There was a lot of blood in the cabin, and there were many pursuers in the rear.

Running on the way, Lin Chen's face is more and more gloomy.

Even if the other party wants to get the star picking skill, it can't be so crazy. After all, they still want to give the Qin family face anyway.


"What's the matter?"

Just passed the corner, Lin Chen suddenly stopped, the white night full of surprise on one side, the voice is incomparably heavy.

"Something's wrong. Go to the deck and find a man named White Wolf."

The white night's eyes flashed, then nodded.

Lin Chen said: "I will fight for time for you later. I must find a chance to leave!"

"No problem."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the deafening sound of footsteps.

Judging from the voice, the person who rushed to us was over 100.

Among them, not only those who participated in the martial arts conference, but also others were hidden in it.

Lin Chen's face is more and more gloomy, he clenched Tang Dao, and white night has taken the opportunity to hide to one side.

In the narrow passage, you can see the people in front of you. Song Zhe is the leader.

Nangong Jin is also hidden in the crowd.

Seeing all this, Lin Chen's face was already gloomy to the extreme.

Song Zhe sneered and said, "Lin Chen, why don't you run away? Do you think you have no way back?"

"I just simply feel that being chased by a group of garbage like you is a bit shameless, so I decided to send all of you to the West."


At the moment when the voice falls, Song Zhe rushes directly to Lin Chen, and the people behind him rush to Lin Chen with Nangong Jin's encouragement.

The speed of the crowd is frightening, and the distance of more than ten meters between the two sides has been shortened in an instant.

And Lin Chen is not idle, bending legs taut straight moment, people like streamer general forward, in the hands of the Tang knife waving, more with a deafening sound explosion.

He has injected Qi into the Tang Dao. The Tang Dao made of refined steel has already become invincible. Even if the metal is in front of the blade, it can't stop the path of the Tang Dao.

The crowd is crazy, and Lin Chen is even more crazy. He completely ignores the rapid passage of power in his body. The moment he rushes into the crowd, he has already raised his own strength to the most powerful level. Under constant attack, the scream is more and more intense, and the scene in the narrow corridor is more and more chaotic.

Hiding in the corner of the white night to seize the opportunity, directly toward the front, all the attention on Lin Chen's body did not notice such a flexible figure.

See white night escape, Lin Chen in the heart a little relaxed tone, but someone seized the opportunity of fierce brandish weapon, left a scar in Lin Chen's chest.

Just at this time, the cabin door on one side was kicked open fiercely, there were deep bone scars on his chest, and the butcher with a ferocious face rushed out. Lin Chen's knife didn't end his life just now. He didn't know what terrible transformation he had undergone, but now he was completely in a frenzy, He is like a wild animal with crazy hair. Only half of the butcher's knife is left in his hand. He smashes it down to Lin Chen.

The speed makes Lin Chen unable to dodge at the first time, and the terrible impact makes Lin Chen fly backward immediately.

He spits out a mouthful of blood, and his face has become extremely ugly. At this moment, Lin Chen has been hit with real fire, and there is a strong black breath between his fingers. For a moment, the finger has turned into glass.

At the moment when Fang's enemy came, the long sword in his hand waved fiercely from bottom to top. The terrible sound of breaking the air tore the air. The waving long sword tore the body of a person in front of him. Lin Chen charged out from the blood light. At the moment in front of the butcher, he pointed out a finger, which was like glass, and hit the butcher's eyebrow.

At this moment, time seemed to be still. All the butcher's actions had stopped. People were shocked when they saw this. But before they could react, the butcher suddenly burst out a scream, and then it seemed that every inch of his skin had suffered the force beyond his limit, After falling back against the wall, his eyes were covered with blood. In the next moment, his seven orifices were bleeding and fell to the ground like a pool of mud.

The people in the passage are all in a panic when they see such a scene, while Lin Chen seizes this opportunity and rushes to another direction.

He didn't notice that there was a pair of shining eyes in the corner to capture everything in front of him. When Lin Chen rushed forward, there was a cold smile in those eyes.The fierce battle has already made Lin Chen's strength not enough to support his body, and strong action with black fingers, has made his state worse to the extreme.

Even Lin Chen's steps have been a little faltering.

Song Zhe caught this, his face immediately showed a look of joy, he quickly said: "fast, Lin Chen can't last long."

People smell speech on the face to show a happy look, all people have their own speed to the limit.

Lin Chen constantly forward, has been able to hear the footsteps of the people and he is constantly close, he is also taking this opportunity to constantly adjust his physical condition.

Breathing, gradually stable.

