Now, in the world of wind, the day after the surprise attack of Shoujie hall.

The effect of surprise attack is not obvious. At least the reaction ability of these Alliance forces in the eighth era is much higher than that calculated by the boundary hall. Therefore, we can only achieve results that can not be regarded as success in the end.

"I can't make all the star spirit nobles listen to me... Unless the temple Lord can appear in person."

In front of tiarma, the Red Dragon King showed a trace of helplessness, "Moreover, the eighth era can unexpectedly adapt to the situation in the wind world... Why are the two Tu Shen warships and those demon guide cavalry so powerful? We have some stars and spirits who have experienced the hundred ethnic wars in the eighth era. According to them, Tu Shen warships and demon guides should not have this power!"

Gradually became excited, and the Red Dragon King glared at tiarma: "if the original God butcher warship and demon guide cavalry had this power, maybe the hundred nationalities war in the eighth era could be successful... Do you feel ridiculous about this statement, sir?"

Tiarma, who was looking through the data and documents after the attack, didn't lift her head and said calmly, "do you feel ridiculous? Or do you also think it's impossible to have such progress in the eighth era?"

"After a hundred races, all creatures have been deprived of their creativity! Even progress should have limits."

Tiarma raised her head, "but at least they who appeared in front of the boundary keeping hall have obviously broken this limit. This is the current situation."

The Red Dragon King sighed: "Lord tiarma, please tell me... Is there anything behind the eighth era to support them? And we, not only the temple Lord, but also the quasi demon kings and demon kings... Why has there been no news so far?"

"Red Dragon King, listen. I will only finish what I should do according to my rights now." tiarma said calmly: "no matter what demon king, quasi demon king, whether there is someone behind the eighth era... That's all. Now, please convey my meaning and let all the star spirit nobles and the leaders of the boundary guarding hall gather together."

"This... Isn't it?!"

"Since it's a war, it should look like a war. Since you don't listen, deal with it according to the wartime rules." ruthlessly, the absolutely ruthless voice came from the woman's mouth: "This is the rule in every era, so it is the same in the star spirit world. Tell all the star spirit nobles that their most important things are in my hands!"



"Since it's a war, death and injury are inevitable. I won't say anything comforting here, because I believe you stand here and are the best battles. You've been prepared for everything for a long time. Now, let's take the last step for these soldiers who have left a heroic posture in the battlefield with the highest respect Curtain. "

There was a funeral, a funeral attended by almost all the Allied troops.

After the coffin was covered, as the representative and master of ceremonies of the funeral, the voice of the monarch of the Dragon empire was so loud, "everyone! Our future is not far away! Now it is the sixth layer of the wind world, and then more! Until finally, the star spirit world will become a paradise for all beings in the eighth century!"

Applause thundered.

This made the representatives of all countries in the row above the back seat have to admit that the Dragon Emperor really thought he was a guy who could mobilize his emotions. He knew when he had said something and what he should do.

No wonder that at the beginning, a small country could finally become the most powerful of all the forces of the eighth era, and even the most powerful country and night empire that has always been acquiesced to. At this time, it had to admit its shortcomings. All this except that the Dragon Empire had a large number of excellent divine candidates, demon guide cavalry and butcher God warships... At first, it was only because of this youth The year is behind.

"After this time, his reputation will improve again? If the next war can be won until the end, the Dragon empire will become the first person in the eyes of most people."

Among the countless people who came to watch the ceremony, the voice that was neither salty nor light sounded quietly. Staring at all this was a pair of very beautiful eyes. Of course, it was not only these eyes that were so beautiful.

At least it has a companion who is not inferior to it.

"You Luo, we left the warship listening to the wind and came here as a small soldier. Since the battle... Can't you put it down?"

The voice rang out again. This is the familiar voice of Princess Youluo. This is the voice of Ge Yuji, the voice that has accompanied her so far.

"There's nothing to put down or not to put down... It's just that different ideas are incompatible after all." Princess Youluo calmly looked at the Dragon empire on the high platform, turned and walked away: "he really did much better than me. Now for me... It's enough."

How many people still remember the woman who resisted countless Styx demons with her own strength before the era burst, and even didn't hesitate to explode her brilliant holy sword?

Ge Yuji sighed gloomily, slightly agitated and said, "it's really the insistence of the devil... Go to his mother's idea. Can't you live? Who can see such atonement? Who can see the insistence of those false souls? No one can see..."

