looks at the people in front of him without saying a word. After a long time, he says that there is no one in the scene who chooses to leave.

He said slowly, "do you know that the situation we need to face next is very dangerous?"

This danger does not come from the monsters in the ancestral home, but from the Jackdaw kingdom.

After all, it's against the rules.

The graveyards of all the people on the scene were fixed on Lu Yu's body one after another. Someone said, "we will follow your highness to the death!"

The voice fell, and everyone began: "we will follow your highness to the death!"

All the people cried together, and the voice was loud.

The voice also fell into the ears of the man who was hidden outside the yard. There was a chill in his eyes, and he turned and left quickly.

And all this, Lu Yu naturally will not know.

In fact, even if he knew it, he would not pay attention to it at all. The urgent task now is to find out what happened to zuzhai Zhihong as soon as possible. The truth is more important than anything for Lu Yu.

"Let's go!"

Two words, resolute and firm,

In the sound of the moment, people have action, they quickly toward the direction of ancestral home.

At the same time, the ancestral home is underground and the array is in the center.

Lin Chen didn't die naturally, but now it's almost the same.

The huge building has been completely destroyed. The prince Lu Ya and Lin Chen lie on the ground together.

"I didn't expect that you, an outsider, should have such a powerful force."

"It's a great fight."

In fact, as early as the moment when Lin Chen showed great strength, the fight between them had changed from fighting to fighting.

There was no more mention of killing each other between the two sides. Now that the fighting has stopped, the kind of killing that pervades here has long disappeared.

But Lu Ya still struggles to stand up, and his eyes fall on Lin Chen.

The prince's body has no that kind of tyrannical and ferocious breath, he deeply looked at Lin Chen, then slowly said: "Lin Chen, you such a person died is the loss of the world, but between you and me is always to die a person."

"I'm tired of being imprisoned in such a place."

"Now I'll give you a chance to kill me. Do it."

With that, Lu Ya closed his eyes and gave up the fight completely.

Lin Chen also struggled to stand up from the ground, slowly toward the direction of the cliff.

The former prince can feel the distance between Lin Chen and him is constantly narrowing, and he can also feel that death is gradually coming towards him.

To be honest, he is not afraid of death, but he is not willing to.

He became famous when he was young. Even people in the whole jackdaw Kingdom thought that he would be the final candidate to inherit the great rule. However, at the most prosperous age, he was brought to such a place by his father. For decades, he has been living such a life.

For decades, the resentment and killing intention of the master of jackdaw have been constantly stacking in his heart. Now, for the master of jackdaw, there is no family affection in his heart, and the only thing left is hatred.Every day, he was able to escape from this place and killed the Lord of jackdaw himself.

But it's not because of his hatred for jackdaw, it's just because of his disappointment.

In his opinion, the Sovereign of jackdaw has betrayed his faith.

He was no longer the father he had always admired.

Lust for gain and soul devoured by desire are not worthy to be called the king of jackdaw kingdom.

However, all this has no chance to achieve, he will soon die.

To be able to save the life of a person you appreciate before you die is not too oppressive.

After taking a deep breath, this jackdaw country is waiting for death.

He felt that Lin Chen had come to him.

"Do it."

The expected death did not come, and Lu Ya opened his eyes in surprise.

But found that Lin Chen just stood quietly in front of him.

"Actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question."

The surprise on Lu Ya's face became more intense. He said in a deep voice: "say."

"The Lord of Hanya, why do you want to kill you?"

Lu Ya was stunned.

In fact, this is exactly what he is most puzzled about.

It's also something he always wanted to ask clearly in front of the Lord of jackdaw.