"Sorry, my people are a little nervous recently."

Under the bad atmosphere, Lei Zhen said, "I'm really sorry if I offend you."

He waved his hand. The man who controlled the fire not far behind slowly took back the flame and returned to his original position. He didn't have much expression ups and downs, but people around him could see a layer of subtle sweat on his forehead.

"No harm, your mental state is really not good. We suggest that you'd better supplement your sleep time and take enough nutrition." Sony's voice is clear and audible.

Behind the scenes, people of all ethnic groups have long scolded in their hearts!

Mom, aren't you nervous because of what you just said?

Although some people here are confident that they can shake the Sony family's treasure warship, the problem is that this shaking is only one-on-one... Who doesn't know that there are too many troops in that warship? There are armed ships with numerical terror in the warship, and there are also a number of terrorist unmanned combat aircraft and other combat units in the armed ship.

Of course, there are transformation soldiers, but it seems that transformation soldiers have never appeared in front of people. Sony knows almost every race, but other races can't know the reality of Sony.

In fact, the existence of the battleship gonyatis, the nest of the Sony family, is also equivalent to swallowing the god world tree. As long as the Central Intelligence brain that frankly says "just wants to evolve quietly" suddenly blows out and orders the main guns of the other three warships to be fired at maximum power, it will also break the space in the abandoned land

"Excuse me, what is the reason for Sony family to come here?"

The alchemist Jin came forward and said, "our people have contacted you before, but they haven't received a response."

Sony humanity: "after discussion, we decided to help you eliminate the world tree."

"World tree?" everyone in the field was stunned at the same time.

Sony humanity: "we call it the world tree."

"... let's become the world tree for the time being." Jin nodded and immediately said, "if you help... Sony family is finally willing to join the war, that's great!"

"Yes, yes, in this way, our chances of winning will be improved a lot." the white robed old man said with a pleasant face: "Achilles, this is your credit! You have brought us a strong comrade in arms."

It's all human spirits.

The leaders of several races secretly looked at each other and scolded the church elder for his shamelessness. Even the beast king of the Warcraft family opened his eyes slightly and looked at each other contemptuously.

But his royal highness said calmly, "I just recovered from the injury on the Sony family spacecraft, and I didn't have too much contact during this period."

The white robed old man smiled: "what a modest child. Now that you're back, please return to the team. Don't disturb the messenger of Sony family."

It's shameless enough.

On the armed spaceship, Zhao Nan opened her eyes with great interest, looked at Augustus and said, "is it all like this?"

Augustus frowned, but it was a little awkward. But when she heard the words, she said, "Augustus joined the major league just for the resources of the league. As a reward, he became an executive. This is a transaction. What's the use of running on her?"

Zhao Nan was stunned. She didn't know that it was such a relationship... So it was probably just this sense of responsibility that prompted her to participate in the war?


Augustus shook his head. "Nothing. I really don't care much. Originally, the elders and the executive are two different systems. The Presbyterian group is responsible for all internal and external affairs, while the executive system is in charge of force."

According to Augustus, this white robed old man is the chief of the Presbyterian group stationed in the abandoned land. Although his face is not good, he is also dedicated to the development of the major league. Although he does not advocate fighting, he also has the ability that can not be underestimated.

Can you belittle it?

The most intuitive energy level is just a million less than Augustus. It is also an old monster of the five-star order.

In fact, under the exploration of armed spacecraft, among the venues where leaders of all parties meet, the most powerful are powerful soldiers with more than 3 million energy levels. As for the troops coming out of other mountains, they are also strong, ranging from hundreds of thousands to 12 million.

Zhao Nan dares to drive an armed spaceship alone and talk and laugh in front of the pyramid forces in the abandoned place. Augustus and oluka have long been drunk.

This person's courage is fundamentally non-human.

At this time, Achilles also obeyed the words of the church elder and went directly to the side of the Grand Alliance. At the same time, the man who teased the little hairball on his shoulder suddenly said, "Sony, do you have any tactics?"


