The sky, more and more dim.

People outside the restaurant are even more depressed.

The situation in front of them was really beyond their expectation. They had already sent so many people, but now there is no one left.

They have no idea what kind of means Lin Chen used.

The most worrying thing is Shen Tian.

After listening to Yang Nanhe's words, Shen Tian's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter.

Now he doesn't know what decision to make.

"Isn't Mr. Shen afraid?"

Yang Nanhe's voice is icy cold. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he will never allow anyone to obstruct his action plan this time.

Even if it's a companion.

There is a gloomy color flowing in the eyes. Yang Nan and Shen Tian are staring at one side.


After taking a deep breath, Shen Tian said slowly, "anyway, it's such a time. No matter what, it's time to fight!"

Hearing this, Yang Nan and his face showed a smile.

"That's right, and I believe Lin Chen is at the end of the rope now. As long as we can find him, we will be able to kill him!"

"At that time, you can be the leader of the moon Pavilion, and I can take revenge."

Shen Tian nodded and took a deep breath. He calmed down and said, "Mr. Yang is right. Now we have only one way to go."

"In that case, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Let's move!"

Hearing this, Yang Nan and his face finally showed a smile, he nodded and said: "action!"

As the voice dropped, dozens of people started to move at the same time. They rushed to the front. When they entered the huge restaurant, they slowed down.

They know too much about Lin Chen, and they know very well how terrible Lin Chen is. Even now he has reached the end of the storm, he still can't be underestimated.

The crafty Lord of the moon Pavilion must have set an ambush for a long time. They must be extremely careful.

The eyes of Shen Tian and Yang Nanhe, who are at the end of the crowd, have become very gloomy and ready. They stare at the front and the chill in their eyes has become more and more thick.

In front of us, the restaurant is extremely dim. In the corridor, there is only a safe passage emitting green light. The light of four words is constantly flashing. Other lights in the restaurant have disappeared. Even the monitoring equipment here has stopped.

It's as if they are walking in a ghost house, and the pressure in their hearts is constantly sweeping. On everyone's shoulders, they seem to have pressed a mountain. The extremely heavy feeling makes their expression more and more ugly.

The original thought of ambush and trap did not appear, at the moment the people have come to the second floor.

In the field of view, it was still dark, and there was no blood in the corridor.

It's totally wrong.

After all, they heard that before Liu Cheng attacked here, Lin Chen had a fight with the ghost gate.

Even if Lin Chen can quickly dispose of the blood outside, the blood gas inside can't disperse completely for a while.

Is it hard to say that all the information they got before is false?


More and more intense doubts surged in people's hearts. Even Yang Nanhe's heart had been beating a drum, and his expression had become extremely ugly,

Turning to one side of Shen Tian, Yang Nan and frowned and said, "Mr. Shen, are you sure the news you told me before is true?"

Shen Tian wanted to deny it, but there was absolutely no problem with the news. The big news could never be false.

But everything in front of him was negating what had happened before, which was more and more strange and made Shen Tian feel big for a while.

Yang Nan and no longer say anything, he just stares at the front.

The corridor is dark, and the place that the straight passage leads to is unknown.

Even in the endless darkness, there are terrible things hidden. As long as they are close, they will be able to devour their bones.But when the people approached the end of the darkness, they did not find any problems at all.

This strong sense of psychological gap makes people's faces more and more ugly.

Yang Nan and more feel the heart hold a breath, this breath let him incomparably uncomfortable, swallow and swallow, spit also spit out.

He clenched his fist subconsciously.

"Damn it."

In the dark, Yang Nan scolded him.

Shen Tian's face suddenly changed.

"What's the matter?"

Aware of Shen Tian's abnormality, Yang Nan and his face are surprised.

After taking a deep breath, Shen Tian pointed to the front and said, "have you noticed that there are fewer and fewer of us?"

Yang Nan and a Leng, looking ahead, only to find that the original dozens of people, to now, has become only a dozen people!

This kind of change has already made Yang Nan and double eyes round stare, he completely didn't expect to appear this kind of situation unexpectedly.

