Chapter 177 - The Image Of The Heaven Emperor

"Wait! Why are you throwing me out too? I didn't say a single thing." 

The Heaven Emperor asked as he looked at the old man who had just thrown him out of his house.

"Right! You just stayed quiet as this girl kept insulting my house and my food." The old man shouted as he stood at the door of his hut looking down at them.

"Hey! I just said that you could have been living a better life in this place if you have tried. I insulted your lack of effort and your excuses, not your food and house. Don't lie!" Li Ming said with a huff.

Heaven Emperor pursed his lips tightly to drop the smile that was about to form on his lips.

Who knew that he would find another person after thousands of years who dared to challenge the Master of Deities.

As far as he knew the girl had no idea about the real identity of the old man, probably the reason behind her brazen behavior.

However, it wasn't fair for his Master to kick him out too just because he was angry at the girl.

"Y-you...! Fine, fine, fine! I'll see exactly what kind of lavish life you are going to live. Now, get lost from here and keep this man with you. Until or unless you two have a house to live in, don't show me your face. Most importantly, don't even think that I'll give you any space inside my house when you both will be covered under a bundle of snow tonight." 

The old man glared at the two of them before closing the door with a loud bang.

Li Ming was surprised to see that it didn't come tumbling down due to the huge force, probably the old man's powers were keeping it intact.

Of course, that old man didn't have enough brain to use that same spiritual power to live a nice and happy life.

Of course, living a lavish life wasn't a necessity but living a hygienic and normal life definitely was.

And did that old man seriously think that she was not able to even build a house on her own? Just let him wait and watch. She was ready to blow his ancient brain away.

But exactly why did he assign her as the babysitter of the Immortal who looked like he had come there to sightsee?

Just as she was going to tell the Immortal to mind his own business and stay away from her, the door of the hut opened and the old man's silhouette appeared there.

Without even sparing her a single glance, he set his eyes on the Immortal as he said, "Don't you dare to help her with your powers. You won't die even if you got buried inside an iceberg for thousands of years." 

And with these words, he again closed the door with a bang, leaving both Li Ming and Heaven Emperor staring at the closed door.

"He really is something." Li Ming snorted as she turned around, her eyes landing on the Immortal who was looking at her with curious eyes.

She raised her eyebrows at him which brought a small twitch on his lips. However, after listening to the old man's words she had changed her mind about pissing off the Immortal too.

After being surrounded by high-rank cultivators and Immortal mates, it had become easier for her to tell if the person in front of her was a mortal, demon, or an immortal.

Just a single glance at the golden robed man and she knew that he too was an Immortal, exactly like the old man who was currently humming some weird tone inside his kitchen.

Smoke was coming out of the small kitchen window as it drifted above into the grey sunless sky.

"Are you going to keep standing there or you have plans to help me?" Li Ming asked.

Heaven Emperor looked at the girl with a surprised look. What was she expecting him to do? Did she forget that he was prohibited by his Master from helping her?

"What am I supposed to do?" He finally asked curiously.

Li Ming let out a small sigh as she said, "Just follow me."

With that, she turned around and started walking in the opposite direction of the old man's house.


"Are we done yet?" The Heaven Emperor asked as he followed behind Li Ming with his hands filled with piles of thick woods.

Who would have thought that one day the Ruler of the Heaven Realm and the Caretaker of the Mortal Realm, would be collecting woods in the Snow Fields while following the orders of a young girl?

The sight was both humorous and shocking. It was a good thing that except for a certain number of people no one was watching them.

It was currently eleven-thirty in the morning as they roamed around the Snow Fields, looking for broken timbers. 

Li Ming turned around to stare at the Immortal as she said, "Listen dude, you can put that bundle down if your fragile body isn't able to take the load. Don't irritate me." 

Without waiting for a single more second she turned around and started walking back towards the old man's hut.

The Heaven Emperor stared at the back of the girl who was walking away from him. What did he do wrong to deserve this?

He followed behind her silently, carrying the wood in his arms. His clean shiny golden robes were now covered in dirt and scratches.

They stopped directly in front of the old man's hut, who peeked out of the kitchen window and smirked at them after seeing the piles of wood that they had collected.

"Are you guys planning to eat those wood today? I thought you were going to eat a lavish meal." The old man taunted from his small kitchen as she showed them his red long leafed herbs which were the source of the sour smell.

"You should worry about your own lunch, old man. No need to worry about us. I thought a cultivator like you did not need to eat food. Looks like I was wrong." 

Of course, Li Ming was ready to taunt the old man in return. How could she let him make fun of her?

She turned towards the piles of wood and started setting them up to start a fire. A few minutes later there was a sizzling fire burning outside the house of the old man.

She took out a pack of spaghetti, ingredients for the sauce, and utensils and started cooking.

As time passed, a light aroma started filling the air. Soon both the Heaven Emperor and the old man were staring at the girl who was busy in cooking something which smelt delicious as heaven.

Around forty minutes later, Li Ming took out a small table and a mat from her magical mansion and set them up on the snow-covered ground.

After that, she served the hot saucy spaghetti into two plates and placed them on the table accompanied by one of her treasures, the delicious wine.

"Are you going to join or not?" Li Ming asked seriously as she looked at the Immortal.

Though the Heaven Emperor had no plans to eat any human food, being a cultivator he had left the need of eating food far behind, but looking at the delicious food prepared by Li Ming, he immediately changed his mind.

The only thing that was stopping him from giving into his urges were the people who had trained their eyes on him.

He had no idea why these people were keeping their eyes on him but he needed to keep his image as the Ruler of the Heaven Realm, therefore, with a heavy heart, he decided to decline the girl's offer.

Li Ming watched as the Immortal shook his head softly as he declined her once in a lifetime offer.

Well, some people were just born idiots. They had no idea what they were missing while saying no to certain things.

"Suit yourself." Li Ming shrugged her shoulders as she settled down on the mat, bringing both the players in front of her, and started eating. 

She could feel the two pairs of eyes that were drilling holes in her spaghetti.


"He's an idiot." 

A man with a beautifully decorated fan in his hand, said as he watched the Heaven Emperor declining the great offer of eating the food cooked by their Ming'er.

"He definitely is. He is going to regret it soon though. Can't you see his eyes which are trying to ignore that luring food but failing poorly?" Another man draped in fine purple-colored brocade robes asked as he also looked at the Heaven Emperor.

"You both need to stop." Hei Long said with a bored tone as he shook his head.

He looked up from the chessboard at the extreme silence that had taken over the room, and he immediately came across his four senior brothers who were drilling daggers into him.

Who knew that he would end up in so much trouble for helping Li Ming?

Setting the Blood Cherry plant on fire was actually the fastest way of bringing the old man out of his so-called hut, really!