Chapter 38 - A Surprise In The Thundering Peaks

At one of the mountain peaks, a man in Black and Purple brocade clothes was standing on a high rock.

His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the last few rays of sunshine. His long silver hair was dancing in the wind.

He opened his eyes and looked at the object he was holding in his hands.

It was the same crystal ball in which he was stored by Li Ming.

A man appeared behind him and kneeled down.

"My lord! You are finally back!" The happiness in his voice was clear as day.

The silver hair man didn't reply and kept looking at the empty crystal ball in his hand.

Finally after a long time he asked, "What is the condition of Evernight after 7 years of my absence?"

"My lord, you are still weak and going to Evernight right now would not be the right decision." The kneeling man said with fear.

Although he was his Lord's most trusted man but he was also the only person who knew about the level of coldness and heartlessness of his master.

The silver hair guy turned around and looked at his man with a small but evil and cold smile.

Beads of sweat appeared on his (the one who's kneeling) face as he tried his best to not shiver in terror.

"This servant is sorry for speaking out without My Lord's permission. But my lord please consider what I just said!" He said hurriedly as he continued to kneel down.

"Alright! I also think that I need some time to regain my full cultivation powers. But since I'm out of the Black Devil Circle, it will not took them too much time to find out that I'm released. Where do you think I can stay without getting into their radar?"

"This.....!!" The man thought for a while and finally after some time his eyes sparkled as he said, "My lord, we all know that it's impossible to break the Black Devil Circle for anyone other than the one who is casting it. In these past seven years we tried every method possible but were unable to break the circle. But that girl, Miss Li, she not only broke the circle without any effort but also just in a week you got your physical form back! So...."

The silver hair man raised his eyebrows. "What are you exactly trying to imply?"

The man gulped down his saliva as he again struck by fear but he knew that his plan was actually best for his master at the time.

"After she took you with her, we couldn't find your location even after trying so hard. After spying on her we found that she actually has some secret place where our powers could not reach. Maybe you can stay with..." This was the moment when he realized what he was actually saying.

He was actually asking his master to stay with a woman!! Everyone in Evernight knew that his master hate even the mention of the word woman!

The silver hair man smiled as he kept staring at the vast land of forest down the peak.

"Return back to Evernight and find about every single moment of those monsters. I will be staying with Miss Li."

The man bowed his head and didn't stay a single second more. With a rush of wind, the silhouette of the man disappeared from the hill top.


Back at the mansion, Li Ming was finally able to cool down. She ate her dinner and then spend some time in the spell room to work on her new potions.

Actually she wanted to make the new potions with the spiritual herbs. But since she had very little knowledge about these herbs, her idea was proving a good obstacle for her.

That's why she was spending her days in collecting spiritual herbs and her evenings in studying those herbs.

She had a feeling that she had gone back to her Academy days when she spent almost her entire day in learning.

She finally retired to her bed when it was nearly mid night.


Next day, Li Ming took a shower and put on leggings, a red hoodie and boots. She pulled her long hair into a tight bun and fixed them with a hairpin.

She was not afraid of getting caught by anyone in these clothes. Her hoodie helped her to hide her face and she had her mansion to escape.

If anyone saw her in the mountains, she could always hide in the mansion and no one would be able to find her.

After having her breakfast, she came out into the mountains with Snowy at the exact place where they had stopped their search the previous day.

They had already searched half of the mountains but just like they were told, these mountain peaks had very little amount of spiritual herbs and beasts.

But she was not anxious. After all she didn't need those rare and important spiritual herbs right at the moment since she had no idea what to do with them.

She's starting from scratch and it would take some time for her to get ready for higher level.

Although she found out that the doctors of this world had their own ways and theories for making spiritual pills and potions but that took high amounts of spiritual energy, money and a lot of learning.

Thinking about her current situation, she's lacking in all those fields. That's why she decided to stick to her potions for the time being.

They both started their journey through the mountains. Their target for the day was to find a spiritual herb which had healing properties.

After looking through the books that she had gathered or looted, whatever you wanna say, she found some normal herbs that could heal small cuts and bruises.

And she was sure that at least she could found those herbs on this mountain.

After looking for a while, they finally entered a small clearing in the woods.

They finally found some spiritual herbs growing there but not a single one of them was the one she was looking for.

It's like the whole universe was against her idea of making potions.


Just as they were going to leave the place after collecting the herbs, Li Ming heard a loud shrieking noise. Followed by another and then another.

She looked at Snowy with surprise and they both started running towards the place from where the screaming or shrieks, to be fair, were coming.

When they reached the exact spot, Li Ming saw exactly who or what was causing the noises.

And if you think that she was left surprised to her core, then you would be joking.

She was not only surprised but actually shocked to such a level, that first time in both her lives she felt like fainting!!!
