Outside the northern suburbs.

People are ready to go.

The exploration team was led by Yang Yu, the fourth master of the Yang family, plus more than a dozen bodyguards and three members from the Xuanmen Association. Naturally, Lin Chen also went with him.

After making all the preparations, people are marching towards the broken city ahead.

Everyone's face is incomparably dignified.

Constantly close, has been able to clearly detect the surge from the front of the kind of thick chill, but in the two sides of the distance between the two sides continue to draw close, but found that this feeling is constantly disappearing.

Lin Chen had experienced the same situation before, so he was able to deal with the situation calmly. Other people were completely different.

I can clearly feel the intense tension from them.

Not only that, Lin Chen can also feel that there are many eyes on him.

It's as if there are others here besides them.

Looking around, there was no one around. The distance between Mingming and the camp was only tens of meters, but it seemed to be separated from the whole world.

Walking on the empty road, the feeling of loneliness comes naturally.

However, if you feel it carefully, you can also detect a very small sound around you.

The trees and plants on both sides of the road are bent. Someone is following them.


The corners of his mouth stirred up a smile. Lin Chen didn't open his mouth. He still followed Yang Yu and others forward.

When the distance between the two lines was less than ten meters, Yang Yu stopped and his eyes fell on the people of Xuanmen Association.


"At present, there is no big problem, but if we enter the northern suburbs, we can't judge."

"Fourth master, shall we continue?"

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yu looked at the bent vegetation around him and said, "go on."

People move forward again, slower than before. Unconsciously, the sky around them seems strange. The blazing light of the sky sun falls on them, which not only does not bring the slightest warmth, but makes people feel like entering the cold winter.

That feeling has made people's faces more and more ugly.

They have reached the edge of the broken city.

In front of the collapsed building cut off the way forward, want to go around, must enter the side of the dense forest.

There are so many trees there that I can't recognize any passage. When I look there, I feel that it has turned into an abyss, waiting to swallow them up anytime and anywhere.

People's expressions are hard to see.

However, it is also clear in people's hearts that the more time comes, the more they can't give up.

The ultimate goal of their exploration this time is to find a way to go. If they can't even complete such a simple task, let alone go into the northern suburbs to find the mausoleum of King Guna.

After a deep breath, Yang Yu's eyes fell on Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin, you have approached the northern suburbs before. Have you ever found a way forward?"

Yang Yu's face was gloomy, and he could clearly feel his resistance to Lin Chen.

If not for the heart is too resistant to the dense forest, he will never ask Lin Chen questions.

Lin Chen, who is located in the corner of the team, said with a smile: "there is a way to enter the city ahead without going through the dense forest, but are you sure you can believe me?"

There was even a touch of fun in the calm voice. At that moment, people's faces changed color.

There is no doubt that the two sides have been making use of each other all the time, and the trust between them is naturally very weak. Especially under the premise of entering such a dangerous place, a small problem may cause the collapse of mutual trust.

They did not expect that Lin Chen would say such a word at such a time.

Yang Yu's face was very gloomy.

The sense of oppression in the air has become more and more thick.

Invisible, this midsummer season unexpectedly has the cold wind to flutter, the present person simultaneously raised a burst of goose bumps.

Yang Yu said in a gloomy voice: "what does Mr. Lin mean by this?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "it's just casual. Why are you so nervous?"Eyes are still full of smile, from Lin Chen's face Yang Yu completely can't catch any abnormality, as if this is just a harmless joke.

But in Yang Yu's heart, he never thought so.

The whole Yang family felt that Lin Chen was a little smart, but his careful thinking had already been revealed. However, in Yang Yu's view, the man in front of him who seemed to be harmless to people and animals was always very dangerous.

It's not just his strength, it's his mind.

Between the Yang family and Lin Chen, who is the hunter and who is the prey is still unknown.

To see this, it's not that Yang Yu's mind is deeper than Yang Yun's. on the contrary, Yang Yun is always the one in the Yang family who sits behind the scenes and guides the country, while they are fighting outside.

The reason why Yang Yu can see something different from others is because of his own strength.

Just as Lin Chen guessed, this one had already set foot in the Xiaoyao mirror as early as a year ago.

