Alley, body landing, cold die.

Lin Chen light saw the corpse that falls on the ground one eye, the eye does not have the slightest emotion.

Shadow's death, he more or less some regret, but also just regret, this is his enemy, do not kill shadow, he will die.

Just as the manager of the van erhen bar said before, the people in Fancheng have gone crazy. In this world full of madmen, he must become a madman. Only in this way can he really change everything here and achieve his ultimate goal.

The death of shadow, at least, can make Lawrence and them restrain a little, and he, it's also time that he will have his own strength.

In the eyes, there is ice cold meaning surging, Lin Chen turns to get on the car, restart the car.

In the roar, the car gradually disappeared in sight.

Compared with Lin Chen's ease, Lawrence's face is very ugly. It has been a whole hour since the shadow set out. According to the speed of the shadow's past action, it's time to finish the task and return. But now there is no breath. Is there something wrong?

Lawrence's face was hard to see at the thought.

He took out his cell phone, thought about it, and finally dialed Ying's phone.

The voice of the opposite electron synthesizer rings three times and is connected immediately.

Lawrence was a little relieved, and then said, "shadow, what's going on?"

Opposite, there was no answer from the shadow.

Lawrence was stunned for a moment. He had an ominous premonition in his heart. He didn't speak in a hurry. He just waited quietly.

As time went by, a strong sense of oppression swept through Lawrence's face.

"Mr. Lawrence, I can't believe you sent that man."

There was even a smile in his calm voice. At the moment of hearing this, Lawrence directly widened his eyes. His heart was in constant confusion, and even his body was shaking.


Fear is rising in my heart.

That voice, he will never forget in his life!

I thought that he would never hear this voice in his life, but I didn't expect that it would resound in his ears again today.

His breath became short, his heart seemed to be caught by an invisible hand, and he couldn't stand still in the crazy rising of fear.

As his body shook, Lawrence grabbed the table beside him and then managed to stand firm, tentatively calling out the two words that scared him so much.

"Lin Chen?"


A smile came from the other side, followed by the sound of blindfold.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lawrence to remember me. I haven't seen you for many years. Your memory is still so amazing. I don't know whether I should be lucky or feel unfortunate?"

With the continuous sound of the words, the sense of suffocation in the air has become more and more strong.

In a trance, Lawrence seemed to hear the roar of the car.

An idea came up deep inside.

With the passage of time, the idea in the continuous rich, and finally gathered into a word in his mind.


Escape from this evil city, from the origin of all his nightmares!

The boundless fear has made Lawrence unable to control his body. Now he just wants to escape, and even has no time to reply. He quickly comes to the door of the room.

However, when the fingertip just touched the door handle, a quiet voice suddenly rang out in the mobile phone.

"Where does Mr. Lawrence want to go?"


The sound is not just in the mobile phone.

Inside the room, there was the same sound.

Behind him.

Lawrence turned abruptly, only to find that the window behind him was opened at some time, and there was one more person on the chair behind the desk.

Against the background of the black suit, there was a smile on his face. However, the smile in Lawrence's eyes had completely changed its flavor. It was more like the smile of death from hell. It was the judgment of his life!

"Lin Chen!"

Laurence's voice is constantly shaking, and his fear lingers in his heart. The shaking range of his body is more and more huge. The boundless fear has made him forget all his actions. He just stands in the same place and stares at Lin Chen without blinking.In my mind, I can't help thinking of everything seven years ago.

In the era controlled by Lin Chen, these two words are like a real nightmare, breeding in everyone's heart.

If you disobey this man, you will die.

At that time, everyone's fear of Lin Chen could not be expressed in a few words. It was because of this that Lawrence was so cautious.

But a careless, with the way of the Connor family, he thought he could solve Lin Chen, but he didn't know that this is the combination of all the nightmares in ruo's heart, even if he exhausted all the power of the whole Fancheng, he would never destroy this man!


Incomparable fear in the heart of the breeding, Lawrence even did not dare to have even the slightest action.

