Elia doesn't know where she broke a strange grass like Dogtail grass, which is teasing Tuoba grass on the carpet.

Tuoba grass had a good time.

Zhao Nan looked at the pink sky dully, replacing the dense white fog of clouds. The magic seed has completely recovered, and it seems to have grown again during this period of time.

He looked behind him, then quietly left and walked from the front yard to the backyard.

Zhao Nan stood quietly for a moment before moving forward in the palm of her hand.

A small fireball was fired and a small pit was blown out on the muddy land after the rain. Just a small fireball released through mana.

He hesitated for a moment, and his other hand stretched out again, this time using magic to release a small fireball.

A small fireball as like as two peas, just laughing and blasting, was fired at a pit beside the pit.

Zhao Nan walked up to the two pits and looked at them with a frown. Then she muttered to herself, "the skill released by magic is nearly a quarter more powerful than mana... What is this..."

Magic can release skills instead of mana, and even enhance the original power of skills. Zhao Nan doesn't know whether to be happy or sad.

First of all, he is not sure that magic can release skills at this time. Is it because he still has mana value, so he can use skills normally.

Second, he didn't know whether this magic could only exist in the astral realm. If he leaves the astral spirit world, magic cannot be used, and all mana values are swallowed up, can he still use skills after he returns?

Third, even if the magic still exists after returning, it can even continue to replace the mana value... What does he use to restore the magic during the battle? Will mana restorers also apply to this magic? You know, if he doesn't fight, once he fights, there is a great demand for mana. At present, even the advanced restorative produced by the wind market can't afford his consumption. Many times, he even needs to use the moon potion.

"It's a blessing, not a disaster..." Zhao Nan smiled bitterly, but the magic seed's swallowing of mana value could not be reversed. He could only stare at the thick mana value and slowly disappear. "It's a disaster that can't be avoided."

"Let it be."

In the pink sky, a few meteors suddenly crossed, and new players passed through the channel of the star spirit world, right?

Zhao Nan sighed and went back to the room where the notes were placed and opened a new title page. The magic seed will move automatically. It's meaningless to look at the cultivation method.

Then the only thing left is Cass's experience.

"We know that what is needed to form magic is elements."

"But what are the elements? There are many kinds of elements on the paradise continent. In addition to the basic six elements, there are a small number of variant elements, such as thunder, ice and so on."

"I think elements actually have life."

"Feel their doors with your heart and listen to them..."

"Respond to them and let them respond to us."


"I think magic is no longer confined to subjective form. Through my observation, Warcraft that can use magic have the ability to control magic and even surpass most magicians. Although they are not powerful or insufficient, they are more free."

"Why do you have to arrange elements according to a fixed routine?"


"More free control, or that's the real meaning of magic."


This experience is neither long nor short. Zhao Nan can understand some of the previous contents. But when I saw the back, I saw flowers in the fog. It's not that I can't understand, but that this kind of thing is very mysterious.

The latter theory is basically based on the ability to feel elements and have an "equal dialogue" with elements.

Can feel the elements... Zhao Nan stared at the air in front of her eyes, which made her eyes ache. In addition to seeing some dust flying in the sun, it was still dust.

Feel the growth of the magic seed, watch the mana value fade slowly, stare at the air and feel the so-called elements. I hope Tuoba grass will always go on like this. I can't remember anything. I pray that they will hatch from the star spirit beads quickly and occasionally throw a few small fireballs to caoros quietly. In this way, the days have passed for a long time in a month.



Tuoba grass still looks like that. Although the soul spark of other people's star beads has changed, it seems that it will take some time to hatch.

As for the magic seed, it has increased a lot, and the mana value that Zhao Nan can detect seems to have been reduced by one-third. But correspondingly, some advanced magic skills have been released.

Even his current body has grown from three or four years old to about six years old. He can run, jump and jump.

But the most crucial 'water of stars and spirits' still has no clue. Zhao Nan still sat in the pavilion in the backyard, looking at the sky in a daze, thinking whether to stop waiting and go out now.

Although I really want to wait until my body grows up, or after all mana values are swallowed up, I may be able to use all skills before I start.