Incomparable shock, constantly surging in the heart, breathing has become incomparably short.

At the moment, Yang Nan and his body are shaking slightly.

He did not see even the slightest abnormality, but why did the guards disappear so much?


Unparalleled shock in the heart of Yang Nan and crazy volume, his breathing more and more urgent.

He turned to look at Shen Tian and found that Shen Tian's expression had become extremely ugly. Both of them had already felt the heavy pressure.

"Go and have a look."

Shen Tian finally opens his mouth. He knows very well in his heart that the situation at the moment is completely beyond their expectation. Even if he wants to avoid it, he can't avoid it.

Now they have to rush up!

Looking at each other, after taking a deep breath, they adjusted their own state to the best, and then slowly moved forward to get close to the people who were walking.

Those people seem to have not been aware of the changes in the situation, are still walking forward.

After taking a deep breath, Shen Tian reaches out and grabs the body of a person in front of him.

As soon as the palm of his hand touched a person's shoulder in front of him, his eyes widened.

A strong feeling of ice and cold swept, which is clearly the body can have the temperature!

How could that be!

Suddenly, Shen Tian looked at the man's face and found that he was pale and bleeding. He was already dead and could not die any more.

Quickly looked to the direction of Yang Nan and, found that this has also shown a very shocked expression, obviously the person around him is also completely the same situation, two people rapid action, after continuous observation, found that all the people are dead!

Turning to look behind, I found that too many people had fallen down in the dark corridor.

In fact, they have just noticed, but they haven't noticed.

"What kind of power is it that can kill so many people unconsciously?"

Yang Nan's voice was full of shock, and Shen Tian's face was hard to see.

This is obviously the trap under Lin Chen's cloth, but they have not been able to find it.

make love!

Just when Shen Tian's idea just fell, the applause rang out, and then the familiar voice came to his ears.

"You two, do you like the present I gave you?"


In the sudden noise, the lights in the restaurant are bright!

At that moment, they also saw Lin Chen sitting at the entrance of the stairs in the first floor hall of the restaurant!

Around the corridor around the building, Yang Nan and Shen Tian's eyes are full of murderers.

They stare at the smiling Lin Chen sitting in the hall on the first floor. Shen Tian took the lead in saying: "Lin Chen, what the hell are you doing?"

With a smile, Lin Chen lit a cigarette. After taking a deep breath, the light blue smoke slowly exhaled. Facing the door, he turned his back to them and said with a smile, "it's very simple. This is a gift for two."

At the moment, all the guards have fallen on the ground. It seems that there are only three people left in this big restaurant.

Yang Nan and two people's hearts are very clear, things are absolutely not so simple.Around, there must be ambush!

"Lin Chen, I didn't expect that you still have this kind of means."

"It's amazing that we can execute all our people when we have no reaction at all, but do you really think that you have succeeded just by doing so?"

"After a fierce battle, you are no longer as effective as you were at your peak."

"In that case, can you still withstand the joint attack of the two of us?"

Yang Nan and his voice is full of anger. He has been waiting for this day for too long. It is impossible for him to give up the attack on Lin Chen because of such a small setback.

Hear Yang Nan and words, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth stirred up a smile.

He spoke slowly: "Mr. Yang, you want to die yourself. Why do you want to take our elder?"

Even with a touch of fun in the gentle voice, and the more such an expectation, Yang Nan and his anger will be more and more thick, and the desire to kill Lin Chen will become more and more intense.

His eyes fixed on Shen Tian.

After taking a deep breath, this man obviously made up his mind.

"Do it!"

Looking at each other, at that moment, they both soared up in the air, just like a goshawk, flying up in the air, and there was incomparable aura flying around them.

That fluttering murderer, also already in an instant full of the entire hall, terror extreme power, is already surrounded Lin Chen.

Incomparable chill in the constant flutter, that kind of terrible power, in a short moment has made the temperature of the Hall fell to the freezing point.

Contains the attack means of matchless kill, but also straight to Lin Chen.
