"Yueyue, this is a case seven years ago. It's too difficult to overturn the deal. I've been aboveboard all my life. I've never done anything furtive in business. If it wasn't for Xu Mei's illness, I would not have stayed in this ghost place for seven years." Xu Zehua said angrily to his daughter.

"So you were really framed?" Xu Yue ignited hope in her heart.

"At that time, Xu Mei's mother was found to be schizophrenic. At that time, the boss of an enterprise was intimate with Xu Mei's mother. I didn't expect that he would take advantage of Xu Mei's mother's bad mental state and put all the tax evasion invoices into our company. One day, the police came to investigate and found billions of invoices, leaving me with ten mouths I don't know. I was arrested on the spot. After that, no matter how many times I appealed, it turned out to be rejected. Seven years later, my anger has long gone out... "

This kind of words, let Xu Yue hate to clench a fist.

She can't imagine how her father spent the past seven years with such a false accusation. Without the understanding and help of his family, he has come to the present with such tenacious willpower. At the moment, she thinks he is a great hero!

"Can you tell me who was the boss of that enterprise?" He Dong suddenly asked.

"His name is Li Wanxiang. I think he has already quit business, but he has a son named Liming. Now he should also get along well. After all, his father has laid a solid foundation for him in business." Although far away from the world for a long time, it seems that father still has a little grasp of many things.

"Dawn?" He Dong mumbled the name, and then looked at Xu Yue thoughtfully.

But at this time, Xu Yue didn't pay attention to his meaning, thinking that he was just thinking about whether there was such a person in business.

"Who are you, Yueyue?" Then, Xu Zehua looks at He Dong and asks.

"Uncle, I'm Xu Yue's boyfriend." Hedong came back and said with a smile.

"Boyfriends? Well, you have to treat us well, Yueyue. I tell you, boy, although I'm in prison, if you dare to bully my daughter, I won't let you go one day! " Like all fathers in the world, Xu Zehua loves Xu Yue and protects her in his own way.

I don't know why. Xu Yue just wants to cry

"Don't worry, she is the only one who bullies me." Hedong replied with a smile.

"Then I can rest assured, He Dong. My old man is here. Please help me take care of their mother and daughter. They must have been very hard these years. I'm sorry for them, but I still want to ask you to take care of them. Thank you..." Xu Zehua's eyes are full of tears again.

"Don't worry, uncle. I will take good care of them." He Dong seems to be guaranteeing the same, with extremely firm tone said.

"It's time for this visit. I'm going to take the prisoner back now." All of a sudden, the prison guard came in. He stood behind Xu Zehua and said to them.

Xu Yue didn't expect that time passed so quickly. It was just a few minutes. How could it be?

"Dad, you believe me, I will find the evidence and return your innocence!" At the last moment, Xu Yue said to her father.

"Child, take good care of yourself and your mother, come and see me when you have time..."

This is Xu Zehua's last sentence. After that, he turned and wiped his tears with his hands. With the help of the prison guard, he went out.

He didn't ask Xu Yue to help him find out the truth. He didn't ask her to return his innocence. His only request is that she take good care of herself and her mother, and then go to see him more

Regret, remorse, guilt, sadness, all the emotions surged up, Xu Yue felt that she was an unforgivable sinner, she even ignored her father for seven years, she let him with injustice in prison for seven years, she had no way to forgive myself

When He Dong helped Xu Yue out of the prison, the high iron door was closed. She swore in her heart that she would return her father's innocence one day, and she would take him out of the prison with dignity!

In any case, she must find Li Wanxiang and let him pay the price for what he did.

Back in the car, He Dong unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Xu Yue: "drink some water. I know you are sad. As long as we don't give up, we will find clues."

"But how can we find Li Wanxiang in the vast crowd? After so many years, it's too difficult to restore the truth. What's more, Xu Mei's mother also committed suicide by jumping off a building. In this way, there is no proof of death. I......" Thinking about it, Xu Yue suddenly felt that her hope was more and more dim.

If she could come to see her father earlier and know that he has been wronged earlier, this matter would not be oppressed for seven years. The more she thinks about it, the more incompetent she will feel!

"Yueyue, I don't blame you for this. I know you blame yourself for ignoring him in the past seven years, but at least you are not alone now. I'm here. Let's try our best to find the clue and return your father's innocence, OK?" Hedong's tone was full of sincerity."Thank you, Hedong." Hearing He Dong say so, Xu Yue's tears fell uncontrollably again.

Hedong gently helped her dry her tears and held her hand tightly, as if giving her strength and courage.

"We'll have more than three hours to get back now. If you're tired, sleep for a while. I'll drive slower." After that, Hedong touched her hair and started the car.

Where does Xu Yue want to sleep? Her mind is full of her father's figure, and his gray hair

"I want to search the information about Li Wanxiang on the Internet to see what kind of person he is." After that, Xu Yue took out the browser opened by her mobile phone and entered Li Wanxiang in the search column.

It's worthy of being a tycoon in the business world. There are many rumors about him on the website!

Li Wanxiang, 65 years old, founded crescent Technology Co., Ltd. seven years ago, ranking second in city a!

When she thought that her father's company was number one, Xu Yue thought to herself that they must be friends on the surface, but they were competing with each other secretly.

After my father's company was closed down, Xu Yue compared the time point, but Li Wanxiang's company once went to glory, creating a historical record that no one can surpass so far!

According to the information, with the growth of his age, Li Wanxiang gradually withdrew from the business world and transformed the company into a jewelry company, which was managed by his only son Liming.