Ge Yuji couldn't clean up her mood and was even more reluctant to stay in this place where fighting spirit gradually grew. She left without fighting spirit.

The next day, the troops of the eighth era gathered and the troops of the boundary hall gathered. The all-round war belonging to the sixth level really started.

Here, it attracts everyone's attention, whether it's in the sky, on the ground, or in the dark, or in the open eye, or puzzled, or with ulterior motives, or what has not yet arrived but has not been missed



War has always been cruel, so it's not bad for this all-out war... Except for its grand scale, it's no different.

Just listen to the increasing number of deaths every day. Just tired as walking corpses every day, I go back to my resting place and fall asleep. I don't want to think about anything. I don't even want to think about whether I can survive tomorrow.

Every minute and every second of sleep time is so precious... For the troops of the eighth era, for the joint forces of the boundary guarding hall and the Xingling aristocracy.

It's like a battlefield that will never end or stop.

Remember in the seventh day of the battle... I'm just an unknown soldier from the eighth era, but in the future, will anyone be able to read these words I left?



"The situation is not optimistic... Our resources are really consumed too much! But there are still plenty of resources in the eighth era... It's weird."

At the wrong center of the boundary hall, a big aristocrat in charge of the logistics resources of the whole army points to the documents on his head and frowns at the battle meeting held on time every day.

"Why is there a shortage of resources? Xinglingjie... Is there a shortage of resources? Are you kidding?"

The great nobleman who temporarily acted as the statistician said coldly: "Of course, there is no shortage of resources in the astral and spiritual world! There are indeed unlimited resources here! But because of this, everyone here does not have the idea of gathering resources! Why? Because resources are so easy for us to obtain and get at hand! But this makes us not have the habit of carrying more with us - although almost all nobles have gathered this time, you can take them with us With resources, even less than 30 percent! "

"When I heard the call of Shoujie hall, I dared to come immediately. I didn't have enough time to prepare!"

"As the manager of the astral spirit world, the boundary guarding hall should not provide the overall consumption of this war?"

On the eighth day, the bad quarrel began to appear in the formation of boundary keepers. However, when the temple Lord was no longer in power, the uppermost person who supposedly had the highest voice ignored it.

On one side, the statistician was quarrelling with more than ten nobles, while on the other side, some leaders of the boundary guarding Hall said: "Red Dragon King, why haven't we heard from the headquarters these days? It is reasonable that we have communicated with the headquarters at least once a day."

"I'm also confused about this. In fact, I sent a flying dragon team under my seat back three days ago, but there's still no news back?"

"Oh? Did something happen, but you deliberately hide it from the Red Dragon King?"

"Are you questioning my answer?"

"The three heavenly king is not the Lord of the temple. If we all unite, we will impeach the three heavenly king and even refuse the instructions from the three Heavenly King... Please remember the Red Dragon King."

In fact, she did not participate in the battle conference these days.

The Red Dragon King only saw each other twice in three days.

For two very short times, I gained nothing except the wayward instruction of "continue".

But continue... Can such a joint force continue? The Red Dragon King sighed in his heart - the isolation between layers is too strong. I'm afraid no one can communicate between layers except those demon kings.

However, even so, there are also responsive solutions... Such as the channels on both sides of the layer to transmit wake-up communication at any time.

However, there has been no news from the upper area for such a long time, and the team sent has not been able to return... A bad premonition is breeding in the heart of the Red Dragon King.

I'm afraid something happened in the upper area.



"I'm afraid something has happened in the lower area. None of the teams we sent has news back."

At the same time, the eighth era also had problems as confused as the Shoujie temple.

"I'm afraid something bad has happened in the lower area," said queen eltris of the shadow Empire, who has always been in the rear. "Here, I want to send more teams back to see what happened."

"The war has always been very tight. If the troops are arbitrarily transferred at this time, I'm afraid it will have a greater adverse impact on the subsequent battle."

"But please don't forget that an Sheng's country is our foundation. We fight here, but what happens at home is still unclear... Have your heads been blinded by war and become the most common paste?" Queen eltris clapped her hand angrily.

"Then, according to her Majesty's wishes, send more wrong teams back to check. Once you are careful, let them return immediately." long Dijun suddenly clapped his hands and said: "tomorrow, we will take the initiative to attack. After this period of temporary training, our cavalry brigade will be officially put into the battlefield tomorrow!"