Chapter 194 - Drink! Drink! Drink!

"I will be happy to comply with."

The Moon Immortal replied softly. There was only sincerity in his deep cerulean eyes.

Li Ming was silent for a few seconds before she asked, "And if I want more than just a kiss? Will, you still grant my wish?"

There was pure curiosity in her eyes which were waiting for his reply.

The Moon Immortal was definitely taken aback by her question. Though, he was quick to hide the surprise from his eyes.

He reached out for Li Ming's hands and held them gently in his palms as he replied with a soft smile.

"If you seriously want that then I'll not let you down."

Li Ming stared at the Moon Immortal in shock. Did she hear it right? Or was she hallucinating? 

"You..., you won't get mad at me for making you do something like that?" 

A small twitch appeared on the Moon Immortal's lips as he replied, "Why would I be mad? It's not like you are really going to ask for it and even if you do, then I don't have a problem."

Li Ming could not believe her ears. Although the Heaven Emperor was the shyest one of her mates, but it was the Moon Immortal who was the most conservative.  

Hearing him agreeing to her shameful demands was making Li Ming dizzy from the shock that she received.

"Wait, do you think that I'm just joking and won't really ask you to do it?" She asked with a huff.

This time a small smile made its way to the Moon Immortal's lips as he replied, "If I'm not wrong then it was you who said that fifteen is considered a very young age..."

"What fifteen? I'm about to turn sixteen in the next few months." Li Ming was quick to add as she cut off the Moon Immortal before he could complete.

"Fine, fine! Soon to be sixteen. Anyway, I believe that the drunk Li Ming could cross any boundaries and demand anything as long as she gets her happiness. However..."

The Moon Immortal trailed off as he looked at her with his gleaming eyes. 

Li Ming could not control herself from asking, "However what?"

"However, the sober Li Ming will never do anything like that. That's why you don't have to worry about making anything." The Moon Immortal completed.

"What sober..."

Li Ming trailed off as she finally realized that she was back to her normal self. The haziness that had previously taken over her mind had disappeared.


She asked as she looked at Lord Yueliang, waiting for him to answer her question.

She got the answer, however, it didn't come from the Moon Immortal.

"This is the miracle of these herbs. I put some in the incense burner and you inhaled it. And look at you, barely in a few minutes, you are back to your normal self."

Li Ming turned around to look at Wen Guiying. The Supreme Immortal was standing beside her with a beaming smile on his face.

A sigh left her mouth as she looked at both of her mates. Since she was again back to her normal self, the embarrassment of what she had done in the past few hours was taking over her mind.

However, she was in no mood to become a red tomato in front of the two Immortals.

"Whatever! I'm in no mood of talking to either of you. I can't believe that you tied me up like that," she said as she folded her hands and huffed in anger.

The smiles that were previously playing on both the Immortal's lips immediately disappeared.

"Wait, I thought that you agreed to forgive me if I will grant you a wish. Are you going back on your words now?" 

The Moon Immortal asked her as he looked at her with shocked eyes.

"When did I say that I'll forgive you? And it's not like I've asked you to do anything yet." Li Ming scoffed at the Moon Deity and passed a similar look to Wen Guiying.

"Sweet mate, don't be like this. We already agreed to do anything you will ask for. Also, we are really sorry for our behavior. We will not repeat it again. Please, don't be bad anymore." 

Wen Guiying said with soft eyes as he pulled on her sleeves.

Li Ming silently observed both of her mates for a few moments. Their eyes seriously held regret and a promise in them.

"Are you sure you want to do this? If you end up refusing later, I'll make sure that you both will regret it." 

Her voice promised consequences. But the two Immortals did not waste a single second before nodding their heads.

"Fine! Since you both are that sure about this then I can't make myself refuse such a wonderful offer. Come on, follow me." 

Saying that Li Ming didn't waste any more time as she started walking out of the room and the two Immortals were quick to follow her.

Both Lord Yueliang and Wen Guiying had no idea what Li Ming was planning to do, but neither of them had any plan of backing down.

They were set to earn forgiveness from their mate and they were ready to prove their sincerity.


"Alright, everything is set perfectly."

Li Ming announced as she took her seat at the table where Lord Yueliang and Wen Guiying were already sitting.

There was a huge glass jar filled with wine sitting in the very center of the table.

"So, are you both ready?" Li Ming asked the two of her mates excitedly.

The two men passed a glance to each other and the Supreme Immortal finally asked, "Is this really what you want us to do?"

Li Ming rolled her eyes at her two mates as she let out a sigh before replying, "Yes! You guys have made so much fun about my drunk state. It's time for me to get my revenge. Therefore, you two have to finish all the wine from this jar tonight." 

Her eyes were twinkling with mischief and satisfaction as she stated the reason behind her request, or more like the demand.

"But Little One, you are aware that it's not easy for us to get drunk, right?" The Moon Immortal asked.

Li Ming looked at her Mr. Beauty as she replied with a sweet smile, "Of course, I am well aware. That is why I have prepared a surprise for you guys. Now, if you say should we start?"

The two men again passed a quick glance to one another before both nodded their heads lightly.

Li Ming beamed happily as she uncorked the wine jar and lifted her left hand and let out a thread of her spiritual energy towards the jar.

The stream of wine rose from the jar and soon the two wine glasses that were resting in front of each of the two Immortals were filled with the wine.

"Go on! Drink." Li Ming said as she looked at the two of her mates as they both slowly pucked up their glasses and after giving her a quick glance, both gulped down the wine.

"Ah! There's no rush. You guys should enjoy the process too." Li Ming said as the two Immortals placed their empty glasses on the table.

Soon the glasses were again filled with the rich wine and the two Immortals delved into the drinking frenzy. 

Little did Li Ming knew that she was going to regret her decision very soon.


"Finally! It's empty. Good job both of you." Li Ming praised as with a single sweep of her sleeve, the empty jar, and the two glasses disappeared from the table.

"Your collarbone is very beautiful. It's calling me towards it. So.....alluring." Wen Guiying said in his husky voice as he stared at her.

Wait, he was not staring at her. Rather his eyes were trained on her exposed collarbone.

Li Ming was shocked for a few seconds but she soon returned back to her normal self, hurriedly tightening her cloak around her and hiding her exposed skin.

"Well....umm...let's just..."


Li Ming was taken aback by the sudden shout that came from the Supreme Immortal.

"W-what?" She asked with confused eyes.

"No. You can not hide yourself from us like this. This is not right. You should not hide yourself from us." Wen Guiying said with a pout.


Li Ming was left entirely speechless. She could not even blink as she was left shocked. 

"Why? You both are too hiding your body from me. How can you ask such things from me?" Li Ming quickly retorted.

The two immortals looked at each other and then turned to look at her with soft smiles plastered on their lips.

"You are right. We should be fair." Lord Yueliang said as he stood up from his seat.

Wen Guiying quickly followed behind and also stood up from his seat. 

Li Ming watched with shocked eyes as both the Immortals dropped their robes and stood in front of her in their half-naked glory.


Where did she go wrong?