You should have independent thoughts, no matter what it is. No matter what it becomes, as long as the thought is still independent, it can be called a single individual. On the contrary, if you can't completely independent your own thoughts, you are just a "puppet" at your mercy anyway

In the deep cell, there was a faint roar... As if it was the call of the devil.

It suddenly laughed, laughed, laughed wildly and ridiculed: "I said you would come again and you would promise me... Because I know you won't be reconciled! Because only in this way can you get rid of the tragic fate controlled by others!"

"It's useless to say more. I'm here to decide on a formal deal with you. You officially become my contract star spirit, and I let you devour me... But I must take my will as the leading!"

"No, not necessarily you or me. We will fight each other, and the one who wins will become the leader. Natural selection, the law of the jungle, is it fair? This is an opportunity for you and me to become stronger!"

"In that case, let's start."

The cage opened in an instant, and a fishy wind rushed in. It completely engulfed ximenyu, the Dragon Emperor standing here! The huge shadow turned into an ugly mass, constantly wriggling!

"Ha ha!!! What a fragile will! You promised! What a stupid human! Don't you know that I have existed for countless times and my thoughts are countless times stronger than you! The fight between you and me is doomed to your demise from the beginning!!"

The meat ball began to shrink and finally began to change its shape into a red Styx demon. It opened the big mouth like a blood basin, and it began to laugh wildly: "Ha ha ha ha!! although I don't know how the star spirit contract came into being, there is no doubt that having this star spirit contract can make both sides of the contract more powerful... But who says that the status of both sides of the contract can't change? You can all become my contract spirit!!! Tut Tut, Dragon Emperor, now I am Dragon Emperor!"

It licked its vermilion lips, and the light of greed shone from its pupils. "I want all the guys in the eighth era to become my food... I will become the most powerful existence in the whole star spirit world. Even the seven layer demon king will not step on me!"

It opened its feet and went towards the exit of the cage step by step.

It stopped and suddenly felt something wrong... It became motionless, and the ugly head began to become more ugly. Something that could not be suppressed seemed to break through its own body at this moment!

"Your consciousness didn't die... How could it!!" it began to scream in horror.

Because at this moment, it began to feel that its consciousness was facing a great threat... Yes, it was huge enough to make it feel the threat of death fear.

"I really can't wait... I don't want to wait“

There is a sound coming from its body, "In fact, no one can stand the situation of not taking control of himself in three or two days... Who am I after that? I'm ximenyu? I'm just a puppet of Zhao Nan? I use my body roughly, my identity, do a lot of things, and then let me clean up the mess in a hurry. Ah, ah, ah, this feeling is really terrible Well... Well, I have to deal with you, a despicable and ugly devil, as the last chance to get rid of this fate... But do you really think I will complete this deal with you without preparation? "

"Want to kill my consciousness?! you think beautiful, too early!! before you, I have successfully swallowed hundreds of guys like you. My strength is far from what you can understand... What is this?!"

It began to hold its head in pain and screamed in pain in this hidden place.

"The broken chapters of self-discipline... You don't know how much effort I spent to borrow such a secret treasure of the soul family from Lucifer XIV. Although it's only a copy of the original... It's enough to deal with you... Annihilate it, scum!"

Ah --!!

After a short anxious sound, it was like petrification, and the whole child became motionless - even, the look in its eyes was completely unconscious... Consciousness had dissipated.

The body of the red Styx devil suddenly cracked... It seems that something is struggling out of the cracked body at this time.

Or break out of the cocoon.

He, or it... Simon Yu came out of the body of the nightmare!

At the moment, ximenyu is naked, like a newborn... But not human. No, the appearance is human, but behind him is a symbol of Styx devil, a strange tail that can devour any living creature.

At this point, the tail began to contract one by one... And finally contracted back into his body.

"If you want to please this situation, your self-consciousness will be annihilated, and then the things I left here will disappear... You will be free, your body will be free..." ximenyu suddenly looked up and laughed wildly: "is that right... Is that right? Is that right... But my consciousness is still there! My consciousness is even reborn... I have been reborn!"

He roared, "I'm no longer anyone's puppet!!"

He suddenly squatted down and cried bitterly... He was no longer a human, "I also became a nondescript monster..."

He cried and laughed, and the day passed.



It smiled and cried, and suddenly stood up... Because it felt that it was no longer necessary to stay here - and it had been here for a long time.

A concept called serious injury has been completely excluded from oneself.

Then it felt perplexed... What was perplexed was that all wishes did not disappear because it left the broken era... It was more clear than anyone that the false soul would disappear without any consciousness.

It once felt an unprecedented weakness, as if it could come to the end after its birth at any time. However, I don't know when, this weakness began to disappear slowly and replaced by a gradual filling.

Those negative wishes that are fundamental to their existence are so strong here... But they have no fixed objects. They are scattered one by one. But even so, the longer these scattered negative intentions exist, there will always be a day of aggregation.

It... They will form an irresistible wave of terror and devour all the beauty.