With the operation of star picking in the body, the accumulated strength that he could not digest in his daily practice began to be refined again. In a moment, he had already flowed through the four limbs and bones along his blood. Now it only takes him ten minutes at most to recover to the peak state.

However, the speed of the other side is getting faster and faster.


Dark scold a, crossed a corner, Lin Chen facial expression a change, front is a dead end!

It seems that we have to fight.


As soon as the idea fell, he heard the familiar voice. He turned to see that the person standing in the corner was Yang Cong, and Lin Chen rushed to the direction where Yang Cong was.

"Come with me."

Yang Cong twinkles in his eyes, then turns around and rushes into a room. Lin Chen doesn't think much and rushes in.

Close the door, Yang Cong rushed to the corner, opened a hidden door.

"This is what I've just discovered. I can get to the next level of the merchant ship through here."

The merchant ship has five floors. The lower it goes, the closer it is to the center of the merchant ship. Qin Luan and they are there.

"Come on, what are you doing?"

Yang Cong's urging voice interrupts Lin Chen's thoughts. He moves in his heart and doesn't say much. He rushes out along the hidden door.

Yang Cong led the way ahead and said: "it's extremely hidden here, few people know about it, but it doesn't rule out that the other party can find us. Only when we get to the third floor warehouse, we can be considered as really safe."

Yang Cong kept rushing forward, but his voice was not affected at all.

Lin Chen's Mou son Shan Shan, inadvertently open mouth: "how do you so familiar with this merchant ship?"

"I have several shipyards in my family. I'm very familiar with the structure of the ship. This merchant ship was made by my shipyard."

Lin Chen's face changed slightly. He took advantage of Yang Cong's inattention, took out his mobile phone, edited a short message and hit the send button.

Just at this time, the text message ring, Lin Chen received a message.

"What's the matter?"

Yang Cong steps forward a meal, Lin Chen casually put away the mobile phone after the opening: "nothing, let's go."

The sound of footsteps came from the rear, and Yang Cong didn't dwell on it too much.

The speed of the two people is faster and faster. Under the leadership of Yang Cong, they soon arrived at the third floor warehouse of the merchant ship.


After closing the door and locking it, Yang Congcai took a long breath and said, "it's safe."

Lin Chen casually lit a cigarette. The light blue smoke blurred his face. The light in the warehouse was dim. Now he could not see Lin Chen's expression.

"Is it really safe?" he said slowly

Yang Cong action a stagnant, turn to smile a way: "Chen elder brother, what do you mean?"

Lin Chen took a cigarette.

"You always say that you don't know the operation of true Qi, but when you were in Beicheng old house in Beijing, although you tried to cover it up, you didn't show any confusion when you were in danger. Moreover, on the way to escape, I think your breath is very calm. You don't seem to be a person who doesn't know true Qi at all."

"In addition, I have paid close attention to the Yang family before. As an ancient martial family, the Yang family has always been deficient in business. Apart from its martial arts schools, they have not set foot in any business circles, let alone shipyards."

"Besides, I just found a key on you that only the insiders of this merchant ship have."

Say, Lin Chen took out the key, that is exactly Yang Cong used to open that concealed door before.

Lin Chen said: "since I got on this merchant ship, I have always been a little strange. The Qin family has always done a very good job in keeping secrets. How can you know so many secrets if you are not as good as Qin Luan?""Now, I guess."

Lin Chen takes out his mobile phone, which is clearly a message from Jiang Yanran.

There is only one sentence.

"Lin Chen, run quickly. Everything on the merchant ship is a bureau jointly planned by the Ouyang family and the Qin family. The purpose is to kill you. Besides, Yang Cong is also one of the people who participated in this bureau!"

Lin Chen says slowly: "you are the person of Qin Luan."

Yang Cong's face, which used to be a little flustered, gradually calmed down. He laughed with a chill on his face.

In my eyes, there are even murderers everywhere.

Lin Chen said: "so, the reason why you show kindness to me is only because you realize the power of Ouyang family in me, right?"

"That's right."

At the moment, Yang Cong has completely changed his face.

As a matter of fact, the Yang family is relying on the Qin family. The reason why Yang Cong shows affection to Lin Chen is only because he has received the order from Qin Luan.

They really want to go to Liuli Island, but not now.

It's a hoax to say that they will choose the people who will enter the circle from the top 50 of the martial arts conference.

The real rules have never changed, and the competition in the martial arts assembly has never ended.

"But the contestants were not cheated into getting on the ship. They were just told that the next selection of the martial arts conference will be conducted on the merchant ship!"