Fang Hui looks at the indoor layout and decoration through her sunglasses. Her eyes are greedy, and she is afraid. If she is not desperate recently, she dare not come here rashly.

Now she is not only banned, but also owes tens of millions of foreign debts. Now only Quan Shao can save her.

She thought she could go to a higher level, but she went to hell.

Fang Hui stepped on the high-heeled shoes to go inside, every step, heel contact with the ground will knock out a harsh sound, she was unaware, continue to step on the heavy heel, eyes looking around.

In front of the bookshelf.

Ren Ai Xi read books with relish. He thought that the books he read in the library a few days ago were fine and applicable. He didn't expect that the books he read here were more suitable for that aspect than those. He knew that there were so many good books here, so he would follow them.

"It's not in vain today." She chuckled and murmured. She leaned against the bar post because she was not comfortable. As soon as she was about to turn the page, she heard the sound of things crashing against the ground. When she looked up, she saw a woman standing at the door in a short dress with sunglasses on her face.

Fang Hui didn't notice that there was a person sitting on the ground beside the bar. She thought that she would see Quan Shao soon. She quickly found the sunglasses, took out the mirror from her bag and began to make up. She deliberately pulled down the collar of the dress.

Ren Ai Xi just saw her action smacking her tongue and pulling her chest down. It's all about selling her hue.

What's more, there's a big gap between her appearance and the camera. Just as she hesitated to speak, assistant an's cold voice rang. When she moved her eyes, she saw him standing at the door with a gloomy face.

"Miss Fang, who allowed you to come up?" Anyuan tone indifferent, he did not dare to think a step late, his own end.

Fang Hui heard the sound, turned around and turned pale. As like as two peas in the bad ass, Eich was the first to see

's anger and indifference.

She closed the book, raised her hand and said, "I told her to come up." Words fall, two people's line of sight all saw to come over.

Fang Hui's expression was very surprised. She didn't expect that there was a woman sitting on the ground. She couldn't help looking at her. Her white and delicate face, black curly long hair and high bangs were behind her head. Her big eyes were clear and pure. She was only 18 or 19 years old. Since she came in just now, she didn't see anyone. Except her, it must be her who just answered the phone and asked her to come up.

But what identity is she? How can she go in and out so casually, and can she sit there reading freely? This is an office area with less power.

After listening to Xinsai, Anyuan thought, madam, what's wrong with you.

"Assistant an, I'm sorry. I went to see you just now, but you weren't there. Then I just heard your landline ring and said that Miss Fang had made an appointment with you, so I answered for you." Ren Ai Xi put the book aside and sat up from the ground.

Anyuan just wanted to explain, saying that there was no appointment at all. Before she spoke, she was interrupted.

Ren Ai Xi, with a mysterious smile, came to them and said, "hey hey, look at the time when I'm going. If I don't go to see you, the phone will be missed, and you will be a sinner for ages. You should thank me for letting your president miss the chance to meet her girlfriend." After that, I didn't forget to wink at him.

An yuan suspected that she was serious when she said this?

Fang Hui's face was slightly red when she called herself like this. She was very happy and liked her a little more. However, she was even more curious about her identity, which made assistant an treat her with such respect.

Is it Quan Shao's sister? She thought, and asked.

"Are you Quan Shao's sister?" Fang Hui asked.

When Ren Ai Xi saw that assistant an was about to speak, he quickly nodded and said, "almost. You look for Quan Jing. He's in it."

Fang Hui got the promise she wanted, and her favor doubled. She took her hand and began to climb up the relationship.

Anyuan's face is so sad that she wants to cry now, sister? Is this lady's hobby a little too much It's against ethics. How can a younger sister marry her brother? This makes the president feel angry and vomit blood.

It's the first time that he's ever met a husband and other women in the main room. He can even move out his identity.

Ren Ai Xi saw that she was holding her hand enthusiastically, with an unnatural smile on her face. She rescued her hand and said to her, "go in and find him yourself. I have something to say to assistant an. Goodbye." Then he stares at someone, drags his wrist, leaves here and goes to his office.

"Ma'am, if you do this, the president will be angry." An Yuan said anxiously.

"Give birth to fart, he should be happy, not easy to like people to come to the company to see him, we when what light bulb ah." Ren Ai Xi glared at him. How could this guy not know his propriety.

Light bulb!

An yuan knew that she should be misunderstood because of the last scandal.

"The news in Paris was sent out by Fang Hui on purpose, just for the sake of hype, and the president didn't know who she was? And the fact that she was banned was also an order from the president. " He explained.Ren Ai Xi was stunned.

"True or false?" She squinted at him.

Anyuan nodded seriously.

She immediately felt finished and made trouble. She quickly turned around and ran to his office, followed by an yuan.

As soon as they got to the door, they heard the sound of smashing things and Fang Hui calling for help.

"Ren Ai Xi, an yuan, get out of here for me." Quan Jing roared, with a grim expression.

Standing at the door, Ren Ai Xi was trembling when she heard his voice. She could think of his angry look at the moment. She turned around and was about to run, but she was pushed in by someone behind her. Before she could shout, she was standing in front of Quan Jing.

Anyuan followed and went in. She was very sorry for the look in her eyes. She was the only one who could calm the storm.

Quan Jing saw that she came in and turned to an yuan, frowning and grinning. He came out from his desk and came to her. His fingers imprisoned her chin and said in a cold voice: "sister? Ren Ai Xi, you tell me to try again

Ren Ai Xi twisted her eyebrows in pain. She was in a panic. She was afraid that if she said something wrong, she would crush her chin: "no, I didn't say sister, I That's about it. " I don't have enough confidence to say that.

"Almost, eh?" He increased his strength.

She is about to cry in pain. This guy is really cruel. He misunderstood the relationship between them and wanted to help fix it up. Is it necessary to be so angry.