"Ogu, Ogu, ready to take a bath! I've prepared the grass, and it's your turn!" Elia waved at the door in the corridor.

But... He can't stand it anymore.

Suddenly a strange voice came from the sky. It was a huge Brown Eagle. A man sat on the eagle. At this time, he scolded and let the giant eagle land in the open space in the backyard.

"Brother al!" Elia cried in surprise.

A young man with a sword on his waist jumped down from the giant eagle. First, he tied the giant eagle to the tree on the side, and then shouted, "Elia!"

At this time, Elia ran out of the corridor quickly, "Why are you here?"

Handsome young al smiled and said, "some things happen to pass through the east side. Come and have a look when you think of you."

Elia replied, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Al suddenly looked at Zhao Nan and said, "Elia, who is he?"

Elia came to Zhao Nan, took his hand and said, "this is Ogu, the child who came recently."

Al frowned and suddenly said, "just hatched?"

Elia smiled and shook her head. "How could it be? There has been no star Pearl here for hundreds of years. Ogu is a wandering child. He originally had elders, but his elders disappeared outside the circle, so I had to pick him up."

Al nodded, squatted down, squinted and said, "Ogu... Where were you wandering before?"

Zhao Nan shook her head. "I just follow, I don't know."

Al smiled noncommittally and stood up. "Elia, I'm a little tired today. Do you mind resting here all night?"

Elia hurriedly said, "how could it! Go first and I'll get you something to eat!"

Al said, "I want to take a bath first... By the way, where's Lord Sophia?"

"Grandma Dean, I haven't woken up yet."

Al laughed and said, "Lord Sophia is still the same. Ha ha... I'd better take a bath first. By the way, Aogu children, do you want to come with my brother?"

Zhao Nan stepped back. This kind of thing can be avoided. Even if I was sipping my conscience, at least I had some harvest at the bottom when I was with Elia, but the two masters

"Ogu is a little afraid of strangers," Elia said quickly.

Al shrugged his shoulders, waved his hands and said, "it's okay, I'll see you later."

Ai'er walked into the corridor and went directly to the bathroom. Zhao Nan frowned and said, "who is he?"

"Elder brother al used to be a member of the teaching institute like me. When we grew up, we entered the boundary keeper college on the third floor of the astral world together. After graduation, elder brother al directly became a formal boundary keeper, but I was just an intern." Elia looked admiringly and said, "elder brother Al is the top ten outstanding student in the same period."

"So, you like him?" Zhao Nan yawned.

This rotten starting line series of love stories sounds a little sleepy.

But Elia shook her head and said with a smile, "I just want to be brother Al, but I don't like it! And you, a child, know what you like or don't like?"

Zhao Nan shrugged.

Elia smiled and picked Zhao Nan up and said, "I know you, Ogu, you're jealous, aren't you?"

"... don't worry, that kind of thing will never happen." Zhao Nan said calmly.

"Ah..." she suddenly put her face together and said disappointed, "I like Aogu very much!"

"Thank you."

"Oh, so heartless!" Elia sighed, "when you grow up, you will make many girls sad."

Zhao Nan struggled to jump down and whispered, "I'm hungry."

"Ah, I need to cook more food tonight." Elia slapped her hand.

Zhao Nan suddenly said, "that man, he also works on the first floor?"

"The official boundary keepers are different from our interns. They are responsible for the work up from the second floor." Elia said while holding Zhao Nan: "the interns are mainly responsible for looking for the born star beads in the first floor area."

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "I feel that the main work of the boundary keeper on the second floor is something else?"

Elia nodded her head and said, "in addition to looking for the star beads, the most important work of the official boundary keeper is to maintain the order of the star world, prevent the riots of the original spirits outside the circle, and defend the nobility of the star spirit world."

So, the so-called nanny work of Xingling children is just the girl's wishful thinking mode of work?

A real boundary keeper is much more serious, isn't he?

Zhao Nan shook her head with a bitter smile and looked thoughtfully at the giant eagle parked in the courtyard. Her eyes were as sharp as a blade