I think that my face is getting darker and darker. I can't help my anger. I suddenly stand up and pick up the phone with my slender fingers and press a few numbers.

Huo Junting's low voice at this end of the phone reminds me: "at 3 p.m., let the person in charge of the bidding of the suburban land make a new and satisfactory plan for me, and then come to the conference room for a meeting!"

The assistant on the other side of the phone quickly agreed. After Huo Junting hung up the phone, he patted himself on the chest. When he came back, he came to the person in charge of the project, sister Cheng's office. He knocked on the door and told sister Cheng about Huo Junting's outburst.

Sitting on the office chair with a mobile phone, sister Cheng is playing happily. After listening to the story, she is not half flustered. She lazily says, "go and tell them to make a good plan for our Huo Dong." Then she lowered her head and began to play with xiaoxiaole in her hands. It seemed that she didn't care about it at all.

Little assistant told sister Cheng's words, also ignore this matter, because she can say all have said, the rest, and she has no relationship.

Sitting on the black leather sofa, Huo Junting is tasting the coffee he has just made. He is looking at the traffic outside the window and the chill in his eyes.

He said to himself, "the old moth can't move. It's OK to clean up the small moth." Huo Junting is tasting the coffee in his hand, thinking that he hasn't been with Teng ziyue for a long time. Today, he wants to solve the problem earlier and pick her up from work.

Want Teng ziyue Huo Junting eyes full of smile, as if just in the eyes of the cold of the dead is illusion.

Planning room of all, in the face of Huo Junting's sudden attack, it is a plaintive way.

"What's the purpose of Huo Dong's doing this? Before, when the boss didn't change people, the plans were all done in this way, but now they can't do it with him?" A man with glasses said angrily.

"That's to say, he's just a boy who doesn't know anything. If he hadn't been born in Huo's family, he might not be as good as us now?" A girl with a steamed bun face said.

"Well, well, let's not say a few words. After all, they are the boss. We are just working, and we can't just follow what the boss says. Huo Dong doesn't give us much time. Let's work by express. Don't complain! " A slightly fat man, who is older and looks like an old man in the company, said.

After listening to the man's words, everyone was quiet and busy.

There is no voice in the office. The only thing left is the sound of people's fingers flying on the keyboard and crackling on the keyboard. Everyone is concentrating and staring at the computer screen. The clock on the wall is ticking away, and the time is passing by. In a twinkling of an eye, it's only 10 minutes from 3 o'clock now

sister Cheng is walking slowly on her high heels They are all busy with what they are doing. They don't notice that they are standing at the door and looking at Cheng Jie on the doorframe.

"It's finally finished. That's great. It's almost time. Let's ask sister Cheng to go to the conference room together." The round face girl just finished.

"I've been here a long time. It seems that the plan book has been completed. Let's go as soon as possible. It's too late. Huo Dong's anger can't be borne by you and me."

With that, sister Cheng took the lead to go to the conference room first, and the people behind quickly followed.

Arriving at the door of the conference room, everyone sorted out their faces and went in. Huo Junting, who had been waiting for a long time in the room, looked at the crowd and fired directly at sister Cheng.

"Director Cheng, this is a plan written by your staff. Have a good look at it yourself. Didn't you have a look at it before you handed it to me?" Huo Junting picked up the planning book at hand and threw it in front of sister Cheng.

Sister Cheng, who looks like a pig's liver, lowers her head and looks vicious. When she raises her head, her face returns to normal. She picks up the plan book thrown in front of her by Huo Junting, opens it and looks at it casually.

He raised his head, with a smile on his face, looked at Huo Junting and said, "Huo Dong, what's wrong with this plan book? It used to be written like this."

Huo Junting sat on the chair with his fingers on the solid wood table. He knocked with one or another. His eyes darkened. He thought to himself: it seems that I am too kind. I can't go on like this any more. Now I need to set an example to others.

Huo Junting didn't directly return to Cheng Jie's words, slightly turned his head, looked at the people sitting on the other side, their faces kept changing, and said: "what do you think of your plan book? Well

The secret is not good in everyone's heart. How can you really listen to the rumors outside, saying that Huo Dong is a fool? Who put out the rumors?

At this time, the conference room was silent and seemed to be waiting for other people to answer. Maybe Huo Junting, who was in full swing at this time, and his expressionless face was really a little scary.

Looking at the atmosphere anxiously, the man with glasses said in his heart: "Damn, I dare not fart at the key time. I was just in the office. I said that Huo Dong is just a white face and a paper tiger. He has no ability. Now everyone is silent. What's more, if Huo Dong really has no means How could he, as soon as he came back, throw his elder brother out of his place and send him back to prison? He was out of his mind before he listened to those rumors! "When Huo Junting saw the people in front of him, his face was gloomy and even darker. He thought that the people in front of him were just incompetent. Now it seems that he is not only incompetent, but also timid.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid to speak? " Huo Junting's cold voice rang out in everyone's ears. When they heard this, everyone breathed less.

Just when they are all hesitating about how to answer Huo Junting's question. On one side, sister Cheng could not help but speak first.

She thinks that she is also an old employee of the company, and that Huo Junting will give herself some face.

Everyone heard that sister Cheng opened her mouth. She was also relieved that she had escaped the disaster, and her nervous tension relaxed a little.

But the following words, let them even more surprised jaw will fall down, they really didn't expect, sister Cheng was so stupid!

"Don't embarrass them, Mr. Huo. The plan book of our planning department has always been like this. The two of you have never said anything before. How did you get here... "