The painful screams filled the lower royal chamber as one after other waves of immense pain kept attacking the Immortal who was covered in sweat while his complexion appeared pale.

The guards that were standing outside the chamber were completely oblivious to the current state of their Prince.

Due to the barrier that was placed around the chamber, the guards were not able to listen to the painful screams of the Prince who had locked himself inside.

Hei Long gripped the pole tightly in his hands as he fought to not cry out due to another wave of pain that rocked him on his feet.

"Are you seriously planning to not drink this medicine? You are very well aware that if you did not take the medicine to suppress this attack of the curse then you will be needed to suffer through its pain for more than twenty-four hours. There are still eighteen hours left before the time limit would be over." 

Kara said in a serious tone as she pushed the bowl of medicine in front of Hei Long's face which she was holding.

The Second Demon Prince looked up at the banshee who was staring at him with sharp eyes.

However, he also succeeded in recognizing another emotion in her eyes and it was worry for him.

No matter how cold the banshee tried to appear in front of them all, they were well aware that she actually cared about them. At least a little bit.

When Kara realized that her words did not succeed in making the Prince drink the medicine, she decided to use her final card.

"Let's not forget about Li Ming. After last night, she definitely needs you by her side. Of course, I won't interfere if you have decided to stay away from her starting to....."

She did not even get the chance of completing her sentence before the bowl of medicine was snatched away from her hands.

Even though Hei Long's hands were shaking and he could barely make his eyes stay open, he succeeded in gulping down the entire content of the bowl.

"Thank you...." Hei Long said in a soft whispered tone as he put the empty bowl on the table that was placed in front of him.

"There's no need for thanks. I'm doing all this so that I can complete my job. Otherwise, I have no interest in interfering with others' personal issues." 

The banshee replied as she gave Hei Long a final look and then disappeared from the dark chamber that was filled with the light coming from the dozens of lit aroma lamps and candles that were placed all around the room.

Hei Long walked towards the mirror that was standing in one of the corners of the room before he let his inner robe slip from his shoulders.

The scene that came into vision after that could make anyone recoil with shock and terror.

The front of Second Demon Prince's left shoulder was covered with red, black, and purple holes.

A large area above his left chest had turned black and blue where the holes were present and a few injured veins could also be seen through the web of these holes.

But the most shocking sight was not the front of his shoulder. Rather, it was the back that succeeded in making even Hei Long close his eyes in horror.

His soul mark was burning. There was barely anything left of the once beautiful and blooming soul mark that was carved on the back of his left shoulder.

Looking at that burnt soul mark it appeared as if one was looking at the depth of burning hell.

Just then a message appeared in front of his eyes.

The golden glowing letters that belonged to the message sent by the Heaven Emperor himself, notified him that they were about to confront their traitor brother.

A small smile bloomed on his lips as with just a flick of his fingers, his distraught condition returned to the usual demon immortal image that he carried. 

Once again he was looking as perfect and handsome as an Immortal Demon Prince should be.

With a quick glance towards his reflection in the mirror, his silhouette disappeared from the chamber.


Li Ming watched as the Supreme Immortal kept glaring at the rest of his brothers who were the cause of his current state of unhappiness.

He was supposed to enjoy his entire day with his sweet mate in his embrace while they both enjoyed their newly completed soul bond.

However, rather than doing exactly that, he was made to sit far away from his mate while his heartless brothers glared at him.

"Do you want to be closer to him?" 

The sweet voice that entered her ears and the warm breath on her nape brought her out of her trance.

She turned her face slightly towards the handsome Immortal who was standing behind her while he securely held her in his protective embrace.

His purple eyes that held immense love and warmth for her were looking down at her with softness in them.

Even though the rest of her mates were fully showing their anger towards the Supreme Immortal, not a single one of them questioned her about what happened the night before.

They were not angry at her for choosing Wen Guiying as her first. They were not angry at her for not talking with them before completing her first bond.

All that they showed her was the love, warmth, devotion, and tenderness that they held for her.

The main reason behind their angry behavior towards the Supreme Immortal was not the fact that he was the first one to complete his bond.

Rather, the reason behind their anger was the fact that Wen Guiying broke the promise that he gave them all.

Li Ming slowly nodded her head as she looked at the Demon Lord with her soft eyes which were looking a little wet as if she was about to cry.

Her soul was not happy with the fact that so soon after completing the bond, it was made to experience distance from one of its completed bonds.

Ruoshan planted soft kisses on each of her cheeks before he brought her tighter against his body.

"Okay. Since you want to be with him, I'll personally fulfill your wish." He softly whispered in her ears as he started moving towards the group of Immortals that were surrounding the Supreme Immortal.

"Move aside!" 

His loud and commanding voice made the Immortals look at him in surprise but the moment their eyes landed on the little girl that he was holding in his hands, their expressions softened.

"Little One..."

The Moon Immortal started saying as he moved towards her but Ruoshan stopped him.

"Right now, the one she needs the most is sitting right there. Now, don't become a hurdle in our path, and let them be together." 

He informed his brothers as he walked closer to the Supreme Immortal whose eyes were trained on his sweet mate.

The moment Li Ming found that she could freely move once again, she ran towards her waiting mate and plopped down on his lap.

Her face going straight into the crook of his neck as she nuzzled her nose in his nap while inhaling his scent.

Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck while Wen Guiying's arms were securely holding her against him as he enjoyed the feeling of completion that she brought along.

The rest of the four Immortal's observed this heartwarming scene as they all tried their best to not let their cold exterior crack and let the Supreme Immortal see the warmth and happiness that was filled inside them for the two of them, Wen Guiying and Li Ming.

It was not until several minutes had passed when the two clinging mates finally decided to separate from each other.

Li Ming turned her face towards Ruoshan before she asked in a small voice, "Are you not mad?"

The innocent and confused look that was covering her face made her look so adorable that it took all of Ruoshan's self-control to not pull her into his arms and away from the Supreme Immortal.

He let out a soft sigh before he plopped down on the seat in front of them as he replied, "Of course, not! Rather, I'm more curious to start my classes with the Supreme Immortal." 

"Classes?" Li Ming asked in confusion and the same expression could be seen on the faces of the rest of her mates faces.

"Right, classes! After all, right now he's the only one who knows the best about your body and how it should be pleasured. Until my turn comes, I'm going to learn exactly how to become a master when it comes to pleasuring you. What do you think about my plan, Xingan?" 

Ruoshan's reply made blush emerge on Li Ming's cheeks as she bit down hard on her lower lip to stop the dirty images that had started to fill her mind.