Since the paternity test came out, Xu Yue no longer dared to expect to be a mother. However, she didn't see the little guy for such a long time. Unexpectedly, he called her mother as soon as he saw her. She almost burst into tears.

"We agreed? It's called auntie. " Xu Yuefu said, touching Mingyu's brain.

"But dad said I could call you mom, and dad said my aunt would be mom in the future." Mingyu looked at her with happy eyes and said.

Xu Yue thought it was Mingyu's own idea, but He Dong asked him to do it. No matter whether she is Mingyu's biological mother or not, her love for him will not decline at all. She must admit that she enjoys this feeling very much. When Mingyu calls her mother, she feels the happiness and satisfaction of being a mother.

"Mom, you are so beautiful today." Mingyu looks at Xu Yue's white dress and looks like a little fan.

This guy's EQ must not be inherited from Hedong, he is much higher than his father's EQ, and she is in a super good mood.

"What a sweet mouth Xu Yue smiles and kisses him on his small face.

"Mom, Dad's drunk again, isn't he?" Then Mingyu took a look at Hedong's room upstairs and asked her carefully.

"It's OK. He'll just get a sleep. Don't be afraid." Xu Yue comforted him.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" The little guy looked at her with expectant eyes and said.

Xu Yue originally intended to send Hedong back to her home, but seeing Mingyu's expectant little eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse him. This was the first time she had the chance to sleep with him, so she agreed to him without thinking.

"Yes! Great, mom can sleep with me today After Xu Yue agreed, Mingyu was very happy.

"Is it time for us to take a bath and go to bed?" Xu Yue scratched his little nose with her hand and said.

Mingyu smiles and nods, so she takes him into the bathroom

There is a special bathtub for children in the bathroom. Mingyu cleverly puts the bath water and jumps in. The bubble of the shower gel makes him excited. She thought it was difficult to help children take a bath, but she didn't expect to be so happy

After taking a bath, Xu Yue wrapped Mingyu in a bath towel and took him to his small room. He lay down in the quilt, grabbed her hand and begged her to help him tell a story. So she took a story book from the head of the bed and began to tell it in a soft voice. After a while, the little guy on the bed fell asleep

Looking at Mingyu's sleeping face, Xu Yue gently kisses him on the forehead, then turns off the light and prepares to go to the next room to see how He Dong is

When the door is opened, Xu Yue hears the sound of snoring. They all say that men snore when they are drunk. It seems that Hedong is no exception. The housekeeper also does his duty. After helping Hedong into the room, she helps him put on his pajamas and cover the quilt. At the moment, he is also sleeping soundly. She looks at his facial features carefully and suddenly finds that the father and son are still very similar when they sleep. She doesn't know why Suddenly, a kind of proud thought came into her mind. She was very happy at the thought that these two men like her very much

It's still early from dawn, but Xu Yue is not sleepy. She always thinks about Vivian in her mind. So she walks out of Hedong's bedroom and comes to the living room. I turn on the computer and look up a lot of information about Vivian.

Looking at the past is nothing more than the brilliant achievements of Vivian's modeling career. Xu Yue always feels that there is a secret behind her!

Before, Zhou Zihan told Xu Yue to draw the design draft before meeting Vivian. Now, Xu Yue meets Vivian herself and sees her aura in person, so it's much easier to design.

Xu Yue wants to strike while the iron is hot and show her original inspiration, so she takes paper and pen from her study and works late at night

It's not so easy to get Vivian's approval. Xu Yue wants to design a good dress this time, not only to prove herself, but also to tell Xu Mei that she is no longer the little girl who was bullied and manipulated by her. Even without Hedong's protection, she will have to fight with Xu Mei sooner or later. This time Vivian is just Xu Mei Just pay her a piece!

In the middle of the night, Xu Yue had so many inspirations that she unconsciously drew the first draft. Looking at the clothes on the drawing, she nodded her head with satisfaction. Although she knew that Vivian was not so good, at least she took the first step bravely

"Xu Yue! Xu Yue

Xu Yue doesn't know when she went to sleep. When she was awakened by He Dong, it was the next morning.

"Why are you sleeping here?" After the hangover, Hedong looks puffy, but still handsome.

"Oh, that Yesterday, Mingyu asked me to coax him to sleep. I didn't leave because it was too late, so... " Xu Yue looked at He Dong and said.

"So you stayed up all night to design Vivian's clothes?" Hedong looked at the thick paper on the desk and asked her."What do you think?" Xu Yue looks at He Dong with expectant eyes and asks.

"No! Now go take a hot bath and go back to bed and have a good sleep. " He Dong's answer made Xu Yue very disappointed. He thought that she could draw the first draft in such a short time. He Dong would praise her, but he thought that he absolutely denied her.

"I wake up. I have to go to the company later." Xu Yue said very disappointed.

"Don't you understand that I'm sorry you didn't sleep well all night? Is understanding so poor? " Maybe seeing the expression on Xu Yue's face, He Dong's tone was much more gentle.

"Good words don't speak well..." Xu Yue muttered in a low voice.

To tell you the truth, Xu Yue really thinks that his EQ is not as good as Mingyu's. He is obviously concerned about people, so what he says has to be reversed. In the end, he blames others for not being able to understand his good intentions. It's really Prince Aojiao himself!

"What did you say?" Probably did not hear clearly what Xu Yue mumbled, He Dong frowned and asked.

"Nothing. I'll see if Mingyu wakes up." Xu Yue quickly changed the topic, then turned and went upstairs to Mingyu's room.

On the way to Mingyu's room, Xu Yue sees He Dong pick up her drawing and nods happily. This person is always inconsistent, and she doesn't bother to care with him.

When entering the room, the little guy was still sleeping. Xu Yue didn't have the heart to wake him up, so she sat silently by the bed and watched him all the time.