Chapter 225 - A Helping Guide Of Guixian Island

Li Ming opened the bag that the young boy just gave her and looked at the contents inside it.

"Master, there is all the information that you wanted me to collect. Though it took me so much more time than I thought but I have made sure to collect as much information as I could."

The boy said as he watched Li Ming looking at one of the maps.

Li Ming nodded her head as she passed him a warm smile. She was very happy with his work.

She took out a wooden box from her magical space and placed it on the table before pushing it towards the young boy.

"You have worked hard. This is a gift from me for your excellent performance. I will be happy if you accept it." Li Ming said as she looked at the boy with soft eyes.


Li Ming could see the hesitation in the young boy's eyes.

"Ji Tian, you have done a lot more than what you were told to do. I trusted you with this very important mission because I believe in your capabilities. The fact that you succeeded in your mission without alerting the Crown Prince or any of his guards is really remarkable. You deserve this. Please don't refuse." 

How could the boy say no to his Master when she was using such techniques to make him accept the gift?

Therefore, the boy thanked his Master sd he picked up the box. As he felt the weight of the wooden box his shocked eyes immediately looked at his Master who gave him a little nod.

The boy promised himself to buy something good for his Master for her upcoming birthday. 

The Black Jade Inn had already started preparing for the celebration that would start around four in the evening.

At the same time, a small party was also being organized in the Dongji village that would start around nine in the morning.

There were still two days left in her birthday but everyone had already busied themselves in the preparation for her birthday celebration.

It was not long after Ji Tian had left, that a large flower with dark blue petals with white interiors, dropped in the very middle of the map that was spread open over the desk in front of Li Ming.

A sigh left her lips as she looked at the flower with an unpleasant look in her eyes.

She pulled on her spiritual qi and let it transfer into the flower, the very next second the beautiful blue flower turned into shining golden words that appeared on the map.

"Don't even think about skipping your lessons! Meet me on the Western Peak of the Snow Fields."

She wanted to curse the old man to death as she read the message that he had sent her.

Just as she finished reading the last word, the characters disappeared from the map.

With a deep sigh, Li Ming started putting everything back safely inside her magical space as she prepared to visit the old man.

It took her barely five minutes to clear up everything and then she was off to the Snow Fields.


"Just because you mastered the skills of cultivating ice, wood, and thunder, that does not mean you don't need my help anymore." 

The old man definitely was not looking happy as he glared at the young girl.

"Why do you want to see me? You wanted to teach me five cultivation skills and I have already learned all five of them. Did not you say that all that is left for me to do is to master those skills which will happen when I'll use them frequently? Then what now?" Li Ming asked as she looked at the old man with a frustrated glare.

She had so much work left to finish before her birthday but she just could not find enough peace and free time to do that.

"Don't act so rude and impatient. At this rate, you will ruin my reputation as your Master." The Immortal Master said as he reprimanded his youngest disciple.

His words made Li Ming scoff as she looked at the old man with unbelieving eyes.

"I will ruin your reputation? First of all, except you and the rest of your disciples, no one is aware of the fact that you have taken me as your new disciple. And Second thing, if someday people actually find out about our relation there's no doubt that they sure would be shocked. After all who would want to believe that the famous Young Miss of the Li Empire has such an old freak as her master." 


The old man felt like he was almost about to puke blood due to anger. His young disciple was way more talented in increasing his blood pressure just with her words.

If there was anyone in the entire Immortal Realm who had the power of killing the Immortal Master then it was probably Li Ming. She just needed to throw her gut-wrenching and blood-boiling words at the old man and whew!!...he would be dead due to puking so much blood.

"Forget it! There's no point in talking about these topics with you. Let's focus on the reason for which I have called you here." The old man said as he rubbed his temples lightly.

"En!" Li Ming hurriedly nodded her head so that the old man could hurriedly start with whatever he had in store.

After all, she had a lot to prepare for her entrance exam, and there was almost no time left.

"Do you have any knowledge about Guixian Island?" The old man asked her with a serious tone.

Li Ming also became serious as she slowly shook her head in negative. However, before the old man could speak, she hurriedly said, "But I have found this book in the library of Xiao Tiantang. I think I'll get a rough design for it after reading this book."

She took out an old-looking book from her space and handed it to the old man.

As the Immortal Master took a look at the book, Li Ming started getting cramps in the pit of her stomach due to nervousness.

Although she was set about entering the Guixian Academy, but it was the first time when she was nervous about her mission.

"Hmm. This book can give you the basic knowledge of Guixian Island, but that place is filled with traps and mysteries. Here, take this with you. It will be of great help." The old man said as he passed a blue-covered thick book to Li Ming.

"Are these the smaller islands that surround Guixian Island?" Li Ming asked as she looked at the map that was drawn on the first two pages of the book.

"Right. And this..." 

The old man said as he tapped at the sketch of an island that was quite bigger in size than the rest of the other islands that were surrounding the main island. It was also the farthest island out of all of them.

"...this one will play an important role in your entrance exam." The old man finished his sentence.

"This one...?" Li Ming looked up at the old man with a confused look visible in her eyes.

"The entrance exams of the Guixian Academy are divided into two parts. The first exam is very simple. Since Guixian Island is located in the middle of a huge water body, in the first task all the disciples who would come to participate in the exams would need to find a way to reach Guixian Island on their own. You all will get only twenty-four hours to complete the first exam. Those who would succeed in reaching the main Island within those twenty-four hours would pass the exam, the rest could return to their homes." 

Li Ming nodded her head as she listened to the old man's words very carefully. 

It was a golden chance for her to collect as much information as she could about Guixian Island and the Academy from the old man.

"After reaching the Guixian Island, you all will need to select the sect that you want to join and according to your choice your second exam would be given to you." 

The old man continued explaining.

"In your case, your second exam would take place on this island." The Immortal Master once again tapped his index finger on the map showing her the exact location of the island.

"The task is very simple. Since you want to join the Array sect you will need to save yourself from the hundreds of arrays that are placed all over the Array Island. Even though you have no experience in this field but as long as your cultivation level is good and you have the capability of becoming a master in Array formation, you will be able to succeed in this exam too." 

Li Ming nodded her head in reply with a soft smile on her face.

The old man let out a deep sigh as he said, "However, even though the entrance exam is not a big deal for you to clear, there's actually a bigger problem waiting for you in the Guixian Academy. As far as I can see that stubborn old man will never agree to take you as his disciple. Your real challenge is to get that man accept you as his disciple."