It is recorded in the human character scroll of cangdi Sutra that every place that is old will naturally breed tomb keeper, a kind of creature between man and demon, because of the nourishment of heaven and earth and the gathering of spiritual power.

Of course, this does not appear out of thin air, but people who have bad intentions will be imprisoned by the force of qi movement when they step into such a range, thus directly turning them into a kind of creatures infinitely close to the existence of immortality.

This is a gift, but also a curse.

After becoming a tomb keeper, both human and demon will forget everything before them and become the guardian of a place.

But that doesn't mean they don't have intelligence and ideas.

Fixed his eyes on the grave keeper in front of him, Lin Chen said: "I've been a grave keeper for so many years in such a place. I think you should have been tired of it."

"It's very painful not to be old and not to die, and to be confined in such a place, even to commit suicide, isn't it?"

"How do you know?"

The tomb keeper stopped struggling. His voice was hoarse and harsh, like a broken Gong. It sounded disgusting.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "don't care how I know, you just need to know, I have a way to send you a relief."

It was obvious that at the moment when Lin Chen's voice fell, the tomb keeper's eyes showed incomparable excitement. He said: "you..."

"Don't worry, since I can recognize your identity and know why you have become such a ghost, I will be able to give you relief. Now I just see if you can seize this opportunity."

Lin Chen's voice is calm, and his eyes even have a smile.

The grave keeper said slowly, "what do you want me to do?"

"Take us to the eyes of this array. As long as we can solve the crisis here, I can deliver you."

The tomb keeper fell into silence, and Lin Chen didn't urge the tomb keeper, just waiting quietly.

As time goes by, everyone's eyes are fixed on the tomb keeper. They have made clear Lin Chen's idea and the purpose of doing so.

Although they know something about this place, they don't know much about the internal danger at all, and they don't know where the eyes of the array are.

But the tomb keeper was totally different.

He doesn't know how long he's been in this place. He must know more about this place than everyone else.

As long as this one can agree, their next road will be much easier.

"I promise you."

I don't know how long it has been, the tomb keeper finally spoke.

The smile on Lin Chen's face is more rich, but the answer of the tomb keeper is not beyond his expectation.

Because he knew that what he put forward was a condition that a grave keeper could not refuse.

Living in such a dark place, they have long been tired of such a life.

Death is already a very good thing for them.

If we miss this opportunity, we may not be able to end all this, so the grave keeper in front of us has no choice at all.

This is Lin Chen's strength.

"Lead the way."

Loosen the guard's neck, Lin Chen lightly looked at the guard.

The tomb keeper nodded slightly and said, "you follow me closely. The deeper you go, the more influenced by the array power. If you are careless, you may be lost in this place forever."

Lin Chen knew in his heart that the words of the tomb keeper were not from nowhere. In the process of moving forward, he had already felt the strange power in the air.

That force has reversed the situation here, making the place like a maze. The closer to the center of the array, the more complex the maze becomes.

At this time, Lin Chen knew that the most dangerous thing here was not the monster hidden here, but the maze itself.

A little careless, even he will be lost in this place.

If they had taken a wrong step before, they would not have found the great hidden danger.

In this way, Lin Chen is more confused.

This is the ancestral home of the Lu family. It's possible that Lu Yu doesn't know the biggest secret here, but as the first person in Hanya Kingdom, it's absolutely impossible that he doesn't know this.So he didn't tell them the greatest danger here. Did he forget it or did he do it on purpose?


Endless doubts continue to rise in Lin Chen's mind, but his heart is also clear, now is definitely not the time to think about these, the most urgent thing is to solve the immediate trouble first.

Under the leadership of the tomb keeper, the people did not go wrong. Gradually, Lin Chen could feel the terrible breath coming from the front.

He knew in his heart that the distance between them and the eyes of the array was getting closer and closer.


After taking a deep breath, he adjusted his Huang Tian to the best. Lin Chen lowered his voice and said, "be ready."

Hearing this, the people behind them were ready to fight, and their eyes were fixed in the front.

The tomb keeper left wisely, and he was no longer needed for the rest of the way.

After the tomb keeper left, Lin Chen's eyes were fixed in front of him.

He had been able to clearly see the black figure in the huge space.

"Why hide when you're here?"

The cold voice came from the front, and the person who spoke was the figure covered with black feathers.

After a deep breath, Lin Chen clenched the rusty sword in his hand, and he slowly walked into the huge space.

Standing in front of us is obviously the feathered creature of jackdaw sealed in the ground.

He stood on the high platform with his back to the people. Even though he couldn't see his face clearly, he could still detect the continuous flow of that kind of crazy breath in his body.

"I can't believe that after so many years, people still remember me."

"Those guys sent people to kill me."

"It's interesting. It's so interesting!"

The sound of the moment, there are crazy volume of spirit from his body surging out, that crazy killing power in an instant has turned into endless streamer, crazy volume of spirit hook the floating wind, in the next second, that covered with black feather man side has several hurricanes roaring.

The crazy power is constantly surging, and all the people on the scene have to fight against the strong power.

The man standing on the high platform finally turned around slowly.

To everyone's surprise, that face is exactly the same as the current master of jackdaw kingdom.

Caught the shock and surprise on people's faces, the man with black feathers suddenly showed a crazy smile.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Do you feel cheated?"

"It's clear that the people who gave you the order didn't tell you the greatest danger here. Even the so-called demons are exactly the same as the current monarch."

"Isn't that ridiculous?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The man covered with black feather was laughing wildly, and his performance made the faces of all the people present show shocked expression.

No matter his appearance or his breath, he is exactly the same as the Lord of Hanya. The only difference is his character.

"But it doesn't matter. You're here to kill me, and I can't let you kill me."

"One of us must always sleep in this place."

"However, death is there, and it will always come. We'd better seize the time before death and sort out what has happened."

"What do you think?"

The man full of black feather is smiling, but Lin Chen can still easily feel that kind of incomparable crazy and tyrannical breath from him.

There was a faint feeling in his heart that the black feathered man in front of him might have been the evil of one side, but the truth might not be as he knew it.

"Don't listen to this guy's nonsense, sir. The purpose of our trip is to kill him!"

Mu Han opens his mouth, and there are endless opportunities in his eyes.

Voice falls, Mu Han is about to act, but was stopped directly by Lin Chen, he slowly opens his mouth to say: "don't worry."

Eyes fixed in front of the man covered with black feathers, Lin Chen slowly said: "I really want to know, your story, and how."Hearing Lin Chen's words, the man's face covered with black feathers showed a smile.

"I appreciate you, but you are just as stupid as they are."

"Do you know how long the Lord of Hanya has been in power?"

At the moment when the gentle voice falls, Lin Chen finds that the faces of the people around him all show complicated expressions.

"Three thousand years."

The man with black feathers spoke slowly and spat out three words.

It's nothing, but it's a very long time.

Seeing that the people around had different expressions, but they didn't object at all, Lin Chen knew that the man with black feathers didn't lie.

The Lord of Hanya kingdom is more than 3000 years old.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous that an old monster who has lived for 3000 years actually calls others evil?"

"Besides, the old man should have told you about my origin."

"But have you ever thought that even if there was a powerful demon clan who was really a disaster in the world, how could you allow his family's disgrace to be publicized

"Moreover, in an era like that, it's not like believing in anyone you want to believe in."

"The so-called facts that the old man told you were a complete fraud!"