He is not afraid of death, but the fear of Lin Chen in his heart is really deep in his blood.

Staring at Lin Chen, Lawrence forcibly repressed his fear, but his voice was still shaking.

"Lin Chen, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" After hearing this, Lin Chen lit a cigarette, glanced at Lawrence, and then said, "I want to ask you what you want to do. Originally, I didn't intend to do anything to you, but you provoked me again and again."

"Now, even send your bodyguards to fight me."

"Why, when you have a new master, you forget your former master?"

After that, Lawrence's face was very ugly.

But Lin Chen smiles.

"In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Although the love between you and me has been exhausted, I still think about the old love."

"If you do it to me, I won't do it to you, but I hope you can do me a favor."

Lawrence's face changed, but Lin Chen didn't give him a chance to speak, just said faintly: "let me enter the north city with you as a shadow to participate in the round table meeting, as for the follow-up things, you don't need to do it."

"Help me this time. What you have done today is even. Since then, we will not meet again."


Lin Chen's voice is calm, but it has completely changed in Lawrence's ears. How can he not know what the real purpose of Lin Chen's choice to enter the north city to participate in the round table meeting is?

If he gets back his share of power, the peace in the fan city will be really broken. At that time, Lawrence will betray his current master.

If Lin Chen fails, how can he survive in Fancheng?

Not to mention to keep the status and status now.

The expression became more and more complex. Lawrence was thinking and tangled.

Promise Lin Chen, he will become betrayer again, refuse Lin Chen, he will die now.

And with Lin Chen's ability, no one can stop Lin Chen unless the king on the throne of Fancheng appears.

For Lawrence, this is a dilemma.

"I need time to think about it."

After thinking for a long time, Lawrence said such a sentence.

Smell speech, Lin Chen suddenly laughed.

He gave Lawrence a faint look, then extended three fingers and said, "three minutes."

Lawrence's face was instantly gloomy, and his hands fell heavily on the table. He stared at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, don't push an inch!"

"What's more?"

Lin Chen picks his eyebrows.

"Everything in this Fancheng is mine, including your life. I'll give you three minutes just because you have done a lot for me, that's all."

Lawrence's face was as gloomy as ever.

He knew in his heart that what Lin Chen said was the truth.

It's very easy for this man to kill him.

After clenching his teeth, Lawrence finally nodded.

"Tonight, there happens to be a meeting."

"We are waiting for good news."

Lin Chen smiles and gets up to leave.

Until Lin Chen's figure completely disappeared in the line of sight, Lawrence just like was evacuated all the strength general, heavily fell to the ground.His face was as white as paper.


Connor family.

Like Lawrence's heart, William's heart was as heavy as ever.

He had learned about Jack's death and that they had been completely defeated.

Lin Chen did not die, next, they will usher in a tsunami of revenge.

What should we do?

William's breath has become extremely short, now all the changes have gradually exceeded his expectations, especially Lin Chen's behavior, let him feel the incomparable sense of crisis.

Whether Lin Chen can be solved or not is directly related to whether the Connor family can survive in Fancheng.

William's expression is more and more ugly, he knows, next waiting for him, is likely to be Lin Chen crazy revenge.

Two fists clenched, after a long time, he finally dialed the number he didn't want to face.

Time, soon has come into the night, Lin Chen disguised as a shadow, quietly sitting in Lawrence's car, calm expression, eyes is dignified color.

Lawrence, sitting on one side, was a little anxious, like he was worried about something.

The car kept moving forward, and the closer it was to the North City, the more intense Lawrence's eyes were.

The night on both sides rolled like the tide. The feeling of gloomy and cold made Lawrence's face in the car sweat.

He did not avoid Lin Chen, just constantly wiping.

Lin Chen lightly looked at Lawrence one eye, the facial expression didn't even have the slightest change.

Neither of them spoke. They were waiting for the final moment.

Tonight is a very important moment for Lawrence and Lin Chen.

This will be directly related to the future of Fancheng.