"Who is feeding these negative wishes... The astral and spiritual world... Is that the same guy? Do you want to create an 'I' here again?" he looked up at the haze of the world that can only be seen, and suddenly smiled: "But I don't know... I haven't been erased. I came here, and these scattered ownerless things can nourish me and grow stronger! Ah... The beauty here has surpassed everything."

It was moving forward, covered by black, broken and wide clothes.

"Time is running out... The eighth guy is about to return to the original code? This time..."



"Did your majesty really lend the remnant seal to ximenyu?"

Looking at his beloved wife, his Majesty the 14th nodded calmly and took out the crystal loaded with thunder and lightning.

The queen knew it was a private transaction, but she had a bad feeling: "thunder and lightning is the top secret of the Dragon empire. These wars can see its great value. Will the Dragon Emperor really hand it over“

The fourteenth smiled and said: "Hand it over? No, he never thought about publishing any technology. We can't do anything just by giving a thunderbolt. Unless we can really have scholars who know magic guiding technology... Anyway, countries secretly steal it from the Dragon Empire, I'm afraid it's only an apprentice. It's like a novice who has just learned sword, even if we give him an invincible sword He can't master the secrets of the world. "

The queen sighed and said, "even so, the remnant chapter has been lent out, and we know nothing about this body. I'm just afraid..."

"The queen is worried." the fourteenth said with a smile, "in fact, the remnant chapter has been returned, and the loan time is no more than half a day... That guy just wants to get rid of some constraints."

The queen frowned and said, "Your Majesty, what the hell..."

In fact, I would rather face the real ximenyu with deep intention

The empress had to sigh and vaguely felt that her husband was taboo. However, she did not intend to point out, but said anxiously: "Your Majesty, the coalition forces have successfully occupied the fifth largest area, which is an unprecedented territory for us. Is it really necessary to continue?"

"The queen means that we should stop when we are good and start consolidating ourselves, right?"

"Exactly." the Queen's face became serious: "Your Majesty, don't you feel that the victory of the coalition army has been too relaxed since the 'sea boundary'? Even if there are ten thunders and lightning, my concubine still feels that the victory has been too relaxed, as if..."

The 14th frowned and suddenly said, "the queen also feels it?"

The queen nodded and said in a deep voice, "it seems that there is someone who is helping in the dark... In several places, the boundary Guard troops have fallen into inexplicable chaos. The thunder and lightning style just expanded these chaos in exchange for immeasurable combat achievements. But the question is... What is the source of these chaos?"

The fourteenth sighed and said, "yes... What is the source of these chaos? I have made many assumptions, but so far I have no clue. But who will secretly help... And can achieve a degree that everyone can't find? If these victories were not so similar, I'm afraid I wouldn't feel it for a moment."

"What your majesty can't notice... It's not easy." the queen said anxiously: "The boundary guarding hall retreated to the sixth floor area, and we occupied the fifth floor area. Now it is a dividing point... If anyone crosses it, it must be a real fierce battle. Your majesty, I know I shouldn't intervene at this time, but for the sake of our future children, please consider my proposal."

"What, our future... Queen, really?" His Majesty the 14th's face was filled with a look of ecstasy.

The queen bowed her head in shame.



Subconsciously rubbed his forehead.

It's like having a splitting headache after waking up from every hangover. Tuoba grass opens his eyes with difficulty - the light is not strong, so his eyes are comfortable. This is the first feeling.

Then he suddenly woke up and almost put his whole body on alert for the first time.

"Don't be nervous. It's safe here."

Female voice.

This is a woman with a silver mask... In the narration of the fire, and she is also next to the fire. The woman sat cross on the ground with a food box on her legs.

I saw the woman carefully, treat it as a treasure, bit by bit pick up food from the food box and put it into her mouth... It seems to be some roast fish, and it looks like it's not very well roasted.

Tuoba Xiaocao wondered whether the woman was stupid... But after all, she was able to distinguish the situation in front of her, "did you... Save me?"

Tuoba Xiaocao didn't know how long the woman had eaten, whether she was full or not. After asking her questions, the woman also carefully covered, wrapped and put away the food box, just as it was really a rare treasure. A moment later, there was an answer: "I saw you fall on the road. It's not good. So I moved you here."

"Really..." Tuoba knocked on his head and suddenly asked, "so... Um, have you met anything? I mean... A guy."

The woman smiled and said, "I saw you. As for the guy you said, he was the one who made you unconscious to the end?"

Tuo pulled out the grass and said, "it's true."


"Not really..." Tuoba Xiaocao shook his head: "probably a selfish acquaintance."

The woman didn't ask. At this time, she carefully manipulated the food on the fire... Yes, there was something baked on the fire. It should be the meat of a fresh star spirit beast.

"It's almost ripe. Wait a minute and I'll give you something to eat right away." the woman still smiled.

That's why Tuoba Xiaocao thinks it's stupid... Fresh barbecue, or don't eat the barbecue made by himself, and have to eat the cold and clean broken roast fish in the food box?

"Speaking of... Have I seen you somewhere?"

"Who knows? After all, the chance of a hurry is far greater than that of you and me, isn't it?"

"Ah... That's right." Tuoba grass shrugged: "in addition, I'm really hungry, which just... I'm hungry!"