Song Sijie is really not pretending to be dead this time. He really can't stand up.

Song Sijie, who was on the verge of death, seemed to regain his consciousness. The broken scales on his body gradually retreated, the scarlet in his eyes also disappeared, and the clarity in his eyes was restored.

Luo Ke went to song Sijie's head, covered his ribs and squatted down. He wanted to give the old man song Sijie a good time. It's kind enough. According to the bad things song Sijie did, it's not too much to cut him.

Luo Ke broke song Sijie's hand and took out his exquisite dagger. He wanted to cut song Sijie's head with the dagger. When he was about to start, song Sijie spoke.

"Give me a break, old man... I can give you all the treasures."

Song Sijie regained consciousness. He realized that Rocco wanted to kill him, so he quickly asked. The voice was very weak, as thin as the buzzing of mosquitoes and flies!

However, he still heard elok's ear force, so his movement stopped slightly, and the dagger was still against song Sijie's neck.

Rocco said with interest:

"After you die, don't all your treasures belong to me? This is not the reason why you don't die."

Song Sijie hurriedly added:

"Your adult doesn't remember villains. Let me go this time!"

Song Sijie doesn't call himself an old man anymore. He directly thinks of himself as a villain.

Luo Ke shook his head and let the sinister old guy go. This is to release the tiger back to the mountain. Once he raises the tiger, he will come back for revenge.

Seeing Rocco shaking his head, song Sijie hurriedly said:

"I have a big secret, a big secret that is of great benefit to everyone."

He spoke quickly and was afraid that if he spoke more slowly, his head would fall to the ground.

"Oh! Tell me!"

Rocco Oh, he didn't pay much attention to his expression, but said faintly.

Song Sijie turned his eyes and said with a bitter face:

"It's not that you can't say it. You can't say it openly. Put your ears together."

Rocco frowned.

Song Sijie hurriedly added:

"What I said is related to the colorful auspicious cloud umbrella above. Big people in the sky can detect it and can't say it directly. I'm afraid they can monitor it."

Luo Ke smashed it and smashed his mouth. After thinking for a while, he thought that song Sijie should not make any waves again, so he decided to bend down and listen to what song Sijie said.

Song Sijie saw Luo Ke clinging to his ear and showed a sinister smile that even Luo Ke didn't notice.

Song Sijie licked his lips and said slowly:

"The big secret I want to say is the huge information about the fate of everyone in the whole dungeon. It is estimated that I am the only one who knows the lower area of the dungeon."

"What information?"

Rocco didn't get up and asked directly.

Song Sijie smiled twice and said mysteriously:

"The dungeon is not an underground cage with no return. He can go out."

Rocco was full of fog and a question mark on his face. He thought the old guy was deliberately talking nonsense to him in order to live a few more seconds.

Rocco frowned and said:

"Of course I know I can go out, I just..."

Rocco almost blurted out that I came from Juling forest in the mirror world, but reason shut him up.

Knowing that Rocco didn't understand what he meant, song Sijie spat blood and said:

"What I said is not to go outside the Juling forest, but to escape from the mirror world and return to the real world. From then on, birds fly high and everything is free."

Rocco was very surprised immediately after hearing this. It was really an interesting secret.

Rocco's expression stagnated. His eyes narrowed and he didn't speak. He asked song Sijie to continue.

Song Sijie continued:

"I got this news inadvertently from the colorful auspicious cloud umbrella. It is absolutely worthy of trust and reference. When I first knew it, I didn't believe it at all, just like your expression. It was completely beyond my imagination."

"The reason why people in the underground city can't go out is that the laws of the mirror world are suppressed. Everyone seems to be cursed by the mirror world and is deeply trapped in the mire of the mirror world."

"However, everyone has never thought that if we destroy the foundation on which the mirror world depends and urge the mirror world to reshuffle, the time brand on everyone will disappear, and then everyone can enter the mirror world at will like a newborn baby who is new to the world."

When song Sijie said this, Rocco was already in a deep thought. He never thought of this layer. However, after Song Sijie said this, he thought carefully and found that it could stand in theory, but he didn't know whether it could be realized in fact. Theory and practice are completely different.

So Rocco asked a key question:

"Do you know how to make the mirror world... Er... You said format the mirror world."

After thinking for a long time, Luo Ke finally felt that the image of the mirror world was more vivid than what song Sijie said.

Song Sijie had already guessed that Luo Ke would ask this question, because this is the biggest focus and key of the secret. He knew the answer and had already made an abdominal draft in his heart, but he didn't intend to say it.

Song Sijie just said:

"Let me go first and I'll tell you."

Luo Ke thought for a moment, took back the dagger on Song Sijie's forehead and said coldly:

"Well, don't play any tricks and quickly explain everything."

But what Luo Ke waited for was not song Sijie's answer, but when he just took the dagger back, song Sijie immediately bit him on the neck.

Luo Ke was surprised that song Sijie dared to fight back, so he concentrated on trying to prevent this move.

But to Luo Ke's bitter smile, song Sijie gave Luo Ke a false move to attack him. It's false to want to bite his neck. Scaring Luo Ke's distraction and then running away is the real purpose.

When Luo Ke regained his consciousness, he found that song Sijie had run out for tens of meters. This time, in order to escape for his life, he simply burst out his strength from nowhere, which was half a minute faster than before he was injured.

At this time, song Sijie hated his parents for not giving him two more legs. He can't be faster, but he can't bat. His bat can only be used once a day. If he deals with ordinary martial artists, this time is enough for anyone to drink a pot.

But it happened that he met the more evil Rocco. At the beginning of telling Rocco the secret, song Sijie didn't intend to tell all his heart to Rocco. He was not unable to tell, but dared not say it!

If possible, he would rather rot this secret in his stomach, because this secret is a taboo on the colorful auspicious cloud umbrella. If a trace of clues is found by the big man above, he may be even worse than now.

The reason why he told this secret to Rocco was that only in this way could he distract Rocco's attention and prevent Rocco from killing himself.