Now, although it is only based on the first scene of carefree, it has been able to have almost instinctive intuition about some dangers.

In Yang Yu's eyes, Lin Chen is such a person who instinctively feels dangerous.

Therefore, Yang Yu does not agree with his jokes.

However, Yang Yu was not a fool. He didn't tear his face with Lin Chen at this time. Instead, he slowly said, "now is not the time to joke. If there is a way to avoid the dense forest and enter the northern suburbs, please give Mr. Lin some advice."

Lin Chen smiles and points forward.

Between the towering ancient trees, you can see broken roads and strange stones, blocking the road ahead. But between the collapsed stone pillars, there is a hole that can be passed by one person. Behind that is the square of the collapsed building. Through that place, you can really enter the broken city.

The entrance is very hidden, if not very close, it is impossible to find.

It's understandable that people ignore it.

Yang Yu's eyes flashed, and then his eyes fell on the Xuanmen expert.

Several people looked at each other, then nodded to Yang Yu.

"Come with me."

Yang Yu waved and took the lead.

Lin Chen followed behind, bypassed the ancient wood, and everyone came to the front of the cave.

After stopping, Yang Yu's eyes fell on Lin Chen again. "Mr. Lin, you should have seen the map. As far as we know, there is a detailed record of the route to the northern suburbs in the map. Although I am the leader of this exploration, we still need to help you find the way to the mausoleum of the king of ancient Na."

"So, after you."

Standing in front of the narrow mouth of the cave, Yang Yu made a please gesture with a smile.

Lin Chen can naturally understand Yang Yu's meaning. What he says is high sounding, but in essence, he is not afraid that he will have any conspiracy.

Yang Yu is cautious.

Lin Chen did not refuse, straight ahead, through the entrance of the West Village into the northern suburbs.

Through the entrance to the broken square, the feeling of standing there is completely different from observing the northern suburb outside.

At the moment, Lin Chen can clearly feel that kind of strong strange.

Everything around Mingming is very normal, but it seems that it is not in the same world as before.

It's like the legends are true.

At this moment, they have reached the state of the dead.

In the air, it seems that there are continuous and gloomy murders. If there are no murders, they diffuse in the heart. They can't dissipate. People come to the square one after another and stand in the broken city, as if they were abandoned by the whole world.

The air is sticky, like dripping water all the time. Standing here, you can feel the suffocation at any time.

People's eyes have fallen on Yang Yu. They are waiting for the fourth master's decision.

Yang Yu looks at Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin, what's your advice on how to go next?"

At this time, Yang Yu found that Lin Chen's brow had been very tight. He looked around and said, "I suggest you turn around and return immediately. Your preparation is too simple."

This word falls down, on everybody's face already showed the puzzled look.Yang Yu frowned and said, "what does Mr. Lin mean by that?"

Lin Chen didn't open his mouth, just looked at the broken bar in the distance.

Among the dilapidated houses, there was a flash of shadow.

The sudden change made everyone's face change at the same time. Yang Yu suddenly looked at the Xuanmen expert.

But found that several people's faces have become extremely ugly.

One of them took out a compass and said, "no, it's not right."

"The astrology is shifting. We are facing Taisui star now. This is a sign of great evil!"

As soon as these words fell, people's faces became extremely gloomy.

An invisible fear enveloped everyone present.

No one opened his mouth, can clearly detect the air filled with the kind of thick to extreme pressure.

The air became more and more sticky, and they could smell a light sweet to greasy smell.

Except for a few experts from Xuanmen, the rest are the elite of the Yang family. They have really seen blood, and they know better what it is.

"It's only when the corpse begins to decay that it smells like this. Someone has already stepped into the northern suburbs before us."

Yang Yu's voice was extremely gloomy, and his face had become extremely gloomy.

The northern suburb has always been a forbidden area in Tianshan province. Even if the big men in other urban areas have already started to take action, they will never enter the northern suburb earlier than them. It's strange to have such a taste.

Unless it's

Suddenly, Yang Yu turned and looked at the people who followed him.

After carefully counting the number of people, Yang Yu's face became very pale.

One is missing.