From the Sony family database, you can know the general trend of the red haired man. The little hairball on his shoulder is his beast. If you distinguish it from the level of the beast demon family, this little hairball is only the lowest one. However, after Kaihua with this little hairball, elenda will become the most powerful warrior among the beast demon people... Because after Kaihua, elenda can multiply in plural numbers.

Every proliferating individual is an entity and has the same strength.

Even if he is just a guy with only 400 individuals to play energy level, if he can multiply in plural, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he can collapse as long as he reaches a certain number?

Of course, it is difficult to know how many individuals can proliferate, and whether the opponent can kill him before he proliferates. If he has not fought, it is also difficult to know.

At this time, the Sony man opened an armor on his body and took out a strange small ring, "this is a tool developed by us. As long as you wear this, you can avoid the invasion of these red fog and consume unnecessary physical strength in the process of fighting. Because of limited resources, we can provide 30000 at most."

"How can we be sure that this ring has no other function?" Jin said without salt.

Sony humanity: "if this war fails, the abandoned land will no longer exist. We don't need to frame you. If you don't like it, you can't use it."

"Hehe, that's not what I mean." the white robed elder smiled. "If you don't mind, can I have a look?"

"Yes." the Sony man threw the ring in front of the white robed old man.

I don't know what means the white robed old man used. After looking at it carefully for a while, he still put it on his hand.

A layer of material like water spread out from the ring, and soon covered the old man in white robe.

The people looked at the old man in white in disbelief.

After the body was completely covered, the white robed old man moved at will, "what a magical prop. I haven't felt the air so fresh for a long time. And I don't have any uncomfortable feeling."

In the major league, ordinary soldiers use the power of the sword to throw a defense outside the body to resist the red fog, or wrap their bodies with magic. But this requires additional power consumption in the body, which is very bad for continuous combat. If the function of this ring is enough, it's really good.

"If you can, I hope the Sony family can give us all the 30000 rings." the white robed old man suddenly said.

"We also have similar props. If you need them, we can take them away." Jin shrugged, obviously not interested in the ring.

That's because they have enough technology.

However, this ring is also extremely needed for demon drivers, psionic people and Warcraft people who have no technical content.

At this time, the heads of several parties looked at the ring on the white robed old man's hand with blazing eyes. The old man was shameless and thick skinned at first sight. It would not be too bad for him to say everything he wanted.

"Wait a minute, we can also use this kind of thing?" a rough voice came.

That's the king of Warcraft. It did not know when it had stood up. Although it was an animal, its wisdom was not low: "did this little thing release enough to cover our bodies?"

"If it's your size, there's no problem. If you double, you need more than plural rings." sosonian humanitarian: "you need to test how much you need."

"The king will take all the books," said the beast king.

At this time, Lei Zhen of the power family sneered and said, "empty beast king, I'm afraid you can't eat so much!"

"How do you know if you don't try?" the three tails like a whip behind the empty beast king patted at will for a few times and didn't let go.

At this time, the Sony man interrupted: "it seems that all the others need except the alchemists. Then we will give you all the rings. What this war needs is unity. If you can't assemble for deployment, we will act in addition to your actions."

"What do you mean?" the empty beast king showed his fangs. "Do you want us all to obey your command?"

Sony humanity: "we have a body that will not be affected by the red fog and the conditions to live in the sky. In theory, even if the world tree covers the whole abandoned land, we can't hurt us. We will be another race that will eventually survive in the abandoned land in addition to the world tree. If you don't want to listen to our deployment, this negotiation can be ended."

A white light was suddenly projected from the armed ship.

Seeing the Sony man walking into the pillar of light without saying a word, the leaders of all ethnic groups present changed color one after another.

The empty beast king suddenly flashed in front of the Sony man. A tail wrapped the Sony man's body and held it high. His eyes were scarlet and his tusks were fierce. "Don't think the king really didn't dare to kill you. I'm not those cowards of the power family!"

"Your Excellency, please pay attention to your action." Sony action.

"Mind you!"

The empty beast king snorted coldly. It was obvious that he would not be threatened at all. At this time, his tail was forced, and Sony's body was soon cut off. It was too late for everyone to stop.