This time, Chen Feiyu not only didn't charge any admission fee, but also announced to the world the real relationship between him and Wendi. He was the one who carried the most on this concert.

Xu Yue can't even imagine what kind of state the audience will be like when he speaks about his feelings with Wendi on stage. But at this moment, she can only think about the good, not the bad.

"Don't worry!" Chen Feiyu confidently said to her.

He Dong and Chen Feiyu give each other a hug. Xu Yue doesn't hear what they say. But when He Dong turns around and walks with her to the audience, I vaguely see tears in his eyes

I don't know whether it's because of the scandal or the fact that tickets are not charged. Today, there are so many people coming to see the concert. Even outside the square, there are so many people. Xu Yue keeps looking at the crowd, hoping to see Wendi in the bustling crowd. Wendi has told her that she will attend every concert of Chen Feiyu.

But Xu Yue has not seen Wendi for a long time. She doesn't know why she is so sad that she wants to cry

Xu Yue and He Dong sat in the front of the stage, quietly waiting for the official start of the concert!

The expression on Hedong's face started to go wrong after he hugged Chen Feiyu. Until now, he has been very calm, and it's hard for him to sit down. Xu Yue doesn't know what they said, which makes Hedong so calm.

"Hedong? What's the matter with you? " Out of curiosity, Xu Yue asked, because she had never seen He Dong so dispassionate.

"Nothing." Hedong replied calmly.

"What's the matter? What did Feiyu tell you? " Xu Yue continued to ask.

"He said

"Welcome to Chen Feiyu's concert!" Before He Dong finished answering Xu Yue's words, the whole stage lights up. Chen Feiyu slowly walks to the center of the stage with a microphone.

All of a sudden, there was applause. Chen Feiyu made a deep bow to the audience. He didn't stand up until the applause stopped.

Xu Yue was deeply moved by this move. No matter how bad things happened, at least at this moment, the audience recognized Chen Feiyu's music, and Chen Feiyu always respected music and those who supported his music dream.

"Hello everyone, I'm Chen Feiyu. I'm glad to see so many people supporting me. Maybe everyone will ask me why this concert doesn't accept tickets. What I want to tell you is that music is priceless. I only accept tickets when I completely show music. But today, my biggest original intention is not to sing, so I'm sorry I don't accept tickets. On the contrary, I have a very, very important thing to ask for your help. So please let go of your doubts and encouragement and listen to me carefully! " After that, Chen Feiyu bowed to the audience again.

Xu Yue seems to think that Chen Feiyu has suddenly become an adult from a little boy. He is more than a little mature. He is a real man with a sense of responsibility and responsibility. She feels proud of him from the bottom of her heart!

The applause under the stage was constant, and even he Dong, who was so cold, was clapping desperately.

"Thank you. The first song I'm going to sing is very familiar to all of you. Of course, I also want to use the name of this song to interpret the theme of my concert, that is" the first dream, "Chen Feiyu said on the stage.

Then the lights on the stage dimmed and the accompaniment sounded. At the moment when Chen Feiyu's voice sounded, the whole stage lit up, and the fans holding the support lights under the stage swayed with the music

"If pride is not photographed coldly by the sea of reality, how can you know that you have to work hard to get far away..." Chen Feiyu sang heartily on the stage, as if every lyric was singing his own

Hearing the most moving part, many people on stage are secretly wiping their tears. Xu Yue is no exception. Because she has witnessed his hard work and hard work, she is more distressed for him who is singing so hard on stage.

There is a saying: I don't know what the song is for the first time, but I'm the one for the second time.

Chen Feiyu had to grow up in an instant, so the feeling he sang was completely different from that of the original song. He had different interpretations of the song and expressed different emotions. Every word Chen Feiyu sang made people feel sad.

Compared with him, Wendi is the one who loves Xu Yue more

Xu Yue always thinks that God will not treat hard-working people badly, so she believes that as long as Wendi can come back safely, Chen Feiyu will get better and better.

Seeing so many people who support him, Xu Yue suddenly feels that all his hard work and efforts a few days ago are worth it!

After singing one song, Chen Feiyu goes on to sing another of his original songs. He Dong's eyes have been watching the movements on the stage. Chen Feiyu, who is singing in love, never leaves his sight for a moment

The concert gradually entered the high tide. At this time, Chen Feiyu suddenly stopped. He held the microphone tightly in his hand, and then the whole audience heard soft music. He went to the front of the stage and made a kiss to all the audience.The fans were screaming like crazy. No one knew what Chen Feiyu was going to do next. Everyone was still immersed in the atmosphere of music, looking forward to his opening again.

"I'm a little tired, or I'll tell you a story, OK?" Chen Feiyu asked the fans in a very gentle tone.

"Good!" The fans under the stage said with one voice.

Just like an invisible tacit understanding between idol and fans: I support whatever you do, I like every way you look, as long as you are happy, I will be happy!

Xu Yue is very happy that after such a big storm, there are so many people who continue to unswervingly like Chen Feiyu and his songs. It is a very happy thing to be liked and supported by so many strangers.

"But you have to make sure you don't scold me or hate me after listening to this story." then Chen Feiyu said in a very naughty tone.

"I love you forever!"

"I won't hate you!"


The fans under the stage yelled one by one. When Xu Yue was infected by this kind of love, she found that the man around her was secretly wiping tears!

This is probably the first time that Xu Yue saw such a fragile Hedong.